Iran Builds Wall Against Basra

September 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

A member of God’s Revenge, a Shia militia with strong ties to Iran, patrolling the Basra/Iran border.

Basra, Sept 13, (VOI) - A source from Basra police said on Thursday that Iran had accomplished a large part of a security barrier along its borders with the southern Iraqi city of Basra.

“The Iranians are building a barrier along the Iraqi-Iranian borders in Basra city,” a source from al-Shalamja police told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

The source, who asked not to be named, told VOI “the barrier is seven meters high and a large part of it has already been erected.”

Meanwhile, a security source unveiled on Thursday that British forces had been deployed on the borders between the two countries since Tuesday and “British armour and tanks had been stationed in the area.”

Spokesman for the Multi-National Forces in southern Iraq denied in statements to VOI that the British forces’ deployment came in response to “escalated tension” between the U.S. and Iran, describing the move to the borders as a “routine mission.”

On Wednesday, The Independent daily said that British forces were redeployed to the Iraqi borders with Iran after escalation between Iran and the United States.

The British forces in Basra, 590 km south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, keep 5,500 troops within the Multi-National Forces in Iraq after 1,600 soldiers were withdrawn during the past few months.

Britain was the United States’ prime ally in the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Laughable. Sounds like Iran is anticipating a ground assault. Bet you that “security barrier” is mostly tank traps, mines and IED’s designed to stop a ground penetration and funnel infantry and tanks into designed kill zones.

    Hey Ahmedina dinnerjacket…Saddam tried the same trick. Guess what happened?

  2. Lil Mac

    Take the Fucker Out !!!

  3. D_Mac

    uh oh, a wall, bet the core of engineers will be sweating bullets over that one…

  4. Moe Al-zahri

    Im trying to think of how many ways we could take down that wall and 20 have already run through my head

  5. Jim

    Well jackass has got a shotgun in his hand and posing for a picture……meanwhile a bead has been drawn and a .308 150 grain piece of lead is spiraling toward his forhead

  6. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Iraq Central 9-13-07

    […] Iran Builds Wall Against Basra — Pat Dollard […]

  7. Patvann

    I’m wondering when the Progressive-saps of the planet will petition the Iranians to remove this wall. After all, the Israeli wall, and the fence between us and Mexico are “bad”, so let’s hear the outrage……(crickets)

  8. Ranger

    I wish they’d build a wall along the whole border already…makes our job easier..

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