NYT Report: MoveOn Holds Daily Anti-War Conference Call With Dem Leadership

September 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Eli Pariser, executive director of MoveOn Political Action, in Manhattan yesterday.

What did Democrat congressmen, senators and presidential candidates know about the Petraeus/Betray Us ad, and when did they know it? I think this makes it pretty clear that the Dems knew well advance everything they needed to know about it. And it means they did nothing to stop it, and it well explains the Senator quoted in Politico who said that the Dems can’t attack Petraeus, but they “expect outside groups to do it for us” - now we know exactly why they expected it: they knew it was coming, they knew what it said, and they approved it.

And all of this again raises questions about George Soros’ influence on Democrat party propaganda, strategy, and policy.

NY Times today. The NY Times tries desperately to whitewash the whole Moveon/Dem issue in this article, but they were forced to acknowledge this:

MoveOn representatives also take part, as co-founders of a coalition of antiwar groups together under the umbrella Americans Against Escalation in Iraq, in a daily conference call with the Democratic leadership staff on Capitol Hill to coordinate efforts.

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13 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    they own that party, they bought it because the d’rats are for sale

  2. mshatto

    Sometime in the future, it will be revealed that these traitors were funded not only by the totalitarian lech, George Soros, but also the governments of China, Russia, and Iran. The Democrats have sold this country out for a brief tast of power. Remember the Clintons,Loral Space, and Red China? Money from Hsu? Hillary attacks Petraeus but not Moveon.org. Sad, but this is what this country has come to.

  3. Irish Gal

    Well well well… I do believe that the party of Mr. Soros will be the fall of the Democratic party. I think we sit back and watch the show….

  4. steadfast

    Irish Gal,

    I’ll get the popcorn!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    The 2008 election will be about voting for a traitor or voting for a patriot. There is no other distinction between candidates anymore. And I do not believe that the vast majority of Americans are traitors. I’m hearing from Dems that I know, who are so disgusted by Moveon, CodeFink, Soros and the NY Slime, that they cannot support any of the Dhimi candidates in this election.

    Elizabeth Edwards was the smart one for a change. Give her credit for puttin some distance between her and the moveon.org ad. If the rest of the Dhimi party does not follow suit, they are going to lose their shirts come 2008.
    Mark my fucking words. Or take my bet.

  6. Fight4TheRight


    I’m going to go a HUGE step further than stated here. I am going to say that the Clinton Campaign ORCHESTRATED this ad through MoveOn.org. George Soros is an imbecile. He’s never had an original thought in his life.

    I propose that Hillary Clinton and her Campaign people, in advance of her questioning of Petraeus on the Surge, needed the General “softened up” - so they, the Clinton people, laid this plan out at a MoveOn.org briefing and Soros did the dirty work.

    When that comes out, would there be a single member of the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard that would EVER lift a weapon for Mrs. Clinton?

    You wait. This has got Hillary’s, Bill’s and James Carville’s fingerprints all over it.

  7. One-Shot

    Is anyone surprised? It has been known for quite some time that even before the 2004 election that the Dem leadership and Moveon were having daily briefing sessions. The Dems get their marching orders from Soros’s $$Billions.

  8. bill-tb

    I guess there was a reason why no Democrat ask the General what they could do, what he might need, to help win the war effort — Not one.

    Hate blinds completely. With Democrats, logic is their enemy, the truth is a menace to their very existence, in their twilight zone.


    MoveOn = DNC. The kook fringe is no longer the fringe; it’s the base.

    And expecting a liberal to own up and take responsibility for or take a stand on anything is an exercise in futility. It’s not in their nature.

  10. LftBhndAgn

    Right there in Black & White - The Democratic Party was SOLD to MoveOn in 1998. Let me ask you this - WHO was president in 1998?

  11. Indy

    The demorat base. This is what has become of the demorats. http://www.zombietime.com/hall_of_shame/

  12. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] NYT Report: MoveOn Holds Daily Anti-War Conference Call With Dem Leadership […]

  13. Dan2


    Maybe these ‘commies’ will start ‘consulting’ with Al-Qaeda in ‘Daily Conferences’ to try and get them to NOT attack america before the 2008 Elections.

    I would not put it pass them…


    “Media reports state that a third 9/11 Jihadist video, reportedly by Al Qaeda, has been released via Islamist web sites today (Sept 17th), calling for Jihadist terror acts on the West to be a daily occurrence and calling for “acts of mass extermination”.”"

    Story Here:



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