Olmert Announces He Is Prepared To Enter Unconditional Talks With Syria

September 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Nearly two weeks after reports surrounding an alleged IAF incursion into Syrian skies began circulating, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced Monday that Israel was prepared to hold negotiations with the Damascus. The prime minister also addressed the Iranian threat, asserting that Israel “is not afraid.”

We want to make peace with everyone. If the conditions allow for it, we are ready to make peace with Syria without preconditions and without ultimatums. I have a lot of respect for the Syrian leader and for Syrian policy” said Olmert.

The prime minister was addressing Russian-language media outlets when he said that although the Syrians “have an internal problem, there is no reason to reject dialogue with the country.”

Olmert said that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad “is trying to create a psychology of fear. [He is doing] this to convince the international community to enter talks with him.

“There are exaggerations here. We are not afraid, we are worried,” Olmert argued. We don’t need to lose our senses,” he added.

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15 Responses

  1. Dan(The Infidel)

    Sipshit. Another idiot politician who doesn’t study Islam.
    Where are you Bibi? Israel needs you.

  2. Dan(The Infidel)


  3. Steve in NC

    working to split Syria from Iran, he is

  4. Brad W(the infidel)

    Outstanding little article.

    We are not afraid, we are worried,” Olmert argued

    Yes, exactly, worried they may be attacked, but not afraid of anihilating the camel jockies that are dumb enough to attack them again. Israel will get to the point where liberal world view won’t matter to them, they will wipe out whoever they need to to survive, if that included the civilian women and children that are breeding more enemies, or growing up to be an enemy, so be it. You don’t necessarily leave vipers living in your backyard to breed more vipers to threaten your family, eventually you clean out the entire nest, to hell with the environmentalists that are worried about losing a species…

    May be an off the wall correlation, but most of you follow my meaning.

  5. A.S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    They need Netanyahu again, the Israelis are screaming for leadership.

  6. Dan2

    Netanyahu…was born for ‘a time such as this’


  7. Right_is_Right

    Why is this guy still in office?

  8. Bashman

    Syria will not enter into peace talks with Israel until Iran is a defeated foe. The Iranian theocracy has recently promised Syria $1 billion in military spending aid and help with developing their nuclear facilities on the condition that they do not enter into peace talks with Israel.

  9. DMac

    Iran is working to pit Syria against Israel, Israel is being smart here by trying to keep Syria and Iran apart by offering dialogue with Syria. Seems to make sense to me.

  10. trapper

    if you want to know whats going to happen to our countries national security, if a dumbacrat takes the presidency, take a look at israel with olmert. what a f**king looser. i can’t believe the israelis have left this moron in power after the war disaster.

  11. Eric

    This seems too good to be true. Israel sneak attacked them 2 weeks ago and is now going to negotiate with them? There is more to this but I can’t see the whole picture quite yet.

  12. Dan(The Infidel)


    Pay attention fucktard. Bashman is right.

    “Syria will not enter into peace talks with Israel until Iran is a defeated foe. The Iranian theocracy has recently promised Syria $1 billion in military spending aid and help with developing their nuclear facilities on the condition that they do not enter into peace talks with Israel.”

  13. Jim

    Eric you figured it out….and a few more special ops mission and the talks will be real peaceful….meanwhile Syria is trying to figure what the hell just happened.

    “We want to make peace with everyone. If the conditions allow for it”

    All this is, is Israel’s middle east politics. Pretty face with a closed fist. They have business under control.

  14. Jim Jam

    “Pretty face with a closed fist” - i like that analogy.

    Its high time for Olmert to go - it just proves that anytime a liberal is in power anywhere, bad things are sure to follow.

  15. Jewish Odysseus

    You folks are under the delusion that Olmert has any coherent strategy apart from appeasement (to the enemy) and lying to the patriotic Israelis).

    Take this advice/explanation, 2X3 words:

    1–Read Caroline Glick
    2–The Manchurian Cabinet

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