“Conducts Executions By Beheading People At The Main Intersection In Tarmiyah”

September 16th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Key al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist captured

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces captured a suspected longtime al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist during an operation Sept. 4 in Tarmiyah.

Mu’ayyad ‘Ali Husayn Sulayman al-Bayyati, also known as Abu Wathiq, is believed to have helped bring the al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorist group to Tarmiyah. He is allegedly an advisor to senior terrorist leaders and was responsible for conducting executions.

Intelligence reports indicate al-Bayyati is closely associated with a senior al-Qaeda in Iraq leader and conducts executions either by shooting or beheading people at the main intersection in Tarmiyah. Reports also indicate residents of Tarmiyah feared al-Bayyati’s constant threat of violence and knew him as “The Executioner.” Furthermore, detainee reporting indicates that al-Bayyati tortured two 12-year-old boys by burning their hands and beating them, because he believed the boys were spies for Coalition forces.

Al-Bayyati and two other suspected al-Qaeda in Iraq terrorists were captured on Sept. 4 during coordinated raids northwest of Tarmiyah. One of the other detainees is linked to an operation Sept. 2 where Coalition forces destroyed 12 tons of explosives. During this raid, Coalition forces found two caches of weapons and explosives. An air strike safely destroyed the bomb-making facility and caches found during this operation, which contained rocket-propelled grenades, explosive materials and fully assembled improvised explosive devices.

“We will work closely with Iraqi officials to ensure al-Bayyati receives due process through the Iraqi justice system,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman.

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10 Responses

  1. Dave the infidel

    Should have staked that MF in the middle of the intersection and let the residents handle the justice. :twisted:

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    What a scum bag. Why bother with a trial? Hang the fucker and get it over with. And where is the UN Human Rights commission? Aren’t they the ones who always chime in when a mass murderer is caught somewhere in the world? I hear crickets chirping again.

  3. blastdad


    My thoughts exactly.

  4. Future0311 (the infidel)

    I lost my appetite.

    Turn him over to the Iraqis. They know what to do with him.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Damn. That’s one messed up dude.

  6. Kurt (the infidel)

    nasty picture..but yeah definitely turn his ass over to someone that doesnt care about the Geneva convention.

  7. Lamplighter

    What a bunch of arrogant sadistic butchers–who died and left them in charge.

  8. Sandy K.

    I am glad they got him.

  9. Ted B

    Is it just me or should that guy be fed to a wood chipper?

  10. Jkon

    badass picture

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