Video: Fat Chick Calls Petraeus A Liar

September 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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24 Responses

  1. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Video: Shillary Calls Petraeus A Liar […]

  2. GREG G. S.

    All treasonous bastards including the butch clinton in above video, can you imagine during the Battle of the Bulge the out come if congress wasted valuable time and money with a kangaroo court forcing Eisenhower, Patton and others to explain the problems they were trying to deal with after hard won gains.

  3. drillanwr

    Yeah, that’s what can be said about her and her husband. “The suspension of disbelief…”

    Fucking shape-shifting whore …

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    I can’t stand that ugly bitch. Uh, uh, uh…More like duh…
    And she’s telling the General what his mission was in complete ignorance of his already stated mission…which was to give HIS assesment, not the Pentagon’s, not the PTUS, hell, not even the JCS’s opion on the state of Iraq…but his personal view. So yes, the bitch who can’t even keep track of her own family, nor keep her old man happy, is trying to make a decorated hero (unlike Kerry)
    out to be a liar. And this from a bitch who has turned lying and obfuscation into an art form.

    Fuck you Hillary. (And no I wouldn’t).

  5. Steve in NC

    take your guns to town son
    don’t leave your guns at home
    take your guns to town son

    I changed some Johnny Cash lyrics.

    If the secret service can read my mind, I am going to jail

  6. Howie

    That’s ok Steve we’ll bail you out…..if we aren’t in there with you.

  7. drillanwr

    Steve -

    Soap on a rope, dude …

  8. One-Shot

    This is another beeyotch who’s c_nt I wouldn’t piss up if her guts were on fire. She is your typical lib troublemaker.

  9. drillanwr

    Yo! Yo! Yo, Hill-Ho!

  10. dad 3/7

    hellary clit-cunt is THEIR answer???? i wonder if they really know what the question is..and how many of us would have sat there and taken any of it fm those idiots… but we continue to elect them,,, man we’re the idiots…..

  11. Jarhead68

    Ladies and Gentlemen, you now know the true meaning of the Jewish word CHUTZPAH!!!

  12. Dan (The Infidel)


    Not chutzpuh more like schmuck or putz…And America needs to stop letting schucks like Shillery Rotten get elected. It seems to me too many Americans are gay. I mean look at the last Congressional election. Did America get reamed in the ass or what?

  13. Korndawg

    Is anybody really surprised by this. Her mind and the pathetic minds of reid, pelosi and the rest of the democratic party were made up in 2000… and that is make life miserable for W and all that he stands for, and of course everyone that is one his side.

    If these assholes for one Gdamn second would stop and think about their actions and choice of words, they would be embarassed.

    But alas, they are the fucking crybabies that didn’t get their way and are going to throw one hell of a tantrum until they get it. Well somebody better call daddy ’cause he needs to crack these little punkass bitches in the mouth. . .

    just like mine did when I acted up…

    Thanks Dad for holding me accountable when I fucked up, I’m a better man today for those painful lessons.

  14. BlueOval8950

    I just love how some spoiled, ivory tower, Washington surrender monkey, seemingly knows more about the situation in Iraq than the Commanding General and has the nerve to politely call him a liar. Fuck you Hillary, rot in hell you stupid arrogant box licker.

  15. Greg M

    God I hate that dumb women. Man I would way rather use some more colorful words but ohh well. She also needs to stop talking with her dumb ass monotone.

  16. TouchStone

    In Dante’s “Inferno”, the bottom pit of Hell is reserved for traitors.

    Satan’s diggin’ a basement for it now - for the dems.

    And the sooner they get there, the better.

  17. GF

    She thinks this is a FUCKING movie. Anybody want to give her a front row seat? I’m suprised her fat ass wasn’t eating popcorn and eating jelly bellys.

  18. Bashman

    Let ‘em go. Let ‘em talk.

    They’re giving themselves so much rope…

    Traitorous bastards are hanging themselves in the full view of the American people. I can’t, for the life of me, understand how these liberal democrats who for two days, have grilled, and treated with utter contempt and disrespect one of the finest Americans alive, can think that the American people will not see how they are behaving and act accordingly.

    Keep talkin’ lefties, you’re hanging yourselves on Live TV.

  19. TJ (the Kafir)

    How did petraeus respond? i would have said: “so you think I am lying senator? I am not political, I was given a task and i have done so, if you believe I am a liar, i suggest you gather your facts and begin a disciplinary hearing against me. If you cant trust me to be honest, then you shouldnt have confirmed me” :cry:

  20. NV Sailor

    “…and you uh, have been made the defacto spokesman uh, for what many of us believe to be a failed policy…”

    Snappy Comeback: …and, uh, many of you are not there, and uh, I am. Biatch.

    That’s what I would say.

  21. Ranger

    What infuriates me is the contemptible way she just looks him in the eye and says basically “with all due respect (secret giggle) you are nothing but a puppet hack mouthpiece and you are lying to my face (secret giggle).”

    Used to be somebody could shoot a man for less.

  22. SnarfyBobo

    shut the fuck up, that was a chick?

  23. dadeo

    Can anyone imagine how that bitch would treat the people of the United Sates of America if she was elected president? Jeeze, if she just called a commanding General of the US military in Iraq a liar, how can ordinary American’s expect to be spoken down to?

    What a skank!

  24. Dan2


    Thought you would enjoy the photo of Hilary I put in this story.

    Face of a Liberal, Socialist, Commie If I have ever seen one!


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