Rudy Gets His Ad

September 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani criticized Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton in a full-page ad in Friday’s New York Times, accusing her of attacking Iraq war commander Gen. David Petraeus’ character.

The ad paid for by the Giuliani’s campaign links Clinton to another ad, paid for by, a liberal anti-war group, that ran in the Times on Monday. The MoveOn ad accused Petraeus of “cooking the books” on the Iraq war and played off his name, asking, “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?”

Meanwhile, MoveOn’s political action committee will begin airing a new ad on television Monday that accuses Bush of a “betrayal of trust.” The ad will run from Monday to Friday in Washington on cable and nationally on CNN.

The MoveOn TV ad argues that, despite plans to withdraw about 30,000 troops added to the U.S. military presence in Iraq earlier this year, Bush remains mired in the war.

“Now he’s making a big deal about, you guessed it, pulling out 30,000 troops,” the ad states. “So next year, there will still be 130,000 troops stuck in Iraq. George Bush. A betrayal of trust.”

Giuliani’s ad in the Times quotes the GOP candidate as saying, “These times call for statesmanship, not politicians spewing political venom.”

The Giuliani accuses Clinton, a New York senator, of participating in a “character attack” against Petraeus, citing her comments during a congressional hearing that the general’s progress report on Iraq required a “willing suspension of disbelief.”

Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker told Congress that while Iraq remains mostly dysfunctional, violence has decreased since the influx of 30,000 additional troops earlier this year.

Responding to Giuliani’s criticism, Clinton campaign spokesman Phil Singer said Giuliani “supports George Bush’s Iraq policy and believes it is working.

“Senator Clinton knows it isn’t and will keep up her efforts to end the war,” Singer said. “She believes the best way to honor our heroes in Iraq is to bring them home.”

A veteran’s group, Freedom’s Watch, which supports President Bush’s Iraq war strategy, also plans a print ad in the Times and has demanded the same $65,000 rate that the liberal group paid for its full-page ad. Giuliani is getting the same rate.


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11 Responses

  1. Dave the infidel

    I wish Rudy didn’t have so much liberal baggage. That being said, he has shown his mettle, which is more than can be said of the other candidates. Come on Fred, step up to the plate.

  2. Scotty

    Rep 1 Dem 0

  3. Lil Mac

    Good For Rudy !!
    I’ll be buying that paper just for the ad
    Finally !!! Someone steps up !! :smile:

  4. Lamplighter

    I like that Rudy got the same ad rate deal as moveon. You go, Rudy. On another note, the Dems’ response to Pres. Bush’s speech was “below the belt,” again. Especially Edwards repeatedly calling the Pres., “George Bush” in his ad, blatant disrespect. You can bet when he was a Senator, he expected people to address him as “Senator” or “The Honorable” in writing. What a lowlife.

  5. Grumpy

    I like RG because he trusts the military (most Rs do). I know that he has some soft spots for social liberalism but right now I think our country’s national security is what is most important. All the abortion laws in the world aren’t going to make a difference after women are forced to wear hijabs.

  6. Faith of Judas

    I like RG as a man, and I respect him. But I won’t be voting for him. I don’t think he’d make a very good president. No doubt he will continue to take the fight to the bad guys, on that front he will perform spectacularly, I’m sure. But I’ve been to NYC, and I don’t care for the methods he used to make the city safe. I am not willing to sacrifice personal liberties for security. It’s not worth it.

  7. Lamplighter

    Faith: what methods? Are there cameras on every corner, like in London and soon, Paris? Did he make the homeless scram from Times Square? I’m glad. The only time I ever got pinched on the rear end by a stranger was in Times Square 20+ years ago. Wouldn’t happen today, I don’t think. It’s Disney friendly now.

  8. Faith of Judas

    I’m not a fan of absolutely NO firearms, cops of every street corner, and other heavy handed methods he uses. Not doubting that it works, or the man’s integrity. Just not my idea of how things should be handled

  9. Lt JFishman

    I am backing Rudy because he GETS the war on Islamic Jihadism. He has the ability to get his message out.

    And frankly, he is the ONLY candidate that can beat Hillary in 2008.

    I don’t understand those who support Thompson. Even freaking Gingrich TODAY stated that it is a “change” election in 08 which every political analyst can recognize.

    wWy put up yet another southern good ole boy conservative after the last eight years of President Bush?!! And this one is even less energetic, looks to be 75 years old, and has incurable cancer!!

    Do you honestly think the country after the 2006 elections will elect Thompson?!! Have you been living on a different planet the last 8 years?

  10. Lamplighter

    Faith: I agree right to bear arms should apply in NYC. I think you can have a gun, but it’s real hard to get a permit for one. I’m OK with cop availability–I visit there and I’ve never noticed “too many” cops. Have you been to Paris/Rome other European cities lately? Cops and military types toting large automatic rifles (actually impracticle for close-in urban use) in the airport, around city bldgs. Scary.

  11. drillanwr

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