Yet Another Sistani Aide Assasinated

September 11th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


We’re up to six now. So who’s behind it, Al Sadr? Iran? And what’s the endgame?

Basra, Sept 11, (VOI)- An official source from Basra provincial council said on Tuesday unknown gunmen killed an aide to the top Shiite cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani after storming his house in the southern Iraqi city of Basra.

“Unknown gunmen stormed, last night, the house of Sayyed Hussein al-Husaini in al-Jiniynah neighborhood, northern Basra, and killed him,” the source, who spoke on anonymity condition, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

The source added that al-Husaini, a Sistani representative in Basra, is also the Imam of the Shiite al-Mahtah mosque.

This is the second incident in as many days after unknown gunmen shot dead Sheikh Muslim al-Battat, an aide to Sistani, a week ago in Basra.

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7 Responses

  1. Irish Gal


  2. Ray

    Ahhh, isn’t Islam great. You get to kill your competition in the name of Allah.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    There is obviously a power grab going on in the Shia community. Al Sadr, Badr and Iran are attempting to dominate the Shias and remove Sistani’s influence.

    Sistani is the only Iman that is worth a shit, and is his own man. He is not influenced by any militia group or Iran.

    It’s anybody’s guess as to whom the perps are. My guess is that at some point Sistani himself will be killed…which will ignite a war between shia and shia with the winner ruling the Shia community.

    We should take Al-Sistani into custody for his own protection and bring his followers with him. He’s too important to peace and stability in that area to allow the perps to get him.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    “We’re up to six now. So who’s behind it, Al Sadr? Iran?”

    All of the above.

    And what’s the endgame?
    Make it look like random sectarian violence. Make it look like a “Civil War”, Make it look like Iraq is a quagmire. Make it look like the Evil Americans are the occupiers. Make it look like Iran can come walking into Iraq and be the big hero of the day to save the country and stop all the violence when in FACT they are behind it ALL.

  5. John Cunningham

    Dan, they should move him to the Green Zone. Besides he looks like he hasn’t had a healthy dump for twenty years.

  6. Jewish Odysseus

    Remember that alSadr’s arrest was ordered because in 2003 he murdered Ayatollah Khoei, a pro-Western Shi’a leader.

  7. GBU43

    Sounds like Muqtada is moving in.. Planning a promotion.

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