Airing Now: John Howell’s “Willing Suspension Of Disbelief”

September 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Alright readers, it’s time to be Bloggers. I’d like everyone whose got that special rant in them to let loose for the world. Send me yours at submit AT, along with a photo, and I’ll post it on the front page as the latest featured Reader Post. Today’s most excellent piece was written by John Howell.

This week we tuned into C-Span or our favorite cable news source to hear from General Petraues. He was the target of many partisan and slanderous attack ads, as well as ramblings from the left disguised as questions. Some were benign, others were bordering on treasonous from my point of view.

I find it odd that although the General wears the same uniform as the troops, takes orders from those higher in his own Chain Of Command, he is separate from the troops. If memory serves me correctly a “consensus” of those in Congress voted to make him the brains of the ongoing conflict in Iraq. He was very clear when he discussed his plan before he was put in charge what he intended to accomplish and he was going to go about accomplishing the plan. Unlike many of the politicians that called him a liar, the General actually has done what he said he was going to do, and has done it faster than anyone expected that he could. I guess that is why the Left is befuddled.

I would like to focus on one politician’s questions for the esteemed member of our Armed Forces. Senator Hillary Rodham-Clinton coined the phrase “willing suspension of disbelief” to describe the only way that she could believe the testimony of a highly decorated, honorable Soldier. What has the Senator in question done to secure victory? What has she done to prove to the American people that she could take the reins of our extremely proficient military machine? The answer to both is nothing. came out with an ad, subsidized by the readers of the New York Times and endorsed by the Democrat Party and Senator Clinton. Yes, I do consider the fact that the Senator refused to distance herself from the ad an implied endorsement. She can deny it all she wants but the fact that when she was asked to condemn the ad she would not. For me to believe that she did not know about the ad before it was placed takes a “willing suspension of disbelief” on my part. In other words I am calling her a liar, but that is only my opinion.

It is fair game to play politics with policy. The Democrats want us all to believe that they are only attacking the policy of the Republican held Whitehouse, but that is not what they have done. They employed their favorite strategy, “the politics of personal destruction”. What else can you call the actions of the political party that controls the Congress? One could call it pro Al Quada propaganda. How about slanderous? If General Petraues was a politically appointed member of the governmental beauracracy that would be one thing, but the fact that the General has worked hard through years of selfless service to achieve his current position should make immune to the political rhetoric. The left however does not see it this way.

Outside of riding the coattails of her husband, what exactly has Hillary done to get to where she is? Here again the answer is nothing. I am a firm believer that if President Clinton had not been elected to his second term of office we would not be hearing from the junior Senator from New York. Nor would we be in the current situation with the fight against Al Quada. I would like to hear the thoughts of the junior Senator from New York on how the last President tackled the growing threat of terrorism.

The fringe left, who say they have bought and paid for the Democrat party like to say they support the troops. They sure talk that talk when they feel that their patriotism is questioned. How dare we real patriots question their support of Al Quada, I mean the troops. Stop and think about it for a moment. If they think that our troops are the real terrorists as Senators Kerry, Obama, Durbin, Biden, and Clinton have said in one way or another. Maybe that is the troops they continue to support and stand behind. It would make more sense; I mean we are killing far more of them than they are killing U.S. Service members. They have condemned the treatment of terrorists held at various detention facilities around the world, yet they have not been very vocal about the rape, torture, beheadings or the baking of children at the hands of Al Quada. I wonder where their outrage was. Where are the comparisons to Hitler’s Nazis, or Pol Pots’ regime? Listen closely to that silence you may hear a cricket or two. You will hear those crickets because there has been no condemnation of Al Quada from the left. Not out of Washington D.C. anyway. And why would there be, it would be counter productive to what their “base” wants to get done. If the Democrats started talking about winning the war would have a stroke. The consequences would be huge for the Democrat party. They would lose more seats than they may now.

The killing of Americans, both civilian and military, is a thing to rejoice by the left. They make their speeches and run their ads talking about their support for our troops from one side of their mouths while calling our troops criminals with films that slander the very troops that they support from the other side of their mouths. They go around saying that it is our fault that they want to kill us, if we only acted differently in the world these murderous thugs would turn out to be nice and caring people. That’s why they treated Daniel Pearle as well as they did isn’t it?

