NY Times Has Turned Down Right To Life And Anti-Kerry Vietnam Vets

September 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Let’s face facts, foreign-born national George Soros is in the process of buying the Oval Office, and the mainstram media is doing all it can to aid him in his quest. As his agents at MoveOn.Org have said about the Democrat Party: “It’s our party, we bought it, we own it”. And of particular alarm here, is that Hillary Clinton, the female half of the Bonnie and Clyde of contemporary American politics, has unlike other Democrats refused to denounce MoveOn’s Petraeus ad or distance herself from Soros’s group in any way. The Clintons live for cash and Mr. Soros, who has plenty of it, will therefor certainly be a key policymaker in Hillary’s presidency. It’s time for someone to investigate just what politicians’ and media players’ hands this guy’s money has made its nefarious way into already.

American Spectator:

The New York Times in the past has rejected “advocacy” ads from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, as well as from the National Right to Life Committee, despite the fact that both would have qualified for the same “special advocacy, stand by” rates that the radical, left-wing organization MoveOn.org was given for its smear ad of Gen. David Petraeus.

MoveOn, which is largely financed by billionaire George Soros, as well as other major financial donors to the Democratic National Committee, was given a $100,000 discount for the ad which called the U.S. commander of armed forces in Iraq a traitor. According to a MoveOn organizer in Washington, D.C., the organization has raised more than twice that amount since the full-page ad appeared in the Times earlier this week. “It was a great fundraising opportunity for us.” The source added that the group was looking to perhaps turn the ad into a poster that they could further fundraise off of.

The Times claimed that MoveOn was given no special treatment, but several organizations that sought to place ads in a similar manner in past years have been turned away or were told that the ads were bumped for higher paying ads.

According to a former New York Times ad sales staffer, a coalition of pro-life groups attempted to take out a full-page ad in the Times during the Terri Schiavo debate in Congress, but were turned away. “I think that such a group would have qualified for our advocacy discount, but perhaps the policies changed in the past couple of years,” says the ad rep.

Similarly, during the 2004 election season, a representative from Swift Boat Veterans for Truth sought to place a full-page ad in the paper, but was turned away.

The MoveOn staffer said that the organization was made aware of the discount from a New York Times reporter based in New York.

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4 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    This is why the internet and talk radio rules anymore. The only thing that these liberal rags are good for is starting fires (fireplace, trash etc), paper-training your dog, spare shitpaper, lining the garden to keep out weeds, cutting coupons aor job hunting…Outside of any of the aforementioned uses, newspapers, much like their patrons in the newsmedia are as useless as teets on a bore.

    Good luck investigating Soros. How a copper-jacketed investigation? Its better for the environment.

  2. Humble Janoslav

    “The MoveOn staffer said that the organization was made aware of the discount from a New York Times reporter based in New York.” As if they had no idea beforehand that they would receive the discount! Any denial of premeditation is patently absurd. Yes, the copper-jacket solution sounds great - .50 cal. A face that hideous is fit only for scaring hapless kids on Halloween. :twisted:


    Imagine that. Objective my ass.

  4. Dr D Semper FI

    We use the New York Times to pottie train our puppy, it absorbs urine and holds crap alot better than the Albuquerque Journal.

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