Romney Calls On Keith Moon To Ban Ahmadinejad

September 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Mitt Romney, a Republican presidential candidate, is sending a letter to the United Nations Secretary General tomorrow, calling for him to bar Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from addressing the General Assembly next week and instead hand him an indictment under the Genocide Convention.

Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to give a speech at the 62nd annual meeting of the General Assembly, which begins Tuesday in New York. It will be his third visit to the United States, where he is expected to spend two days, before he departs for Venezuela to meet with President Hugo Chavez.

An array of Jewish leaders, political leaders and others, including John Bolton, the former United States ambassador to the United Nations and Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, gathered last year to call for the United Nations’ International Court of Justice to indict Mr. Ahmadinejad for incitement of genocide. They base their argument on his calls for the destruction of Israel.

The specific statute the officials cite falls under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which includes under its list of prohibitions, incitement to commit genocide.

In President Bush’s nationally televised speech last week on Iraq, he stressed the need to contain Iran as one of the reasons to continue a robust American presence in Iraq. In an interview about his views about Iraq last week, Mr. Romney also highlighted the influence of Iran in the region as a major source of concern.

Here is the text of Mr. Romney’s letter:

To His Excellency Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,

With the disturbing news that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmandinejad is planning to address the United Nations General Assembly next week, I call on the United Nations to revoke any invitation to President Ahmadinejad to address the General Assembly. The only way he should be greeted in the United States is with an indictment under the Genocide Convention.

The Iranian regime under President Ahmadinejad has spoken openly about wiping Israel off the map, has fueled Hezbollah’s terror campaign in the region and around the world, and defied the world community in its pursuit of nuclear weapons – capabilities that make these threats even more ominous. As General Petraeus testified last week, Iran is also supporting Shia militia extremists and violence that is taking the lives of American soldiers and undermining the Iraqi government.

A failure by the United Nations to take a strong stand against Iran’s President Ahmadinejad would be especially disturbing given the United Nations’ record of failure to prevent genocide in other circumstances and the failure of the United Nations Human Rights Council to confront the Iranian regime and others among the world’s worst human rights abusers. Failure to act would mean that the United States must reconsider its level of support and funding for the United Nations as we look to rebuild and revitalize effective international partnerships to meet 21st century threats.

If President Ahmadinejad sets foot in the United States, he should be handed an indictment under the Genocide Convention. This approach has been called for by experts as diverse as Nobel Prize Winner Elie Wiesel, human rights advocate and former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton and law professor Alan Dershowitz.

The United States and the world must take a strong stand against the terrorist Iranian regime and the time for action is now.


Mitt Romney

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15 Responses

  1. danielle


    Seeing his photo makes my blood boil!

  2. John Cunningham

    Isn’t the Son of Sam, what’s his name, Berkowitz, locked up at Attica, he could do his time with him.

  3. Randy in Fl

    While he is in NYC, take him into custody and under guard. Then take into the Jewish Neighborhoods and give him a place to make a speech concerning Israel ’s destruction.

    5…. 4…. 3…. 2… 1.

    not an issue any longer.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    UN? Strong stand? That would require a working moral compass? Nice letter, I’m sure the UN got a good laugh over that one.

  5. Bashman

    We can fit my entire music collection into a piece of plastic the size of a quarter, but we can’t assasinate a genocidal head of state?


  6. jam

    The asshole belongs at Gitmo like any other fucking terrorist. He has American blood on his hands already.

  7. D.C.

    Gitmo is too good for this asshat….him and 40 million other terrorsts need a 7.62 enema

  8. Mess

    I like Rommey but this is nothing more than his political grandstanding. The U.N. will do nothing of the kind and when this piece of human garbage trashes the United States other member states will applaud him just like they did with Hugo Shavez.

    It pisses me off to no end that this garbage executes American’s then steps onto our soil to “speak to American’s”.

  9. jam

    Well said, Mess. Exactly why he should be arrested, interrogated, and prosecuted.

  10. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Damn lucky I’m not a New Yorker. I’ll assassinate his ass myself.

  11. Phil N Blanx

    With all due respect to the Keith Moon family I love the Keith Moon comparison/analogy. At least Keith had an excuse. Does Ban Ki-moon party hardy too or does his crazy antics just come naturally?
    As for I’mabeenajihad - A late night visit to the cement mixing facility at the WT location in NY seems appropriate.

  12. Clyde Conneer

    How about super gluing Schumer’s mouth to Dinnerjacket’s ass’le? No purpose. 2 birds an’ all that.

  13. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Jihad Central 9-17-07

    […] Romney Calls On Keith Moon To Ban Ahmadinejad — Pat Dollard […]

  14. sully

    “How about super gluing Schumer’s mouth to Dinnerjacket’s ass’le?”

    Now that’s funny…. but it’s already there.

  15. Boombop

    If Ahmadinejad does show up I’m sure Pelosi will be there to greet him with Cindy Sheehan humping one his leg while Dennis Kucinich humps the other. The rest of the democrats telling Ahmadinejad not much longer before they’ll give him Iraq because they are taking America in a new direction while they hang the troops out to die.

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