It even shows in the media coverage. The only news that comes out of Iraq or Afghanistan is bad for the U.S., at least in the Mainstream Media (MSM). You have to hunt down any news that does not include IED’s and suicide bombings. I don’t believe I ever heard about the brave Iraqi man in the Al Anbar Province who killed himself by jumping on a suicide bomber that was heading straight for American Servicemen. Nor do hear about the restoration of power and other utilities, you can find that news, just not on CNN, MSNBC, or even Fox now a days. It won’t even make your local nightly news broadcast either. I get my good news from three or four sites that I trust; they have a tendency of being three to five months ahead of the MSM anyway, good job Pat, Mike and Matt.

Al Quada has killed just short of 4,000 of our brave men and women in uniform. We hear that number all the time as part of the propaganda to make us lose our hearts and leave before the job is finished. What we do not hear is what our score in this game called the War in Iraq is. I heard a report that the estimated enemy dead over just the past two months is around 2,500. That’s like saying that your favorite baseball team let the visitors score four runs through half of the game, does not sound good for your team does it. Not, without the context of how many runs your team is actually scoring. Four Runs is nothing if you’ve scored 15 or 20 runs. A score of 20 for the good guys and 4 for the bad guy’s sort of shows that we are really winning the war. Why is it that the so called Fourth Estate that claims not to have any bias, only reports one teams score? Maybe because the MSM are no longer reporter the news, but merely the purveyors of propaganda. The truth no longer matters the only things that matter are those things that are necessary to implementing their political agendas. Wait; doesn’t that make them a PAC?

I guess I will just be forced to willingly suspend my own disbelief when a liberal tells me that they “Support the Troops”!!

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16 Responses

  1. Dan(The Infidel)

    The Democratic party that I grew up with doesn’t exist anymore. I remember as a kid watching both conventions and the only difference between the two was in the personality of the candidates. There was absolutely no question that either party candidate would do a good job for the country and were as Red White And Blue as our flag.

    Not so anymore. While there are some Dems left that I just described, they are the minority.

    In ‘08 the vote for POTUS will come down to a vote for traitors or a vote for patriots. That’s how I see it.

    With the exception of that neo-conartist Rhue Paul, I’ll take ANY Republican POTUS candidate over ANY Demogogue candidate for POTUS.

    And a vote for HRC would require a willing suspension of disbelief or a complete lack of common sense in order for me to vote for her.

    I wonder if HRC smokes cigars…..hmmmmm… :mrgreen:

  2. Howie

    Only those prepared by Monica….rumor is that she goes that way.

  3. Bashman

    Good Article.

    It is despicable the way the left has treated Petraeus, and even more disgusting is the liberal democrats in Washington who refuse to pony up to their new masters ( and let them know that they were more than out-of-line with that ad in the NY Times.

    Really looks to me like the liberal left in this country is hanging itself. The Silent Majority will speak in November 2008.

  4. Texas Gal

    Right on John!

    Among my circle of friends we have an acronym for this bunch of American haters that want to see America retreat in defeat from the battle not only in Iraq but on the global stage as the only superpower that carries both arrows and an olive branch in her talons … we call them .. AQA = al-Qaeda in America.

  5. CplUsmc

    “I guess I will just be forced to willingly suspend my own disbelief when a liberal tells me that they “Support the Troops”!!”

    Right on… I get in arguments with these people and I always end by asking if they support the troops. When they say yes I remind them of what I am and ask them, then why does my opinion not matter? If you support those in the military then you should take my opinion in high regard because I happen to be in it. They support the one group of people that they don’t allow to have a voice.

  6. 2008voter

    So General Petraues against left withinn the USA and Al Qaida in Iraq : war on two fronts?
    sounds like declared its own jihad ?

  7. Laura Parrish

    Pat….I heard that in the movie “Basic Instict”, Sharon Stone’s character, while being grilled by the police, said those exact words “willing suspension of disbelief”…meaning that the person giving the argument can put up such a defense as to believe it themselves, even if it’s not true…so basically what Clinton did was to call our General a liar, that he made up something he convinced himself was true. So basically Clinton is being Clinton, she wouldn’t know the truth ( ask Bill). She’s been living in the “willing suspension of disbelief” that makes her think that one day she’ll be our next President. Sorry Sillary, even trying to make it seem like it was all “Bill’s” idea on the first Hillary Care scam won’t cut it…God Bless Gen. Petraues and all of our hero soldiers abroad. We love you and respect all that you do.

