First Day Of Ramadan: 45 Taliban Whacked In Failed Afghanistan Ambush

September 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


KABUL, Afghanistan - Airstrikes and Afghan army gunfire killed more than 45 suspected Taliban fighters in a clash in a southern province just as the holy month of Ramadan began, the U.S.-led coalition said.

The battle in the southern province of Uruzgan on Wednesday began when insurgents attacked a joint Afghan army and U.S.-led coalition patrol with rocket-propelled grenades and gunfire, the coalition said in a statement late Wednesday.

Afghan soldiers “cleared” Taliban fighters from firing positions within the village of Aduzay, while attack aircraft destroyed their fighting positions, it said.

NATO’s International Security Assistance Force on Wednesday said insurgents increased attacks during Ramadan last year and that they could do the same this year.

“On the eve of the holy month of Ramadan, the enemies of Afghanistan have shown they will shun peaceful coexistence in favor of attacking government forces,” said Army Maj. Chris Belcher, a coalition spokesman. “Fortunately for the citizens of Afghanistan, the ANA (Afghan National Army) is improving their tactics.”

The coalition said no Afghan or coalition soldiers or civilians were wounded or killed.

Fighting has increased dramatically in the last several weeks in Afghanistan, with more than 300 suspected Taliban fighters killed since late August, according to the U.S.-led coalition.

More than 4,300 people—mostly taliban —have died in insurgency related violence this year, according to an Associated Press count based on figures from Western and Afghan officials.


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5 Responses

  1. azbastard

    and may many more bite the dust

  2. Jarhead68

    If there is a HELL, we are filling it up fast with islamo-fascist scum so fast that Allah (Satan to you Christians out there) will have to lease some extra space from The Force.

  3. Jarhead68

    Note from the Department of Redundacy Department:

    The following piece of writing was due to a brain fart:

    “filling it up fast with islamo-fascist scum so fast”

  4. Dan (The Infidel)


    Not to worry. God don’t condone murders. Be advised the price that these murders is paying right now is far higher than they could imagine in their worst nightmare.

    Allah roams the earth seeking whom he may devour while the “false prophet” is stoking the furnaces of hell with his and all the souls of his irhabi bretheren.

    72 Virgins? Try again. 72 demons? He should be so lucky.
    It’s even better than that.

  5. Ranger

    Hooah boys.

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