Two Sergeants Who Signed NYT Anti-War Op-Ed Dead In Traffic Accident

September 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Two U.S. soldiers whose signatures appeared on an op-ed piece in The New York Times critical of the war in Iraq were among seven Americans killed in a truck accident outside of Baghdad, family members said Wednesday.

Staff Sgt. Yance Gray and Sgt. Omar Mora were members of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Gray, Mora and five other soldiers died Monday when their truck overturned near the Iraqi capital, U.S. officials said.

Gray and Mora were among seven soldiers, mostly sergeants, who wrote the op-ed piece that appeared in the Times on August 19. It called the prospects of U.S. success “far-fetched” and said the progress being reported was being “offset by failures elsewhere.”

“Four years into our occupation, we have failed on every promise” they wrote.

Another of the signers of the Times article, Staff Sgt. Jeremy Murphy, was shot in the head a week before the article appeared.

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31 Responses

  1. Q_Mech

    Cue the conspiracy whack-jobs in 3…2….1….

  2. Steve in NC


  3. tipper

    Please someone verify these signatures.
    Is this coincidence or are they “Ghost Writers”?

  4. Faith of Judas

    if anyone’s entitled to a dissenting opinion, they are. R.I.P.

  5. Jim

    Damn I don’t know what it means but I feel bad for them and their families as well as the other 3700+ dead warriors…. Having said that, I’ll add I didn’t think their approach was right, but I was abliged to accept it simply because I felt they earned the right to express it. Still, my opinion is their job was the task at hand, not politics at the risk of demoralizing the ones you need to count on.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Damn…no shit…Hate to say it…but is that an omen of some kind? I don’t believe in luck or no luck. But I do believe everything happens for a purpose.

    Three guys who criticized our strategy die in seperate incidents. One a combat casualty. Two as a result of a vehicle that drove off an overpass and fell 30ft. Night Ops probably…Night Vision googles will make you lose your depth perception. We use to take them off once in a while to get our depth perception back…So, I can see where such an accident can happen…even in peacetime ops….

    It isn’t just the GWOT that we’re fighting. We’re fighting against the adherents of the “False Prophet”. Those who have studied the metaphysical side of the GWOT know what I mean. This war may well be more important than we think it is.

  7. drillanwr

    RIP, soldiers …

    I’m with Q_Mech. The MSM and the “Truther”-types are gonna have a field day.

  8. danielle

    Sad. :( R.I.P.

  9. Ranger


    QMECH–took the words out of my mouth

    Faith of Judas–ditto

    Dan–I know what you mean. However, I’m thinking less about the omen-istic aspects of it, and more about how its another demonstration that it doesn’t matter what your opinion on the war is, you are just as valid a target so long as you are non-Sharia.

  10. jay farre

    They are heroes who gave their lives for their Country.

    They were entitled to their opinions.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)


    That’s a fact. In Muslim qitaal we are all infidels.

  12. Mike in CA

    Like Super Chicken used to say to Fred…
    They were still soldiers and are in my prayers. :beer:

  13. Jim

    Dan I think if the metaphysical were to be pursuant in these deaths, I would look at the individualized energies of those readers who exclaimed a silent raging dismay at the sight of each individuals name…Further I think the deal was closed at a point of each one’s lowest emotional point…(hence demoralize). The gwot was the tool…WTF did I just write, I need a nap.

  14. maria

    No question they were targeted by black ops. Remember GWB’s famous quote, “You’re either with us or against us.” All dissenters are targets of this administration and their blackwater operatives.

  15. TBinSTL

    Yeah sure, Karl Rove is just sittin’ around the house with his family….that K-RO is just pure gangsta…..dayum :twisted:

  16. seriously?

    I hope you’re joking Maria. If not, I guess you believe that GWB has you in his sights next?

  17. TJ (the Kafir)

    what I dont get is , if you come to such a conclusion, why fight? or better yet, why would their officers let them fight? hard to complete a mission you dont believe in!

  18. Mark Tanberg

    No omen, it just happened, when it’s over you can add up the list and then think what you will. My gut says this is ever so important and I’m clueless and have only words to fight with.

  19. Dan (The Infidel)


    No they weren’t. They died for the same reason all life dies: It was their time.