  8. Mike F

    The only MAN who’d vote for HRC is a Woman!

  9. Dan(The Infidel)


    Now how is it that “Dollard Nation” is always ahead of the power curve as compared to the LMSM. They are always playing catch up?

  10. Howie

    Dan that is probably the easiest question I’ve had to field in quite awhile. The answer is actually very simple. We think for ourselves and have an open mind, although the LMSM says that they are the most open minds around (unfortunately you have to have a mind to open it). Tolerence is preached from the left, but not practiced. We talk and debate thoughts, while the left only wants to talk about feelings.
    It’s is not very har to stay out front when you look at what is ahead of you instead of looking for today’s talking points and what I am supposed to believe today.

  11. Dan(The Infidel)


    And how right you are Howie. Tolerance from the left is sophistry at it’s finest. The BS artists from the Zinn view of the world continue to play that fiddle while Rome burns in the background.

    And yet there are still those of us left who have not sold their birthright for 30 pieces of silver.

    Great minds…Howie….

  12. Howie

    If you like my comments and the article above you’ll love what is at, where Anti-American Ideas get FLUSHED!!
    John “Howie” Howell

  13. Marc Sabin

    Here is an email I sent to Fox News regarding their interview with Mrs H Clinton:

    Dear Fox News Sunday.

    I am writing this to express my opinion of the interview on FNS today of Mrs. Hillary Clinton.

    Chris Wallace was too accommodating of the assertions made by Mrs Clinton. He allowed her to make the blatantly politicized statement that the Bush Administration had “outsourced” the Iranian problem to the Europeans and yet she and her democratic comrades accuse Bush of not doing enough with the Europeans on Iraq. As always, she is trying to have it both ways.

    Speaking of her comrades, she also was not taken to account by Wallace on her evasion of his question regarding the MoveOn.Org attack on Gen Petraeus. Instead of answering she drew the comparison of this attack with that in the last election on John Kerry. There is no comparison of either circumstance or substance. To paraphrase the words of a one time democratic vice presidential candidate, who fortunately lost his election, “John Kerry is very definitely no David Petraeus.”

    Lastly, her failure to condemn Columbia University for allowing Ahmadinejad to take advantage of the reputation of an American university to spread his propaganda is reprehensible. There is no way that Columbia can claim it is upholding the principle of freedom of speech when that same university did not have the decency to punish, let alone stop, stop the radical protestors who disrupted the speech by Jim Gilchrist, the head of the Minutemen Project. It amazes me that they are more prepared to let speak the terrorist leader of a terrorist- supporting nation that wants the US removed from the world stage (“Death to the United States” being on signs as he left Iran for the UN) than an American Citizen who is trying to protect this country. Shame on Columbia!

    Marc L. Sabin

    A citizen outraged by both political parties.

  14. Stand Alone

    “With the exception of that neo-conartist Rhue Paul, I’ll take ANY Republican POTUS candidate over ANY Demogogue candidate for POTUS”

    Roger that,but “Rhue Pauls” the only one who wants to shitcan the IRS,I’m all for that!!!

    It’s his security issues I worry about

  15. Dan(The Infidel)

    Stand Alone:

    “Roger that,but “Rhue Pauls” the only one who wants to shitcan the IRS,I’m all for that!!!”

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  16. Howie

    Paul is the perfect candidate for 1908 not 2008. I agree with most of his platform domestically. Smaller government, less intrusion, more power back to the states, and simple taxation. The problem is his view of the world and where our interest actually are. I am all for no more Bosnia’s or Somalia’s of the 1990’s had no strategic interests.
    And until we have hydrogen/electric cars,our plane/train/trucks are replaced with a non-petroleum mode of transporting people and goods I am for the spilling of blood for oil. It is in our interests to keep our economy running.
    And for the rest of the world, including Europe, you are either with us or against us. If you work against us or our friends we do not help you in any way. No money from foreign aid, no disaster relief, and when your country is attacked you are on your own!!!!

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