Breaking: “Sanctions Are Dead” So U.S. Prepares To Bomb Iran

September 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Germany secretly wants bombings

Fox News:

U.S. Officials Begin Crafting Iran Bombing Plan
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
By James Rosen

WASHINGTON — A recent decision by German officials to withhold support for any new sanctions against Iran has pushed a broad spectrum of officials in Washington to develop potential scenarios for a military attack on the Islamic regime, FOX News confirmed Tuesday.

Germany — a pivotal player among three European nations to rein in Iran’s nuclear program over the last two-and-a-half years through a mixture of diplomacy and sanctions supported by the United States — notified its allies last week that the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel refuses to support the imposition of any further sanctions against Iran that could be imposed by the U.N. Security Council.

The announcement was made at a meeting in Berlin that brought German officials together with Iran desk officers from the five member states of the Security Council. It stunned the room, according to one of several Bush administration and foreign government sources who spoke to FOX News, and left most Bush administration principals concluding that sanctions are dead.

The Germans voiced concern about the damaging effects any further sanctions on Iran would have on the German economy — and also, according to diplomats from other countries, gave the distinct impression that they would privately welcome, while publicly protesting, an American bombing campaign against Iran’s nuclear facilities.


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21 Responses

  1. bd

    We ‘could’ win any war with any other nation or nations arrayed against us as our enemy.

    To bad half of America would rather commit a drug-fueled, sex addled, and video game entertained suicide.

    Now again that half gets off their lazy asses and go on trips.

    Like the Vietnam War Memorial

    “Mrs. Trooprally called me this evening to tell me that she and her husband, as well as Concretebob, saw damage along almost the entire length of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. They found this damage this morning, when they walked through the area before participating in the September 11th Freedom Walk.

    Concretebob was told by a National Park Service employee that the damage was done on Friday night. There was no police report taken or written about the vandalism, apparently. And the damage was still very much there today.

    Here are a few of the photos that Mrs. Trooprally took this morning…

    This first one is not so noticeable, but as they walked into the center, it got worse.”

    Yes, they support the troops.

    They support me. Specialist in the U.S. Army.

  2. bd

    This is the link to the now defaced memorial of all who served in America’s longest war.

  3. radgy

    go get some boys

  4. A.S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    Iran must bleed.

  5. Korndawg

    Thank God France and Germany have finally come to their senses….I only hope that enough people over here will do the same and get rid of these traitors in the democratic party. We need to hang the reids, pelosis,and murthas, as well as these self-serving holywood fucks you know the names…I’ll get the rope

  6. TJ (the Kafir)

    that ticks me off. germany privately supports america attacking iran while they publicly protest it. Thats sleazy, is there any political courage and leadership anywhere besides the USA? :oops:

  7. Howie

    TJ there aint much brave leadership in Washington.
    Pat Dollard for President, Bashman for VP, Iggy for Secretary of Defense, and RightHandGirl for Secretary of State!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. SnarfyBobo

    why are we doing it because germany doesnt want to hurt their economy? why doesnt germany do it?

  9. Bob USMC

    ND, I saw those photos of that dispicable vandalism, and these lefty loontard’s and the dems that won’t denounce them have to be made to pay a huge price for stuff like that.

    This country needs a wake up call as to the damage the liberals are doing!

  10. Bob USMC

    Howie, I want to be music czar in charge of morale. :mrgreen:

  11. Michel

    These days im not proud of my country. We are the ones who fuel the Iranian economy, if something goes wrong it would be our job to clean up the mess. But we don’t, as usually the military’s hands are tied to pacifism, I’m sorry, so when you are bombing Iran into Stone Age convey my greetings to those Iranian bastards. Their leadership deserves it.

    - A German

  12. Ranger

    “The Germans, according to diplomats from other countries, gave the distinct impression that they would privately welcome, while publicly protesting, an American bombing campaign against Iran’s nuclear facilities.”

    See this is the shit I’m sick of. Cowboy up already all you hypocritical fucks.

  13. Steve in NC

    @ Michel,

    is Germany a still a democracy?

    if so you are not powerless

    maybe you are passive to the point of submission to the leftists in your country

    the german citizens have a bad history of being passive in the face of internal evil

  14. Michel

    @Steve in NC:

    No. Clearly No. There is no free speech. If you’re not sharing the same opinion as the 68. hippy elite who is running today the whole country, it is not free speech.

    The people are completly manipulated by the media. There is no such thing as Fox.

    35,5 % of German journalist favour the Green party.
    26 % favour the social-demokratic party.
    19 % dont favor anything
    and last but not least the German version of the GOP
    8,7 & favour christ-demoratic party.

    So you see and compare those results with the last election you see, large chunks of the people’s opinion are not represented in the media.

    Oh, and before I forget Merkel is the worst chancellor we had! I should know I’m a party member.

    We are heading right a way into Socialism (again).

    But at least there are blogs you can rely on.

  15. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    OSAMA is Fucked, that’s why his last ditch effort video sounded so desperately like Hitler’s last words before the coward committed suicide when we took Germany. But he is the one who hides like a coward for all his people to die, for what, in the name of God, what kind of God is that? :beer: :beer: :beer:

  16. Steve in NC

    @ Michel
    “There is no such thing as Fox”

    You do not wait on some large organization, be it a government or television network to magically appear and do what is right. You get your like minded friends together, organize and find others to join you and begin to make your voice heard.

    The progress in Iraq is because of the actions of individuals that have taken responsibility for their own security and future. They quit waiting on a central government to take care of them, and have organized themselves for their greater good.

    Believe in the power of individuals, not in the power of a bureaucracy.

    As per Germany, just don’t fuck up Porsche or your Bier please. And the Brezen, don’t screw that up either.

  17. Wendy

    I say let Europe take care of this problem. Nuclear war heads are going to here there before here. If they can’t publicly support going head to head with Iran and even send there own troops to help, fuck um!!! I am so sick of their pansy ass ways. Fuck um all!!!!!! Germany is worried about their economy: mrgreen: Well they won’t have much of anything if they are hit with a nuclear weapon.

  18. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Jihad Central 9-12-07

    […] Breaking: “Sanctions Are Dead” So U.S. Prepares To Bomb Iran — Pat Dollard […]

  19. sully

    “hippy elite”?




    They don’t want sanctions cuz they’d be bad fer bizness. They “secretly” want bombings cuz they’d be good fer bizness. DUH.

  20. Lamplighter

    Don’t call Merkel “Hillary lite,” that’s such an insult to Merkel. No one can be as low a snake as Billary. Why shouldn’t Germany let the US do its dirty work? Everyone else does. It’s the easy way, and cheap, too.

  21. Jim

    Germany and France do not want the pubic scrutiny and hate, but they are scared shitless…they do not dare stand against us privately because we are battle wary, and fucking pissed beyond tolerating, or acknowledging their public mosquito bites. I also note privately they have helped with intel during the war.
    Problem…they may get acustom to us doing all the dirty work, especially Germany.

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