US Raids Mahdi Army Leader’s House

September 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


It’s starting to look like the US is doing Muqtada Al Sadr’s dirty work, rounding up as many commanders in the army who have given their allegiance to Iran over Muqtada.

Diwaniya, Sept 12, (VOI) – A joint U.S.-Iraqi force raided the house of a Mahdi Army leader in Diwaniya’s western neighborhood of al-Jazaer and arrested two of his brothers, the media director of Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr’s office in the city, Abu Zaynab al-Karaawi, said on Wednesday.

The two brothers were arrested for their suspected belonging to the Mahdi Army, al-Karaawi told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI), adding that the leader was not in the house at the time of the raid.

Al-Karaawi refused to disclose the names of the leader or his brothers, noting, “The Mahdi Army will abide by Muqtada al-Sadr’s orders despite all provocations and raids by the occupation and Iraqi forces.”

Sixteen suspected of belonging to Mahdi Army militias were arrested on Saturday morning in a joint Iraqi-U.S. landing raid in al-Shahid al-Sadr neighborhood, central al-Diwaniya province.

Diwaniya, a predominantly Shiite province, lies 180 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

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5 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    They ought to round them all up…including mookie the loon.
    Execute them all and ship the Iraniacs off to Jordan for some water therapy.

  2. Zachary

    Doing his dirty work perhaps, but it’s to the overall benefit and safety of American forces.

    - The US troops will be credited with stopping Iran from gaining a foothold in that area. This move denies Sadr the opportunity to come off as a saviour or to regain face for allowing Iran to get the control it did. Considering the sentiments between Iraqis and Iranians, this is an important factor.

    - Divide and conquer. The Mahdi Army is already divided so it’s important to take advantage of that. Destroying the Iranian faction destroys the link back to Tehran and with it the access to the advanced Iranian weaponry. The MA will also be weakened when commanders who have gone rogue get killed by US forces.

    - With the Iranian MA proxies destroyed Iran will have to send further troops, more than likely Quds troops, if they’re going to continue meddling in Iraq. Personally, I feel the world gets a little safer every time someone from the Quds force dies.

    - Further cross-border engagements from Iran will serve as more evidence to support the case for a strike against Iran. Not that we need any more, there’s more than enough proof as is, but if it got prominent media attention :roll: it’d bolster public support for engagement with Iran.

    So, while it may be helping Sadr clean house, it’s in the best interests of the US. Besides, someone has to teach ol’ Mookie Black Teeth how to clean. He clearly doesn’t know how to do it himself.

  3. Lil Mac

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    […] US Raids Mahdi Army Leader’s House — Pat Dollard […]

  5. Brian H

    Lil Mac;
    Telling readers here about Michael Yon is teaching your grandmother to suck eggs. If there’s a fan of Pat’s who isn’t also a Yon-lover too from wayback, I’d be sure they were a newbie to the Good Stuff. Which also includes Michael Totten, Bill Roggio, and Iraq The Model.

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