Video: Moveon’s Dumbass Ad On Rudy

September 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

It’s very revealing to me how often the left personalizes their attacks on Republican policy, as opposed to attacking it in substance. They have all bought into their conspiracy-theory demonolgy of Republican figures to the point where they think that by merely mentioning the names of their cartooned enemies, the average American will react with automatic disgust and suspicion, and therefor believe wholeheartedly in whatever charges follow. They’re doing it about Iran now. There’s no real debate about attacking Iran, instead you hear “Dick Cheney wants it”, as if they expect that will make everyone automatically believe that attacking Iran must be a bad thing. They’re so lost in their own cult, they’ve forgotten that the vast majority of America hasn’t joined it. And as far as Iran goes, they don’t analyze the Iranian nuclear threat because they know their answers for not attacking are sorely lacking. And they never ask if Dick Cheney wants to attack Iran in order to do any good in the world. it can only be because he is evil, or a capitalist, or a man, or white, or, you know, any and all of those horrible things that socialists have needed to disempower in order to secure their own power since the days of Marx and Lenin.

Notice how in this video Iraq is dismissed as “George Bush’s war.” This is also an attempt to de-nationalize the war, to throw water onto whatever fires of patriotism - which is to say, really, a sense of looking out for America’s best interests - that the viwer might harbor. It also allows the viwer to see himself as a victim of Bush’s policy. It’s a twofer.

And ultimately, the video is ridiculous because it attacks Rudy for not participating in a meaningless group of beard pullers with whom he’d have to spend most of his time talking off of their leftist State Department-mentality ledge.

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14 Responses

  1. sully

    “betrayal of trust” don’t rhyme with Giuliani.

  2. Tom

    Pat, you are right-on. I would go further. These Moveon people are literally menatlly ill. They are utterly dishonest with themselves so there is zero ability for them to grasp truth and reality. One other comment, I read today how Bush mentioned that 25% of the population will always, 100% of the time, be against war…. for any reason. They believe there is nothing worth defending or fighting for. I am so proud to be an American and I am so proud of our servicemen!

  3. Phil N Blanx

    I liked the lame attempt at validity at the end; “…with 3.2 million members…”. I wonder how many are Americans?
    Or maybe that was supposed to read; with 3.2 million dollars strongarmed by Hsu…

  4. mindy abraham

    I am so thinking about voting third party this election-BOTH parties are beginning to piss me off :evil: I am sick of this kind of sh**t and just want a leader who will protect me and keep me safe-social issues like gay marriage, stem cell research should be left up to the states.

  5. A.S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    Recently, Rudy has been gaining favor in my favorites’ column, and I can trust him on the war, and the economy.

  6. Dan(The Infidel)

    Yeah, Eric the idiot was in here earlier spewing his rant. No probs. We’re wise to their asses. I love spreading the word about these Dhimi fucktards wherever I go. Everybody is laughing at them. These pukes don’t deserve the time of day. Nor do they deserve to be taken seriously. Just keep throwing shit in their idiotic traitor faces. Fuck ‘em.

  7. xGhost

    I would send the Marines to raid a couple of places inside the main land.. :roll:


  8. Egfrow

    That’s the thing I love about the Left. They suck at smearing. The really bad thing about all this is that the Republican party really really sucks at defending themselves against these weak attacks.

  9. Wendy

    Whatever. Like anyone who is sane or has a brain would by into that piece of bullshit!!! Oh I guess 25% would, but we already knew they were a bunch of pussies!!!!!!!!!!!! Preaching to the choir comes to mind.

  10. Clyde Conneer

    Remember Rudy was Assistant Attorney General under Clinton and that during the time 157 unindicted coconspiritors of WTC bombing #1 were allowed to walk and stay in the US.

    He closed the internal affairs investigation of FBI SSA(supervising special agent) DeVechio, discrediting a witness with information concerning the bombing of TWA flight 800. All in 9-11 Coverup and Triple Cross, Peter Lance.

    I wouldn’t trust Rudy with my 25 year old pickup. He’s an ends justifies the means guy and the end he seeks is POWER.

    Besides, I’ll sleep better knowing I have control of my guns, thank you.

  11. Clyde Conneer

    Third Party= President Hidebeast Rodum Clintounge.

    Remember Ross Perot gave us the bitch’s hubby.

  12. Ted B

    I don’t write a column in Variety on commercials or anything, but if I did I could sum it up in two words:

    Boring, predictable.

    Wait, maybe we can add ‘insincere’ since I don’t think they even believe their own hype anymore, or is it just me being able more and more to see what it all really is.

  13. TJ (the Kafir)

    Moveon cares so much about the presidency that it is trying to advise republicans on who to vote for? these guys are really full of themselves and obviously think their shit dont stink. :lol:

  14. Greg M

    I was like who the hell made this video at first (thinking someone from the republican side made it) then I see the moveon.bullshit come up and it all made sense.

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