The Ramadi Run
Me and the Marines used to get blown up regularly on the very asphalt these people are running on. It was so dangerous, that much of Route Michigan was actually closed to foot traffic. We did an informal visual survey on a patrol one day, and discovered that every single building on Michigan was riddled with bullet holes. I can’t tell you how many actually lay in hulking ruins, pulverized by 500 pound bombs, hellfires, AT4 rockets.
Michigan was the site of savage three hour gunbattles and airstrikes. One such battle on Nov. 17, 2005 made for a lengthy Time magazine article. I watched one day as a massive tanker truck SVBIED careened down the street these kids are running on, heading to blow up the government center. We hit it with an L-Mav, and the result was, well, you can imagine. The smoke covered about half the city. And whenever dismounted on Michigan, which was rarely, we always had to run not walk, to protect against snipers. Ramadi was the sniper capital of the world.
If you saw the video “Hurt”, of the soldiers burning in the street after their Bradley hit an IED, you have seen up close and personal one of the typical horrors of Michigan. They died on the route of this race.
It is nothing less than surreal to see this story and video. It’s the equivalent of watching people walk on water. They used to say Michigan was the most deadly street in the world. Less than a year ago, this was a road that the Democrats and MSM used to offer up as proof that the situation in Iraq was hopeless, that the war was lost, and we were defeated. The only reason there is pressure to leave Iraq is that we have bought into the concept of an arbitrary deadline as opposed to the deadline of success.
Read Matt Sanchez’s post and watch his video:
In Iraq, everything before the fall of Saddam Huseein seems to have faded from collective memory, but in Ramadi, the Anbari capital of one of Iraq’s most important provinces, the general agreement was that an organized race in the streets of the city had not taken place for nearly a decade.
Ramadi was the focal point in the once infamous Sunni Triangle. Marines from the 1/6 and 3/7 out of Camp Lejeune and 29 Palms fought up and down the streets that were now a flag spangled race route. The Northwest bridge was the starting point, but the year before it was also prohibited territory as it provides no cover from possible sniper fire. A Marine set off the starting flare.
Bet you won’t see this on the Lamestream media nightly news.
It’s a bumper sticker campaign and the she-monster thinks that the surge is a bunch of distoted stats doctored by Bushitler.
I’m laughing my ass off at the media fucktards.
So who won the race? Damn sure wasn’t AQI.
Way to go Matt. Another fine report from someone who is on the ground…unlike our little Dhimi media generalisimos in the Congress, CodeFink and George “The traitor” Soros.
September 15th, 2007 at 6:53 amDan, Sorry but I got confused which one is the she-monster again Pelosi or Hillary?
September 15th, 2007 at 9:08 amWait this video is about as real as the lunar landing back in 69!! We all know that the MSM and the D’Rats say that it is unsafe to come out of your house let alone run done the street!
BRAVO to Matt Sanchez
September 15th, 2007 at 9:24 amthey are doing what now?!i cant even imagine that but that is awesome.
September 16th, 2007 at 3:47 pm