Shock Video: Shepard Smith Insists U.S. Has Sided With Sunnis In Iraq Civil War

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Here’s the background

Senator Chambliss: “Well, we’re supporting the Iraqis, Shepard”

Shep: “Right now, Senator, with all due respect, we’re with the Sunnis”

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25 Responses

  1. sully

    “Ah Shephard, you are a wise man.”

    Clearly to ole Shep here Gen. Petraeus is not talking about reality but he is…


  2. Al-zahri

    ohhh… Shephard How art thou stupid?

  3. dad 3/7

    ahhhhh shephard ur an idiot.. and have had not credibility since u chased that poor new orleans cop on the bridge surrounded by water pleading for help for the people of new orleans just before u got on ur helocopter and went to ur motel for a shit,shower,shave and steak,,,,that is why i quit listening to u a long long time ago,,,,

  4. WatcherWTF

    What’s that old saying about a little bit of knowledge being dangerous?

  5. LadyAngler

    Shep is a friggin princess. He spends more time primping than I do.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    I agree. I stopped listening to this moron after the Katrina tirade. He’s not very good at math either. He said that the Shia/Sunni schism in Iraq has been going on for 4 times the years that our country has existed. No try again Sheppie-boy…more like since the 7th Century. That’s a little more than 4 times the years that our country has been around.

    But if we were simply supporting Sunnis, then why are we also supporting the Shia-led government and integrating all Iraqi sects into their Army, police and government?

    And why are so many Shia turning against the Iranian-backed minorities in the Shia sect? Remember Sheppie-boy there are something like 700+ different sects of Shia in the world. And Iraqis are not Persian…they are Arab. Arabs don’t like Persians. Dipshit…

  7. dad 3/7

    ahhh dano,, 4 x our countries age (1776×4=7th centruy),,HUH?? and why did we disband the sunni army and police force??? because they were killing all the shias and kurds..and why have we let the little fat shia pig live??? shep should have stated with the 3stooges,,,,

  8. Steve in NC

    I went away after the Katrina preening and bullshit too

    a lot of fox is going to news porn style anyway, the morning show has gone to hell also

  9. Irish Gal

    Well, looks and brains don’t always go together Shep…

  10. drillanwr

    Seems we ALL caught onto the real Shep during his Katrina stint. And the “Martin/Lewis” act with Jerry Rivers when Jerry got to the other side of town only made it worse. We knew what to expect out of Geraldo … but Shep’s true colors came out on that bridge.

  11. John Cunningham

    I think they call them himbos.

  12. Gary in Midwest

    The similarities between Shep “the wonder dog” and John Edwards are staggering. Has anyone seen them both in the same room?

  13. LftBhndAgn

    O’Rilley has been talking shit lately too in regards to the political surge. My husband who is an active duty Marine (23 years) refuses to watch him or most of Fox anymore. I’m tired of both sides injecting THEIR FEELINGS into the FACTS of the Iraq war and presenting it as TRUTH. NEITHER reporter is THERE. NEITHER reporter (or ANY OF THEM)has any right to THINK for ME or any other American with any amount of Grey matter.

  14. LftBhndAgn

    I’m so PO’d I forgot to add:

    Just give me the damn facts. Screw the medias “Idea” of what it all means.

  15. John Cunningham

    LftBhndAgn, one of the few I watch regularly anymore, though he’s beginning to get on my nerves also.

  16. Kipp

    Nothing makes a liberal like myself happier then to see Conservatives turn against Fox News. I love you guys when you eat your young.

    Crunch, crunch

  17. Brian H

    Just to be precise:
    2007-1776 = 231. 4 x 231 = 924.
    2007-632 = 1375. 1375 / 231 = ~6 .

    So he was off by a factor of 50% (6 = 150% of 4).

  18. Deathstar

    Poor Kip thinks the leftist drivel at fox is conservative. Not very bright is he?

    Kippy, being slightly left of center dosnt make fox conservative, just less crap than the rest of the LMSM.

    Nice try though.

  19. Deathstar

    By the way, my favorite eating their young story is the libs who turned on the hard core pascifist, anti war congress man from Oregon who went to Iraq and realized the surge was working.

    Oh, and the way they turned on the Brookings institute lefties (and John Kerry campaigners) who realized the same thing.

    Liberals, crunch, crunch, chewy.

  20. TJ (the Kafir)

    so kipp you still think fox news is conservative and all the other networks un biased?

    why didnt saxby call shepparad a liar or at least one who hasnt a clue what is going on on the ground in iraq?

    I’m not impressed with politicians today. calll a spade a spade for crying out loud! :mad:

  21. deathstar


    The slightly left of center Fox news is hardly conservative, just less crap than the less of the LMSM.

    BTW, my favorite “eat their young stories” (and in these cases that term can be accuratly applied) are:

    The way the libs turned on the lefty Brookings Institute reporters (and Kerry supporters) who went to Iraq and reported the surge was working.

    The way the libs turned on the lefty, anti war senator who voted against freeing Iraq but, after visiting, also admits the surge is working. His constituents (ill informed losers that they are) riped him a new one.

    Liberals, chewy.

  22. TerryTate



    Nothing makes a liberal like myself happier then to see Conservatives turn against Fox News. I love you guys when you eat your young.”

    Well Kipper,

    We don’t eat our own, we just have sense enough to chastise them when they are wrong. It helps to cull the herd there partner. Helps them mature and grow up.

    Try it once and awhile with your liberal friends, as lord knows, liberals have plenty to be corrected over.

    Then again, why bother eh? It would take someone in the liberal circles with the ability to think in order to illuminate the ignorant amongst you, and we all know that just ain’t gonna happen.

  23. Irish Gal

    Yeah, but I love me some 1/2 Hour News Hour….

  24. Lamplighter

    The problem with the 24 hour cable/internet news cycle is: there’s too much information, repeated. It leads to becoming sort of brainwashed, either by Fox or CBS, or CNN, take your pick. Turn the TV and computer OFF. Live your life. It’s remarkable how little time it takes to become up to speed on current events. Shep spends too much time gazing in the mirror and not enough time doing his homework. I know where he got his little theory that he was trying to force all his interviewees into: Time magazine. I saw it in a waiting room. “US sides with Sunnis.” We all know what garbage Time is.

  25. Dan (The Infidel)


    Yeah I loved watching Moveon and Sheehan eat their own Pelosi and Reid…Nothing makes this conservative feel better than to watch you libs fall all over yourselves to see which one of you can be the most treasonous.

    I still say libs taste better after they have been BBQ’d. Needs salt though…. :mrgreen:

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