Video: How To Save A Life

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“How to save a life?” That became the most important question after 9-11. How to save more civilian lives, how to save our future. The answer, as far as I’m concerned, is to do as we have done, and take the fight to the enemy, in order to not let the Jihadis conquer the Islamic world and use it as their powerbase for further conquest. WMD was the last and least important of reasons to go into Iraq. Turning the tide of jihad was the first and most important.

9-11 memorials are important both to honor and remember the victims and the heroes, and to maintain a vision of what we must fight to prevent from happening again.

This is a simple, no frills, homemade slideshow-style memorial video of 9-11. It works perfectly for me.

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9 Responses

  1. Lil Mac

    Well …. That pretty much said it all !!!

    Thanks Pat !!! :beer: :cry:

  2. LftBhndAgn

    For any of you who have forgotten I suggest you watch a few of the archives on this link.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    This is Why We Fight…Remember 9-11. Support your troops and MF the dog-puke-eating Dhimocrats, Code Pink. Moveon, the LMSM and Cindy the nutcase Sheehan.

    And to OBL and his donkey-fucking followers: There’s a bullet with your name on it…you won’t know when or where…but it is comming…

  4. Hooligan law

    may the victims of 9-11 sleep well in the arms of angels :sad:

  5. drillanwr

    As much as the pain of that day six years ago, my soul aches for the all the merciless and criminal slings and arrows this man (Pres. George W. Bush) has had to suffer since then. I am amazed at his strength to, YES, “stay the course” in this fight. While, (and I just saw a dem member of Congress telling FNC that wee need to pull troops out of Iraq and put them in A-stan to fight the war on terror), there are those in our government and in the easy range of microphones and cameras that absolutely refuse to see Iraq as a battle in the greater war, were we NOT in Iraq THEY would most assuredly be screaming for us to bring our troops home from A-stan.

    In the last six years I am in awe of those of our young men and women who drive themselves down to the recruiting offices and voluntarily sign their names to a commitment to fight and possibly sacrifice their lives in that fight. I am in awe of the friends of my daughters who have done this, and who have done multiple tours … some losing limbs, and some nearly losing life and limb … some who started the next generation of Americans while serving. We can ALL learn something very valuable and important from these young people … the Rummies of our offspring generation … But one needs to understand completely the importance of this fight … whether it’s A-stan, Iraq, Iran … where ever we have to go.

    Sadly, some people are either blind or eagerly ignorant to the depth of the fight that we are in the very early throngs of … A few months ago Michelle Malkin and Bryan Preston took this same song and made a chilling rendition … a reminder of Why We Fight … and exactly WHO we are fighting:

    “How to Take a Life”

  6. Right_Is_Right

    Wow - The Take a Life vid was great! I will have to wait until later to watch the other as it does not work on this network…

  7. mindy abraham

    For the 9/11 victims rest in peace :cry: For the people who do this kind of thing-do you really think you are going to heaven after you do this kind of thing to innocent people? :twisted: :mad:

  8. tom

    wow–I was just watching this video at my desk in downtown St. Louis, and the relative silence in my office was shattered as 2 F-15s (MO Nat. guard, no doubt)just flew over downtown as it ended…hell of an experience. thanks for the great video

  9. Lamplighter

    We should never forget. The families of the victims will never forget. We did not bring this upon ourselves, we didn’t deserve it. It was a big deal, and anyone that suggests we should “move on” doesn’t get it. America is a great strong country of opportunity and freedom. The cowardly pissants who got lucky and made this strike will lose in the end. They got lucky because we lowered our guard. Think about it: that towelhead sitting in a cave releasing videos most likely has some loser high school/college dropout from Orange County, CA writing his scripts for him (Adam Gadahn). It’s almost comedic.

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