  20. drillanwr

    I was going to remark how extremely differnt we here respond to the death of people who disagree with us … In contrast to what you see on Commie/Lib assmonkey blogs … However, not recognizing maria and TBinSTL names from past threads I suspect the fucking left shook up a small jar of cockroaches and dumped them in here to shit on our (Pat’s) boards … especially this one …

    A 1000 pardons if I am wrong …

  21. Korndawg

    These men gave their lives defending our country…RIP

  22. Korndawg

    Maria, what’s wrong honey the methadone clinic closed early today…

    You stupid cunt, if you truly think that all disenters are targets of GW than explain to me why is that fat fuck michael moore still alive; why is that cock slurping fag markos mouslatis (daily kos) still living; and why have the “blackwater ops” not taken out cindy “shitheal” shehan……..

  23. Sandy K.

    Staff Sgt. Yance Gray and Sgt. Omar Mora R.I.P.

    Prayers for their brothers in arms and their families in the U.S. :cry:

  24. Maria

    From this site’s T’s and C’s (terms and conditions of use for those of you who don’t know what they’re doing: “Be respectful of others and their opinions. ”

    I guess that only applies to the “leftists,” not Korndog. The “c” word? Damn! You must be edumacated in the US of A.

    Did I get too close to the truth for you? Three out of the seven involved in accidents less than a week from publishing their Op-Ed? Even the devil doesn’t have that good of a record.

  25. Mark Tanberg

    Maria since you like conspiracy theory’s how about Soro’s buying the democratic party with his left hand while doing deals with radical Islam, china, N Korea, Putin and Chavez, for the overthrow of the US after a politically arranged defeat of our forces in Iraq visa vie president Hillary or Obama. I think mine is more plausible.

  26. Mark Tanberg

    Maria since you like conspiracy theory’s how about Soro’s buying the democratic party with his left hand while doing deals with his right with radical Islam, china, N Korea, Putin and Chavez, for the overthrow of the US after a politically arranged defeat of our forces in Iraq visa vie president Hillary or Obama. I think mine is more plausible.

  27. Maria

    Facts, please, facts. What are you talking about? George Soros taking over the world? Please. It is much more likely that the grandson of the man who financed the construction of over 40 concentration camps during Hitler’s reign of terror would be genetically predisposed to try to take over the world through coercive and subversive means.

  28. Mark Tanberg

    Maria the only coercion and subversion happening is between your ears as those synapses try to gather enough energy to fire over the huge gap that you have over connecting the respective thoughts. We here on this site look forward to the coming showdown with the left that seems inevitable in this nation and the fight will be beyond words, you can count on that. A little advise “don’t be on the wrong side”

  29. Mark Tanberg

    Muriah, Soros isn’t smart enough to take over the world but he is rich enough to buy the democratic party and facilitate the demise of this great nation.

  30. Maria


    “We here on this site…” So your parents are from the South? Let me guess, hmmm, Atlanta, Georgia or Memphis, Tennessee?

    The coming showdown? The Civil War didn’t end it for you, did it? My kind of Americans defeated the British, the Confederates and the Third Reich. Don’t think we won’t do it again.

    Just remember that the righteous always win. Make sure YOU’RE on the right side.

  31. Mark Tanberg

    Righteousness, I cannot believe a leftist can even spell that,
    thats great now lets work on a definition. Abortion, well Maria there goes the righteousness of the liberals. You know maybe we better not talk ethics at all, not really the Dems forte is it. Geography is out as well (your way off base there)and not much to argue about. The civil war, if you spent any time here you would have read many comments declaring the inevitability of such an event given the rift that keeps getting larger as your group pulls further and further from our foundation, our constitution and reality in general. Why would you guys insult the best General that this country has seen in a long time? The kind of Americans that fought Germans and Japanese may have been Democrats but those Democrats dropped the first atomic bomb and for good reason, those Democrats are now Republicans because their beliefs are our beliefs and the liberal democrats of today, well those beliefs were nonexistent back then.
    Didn’t this whole thing start with your conspiracy theory about black ops? then I came up with one of my own for you to ponder, you then accused me of being from the south (as if southerners are less intelligent than where your from) What the hell?
    Isn’t Bush great I mean that he just wont be pushed around on Iraq, won’t budge, I love it, that’s righteous (I hate his border policy though)

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