Islam, The Marxism Of Our Times
City Journal:
From an Islamist point of view, the news from Europe looks good. The Times of London, relying on a police report, recently observed that the Deobandis, a fundamentalist sect, now run nearly half of the 1,350 mosques in Britain and train the vast majority of the Muslim clerics who get their training in the country. The man who might become the sect’s spiritual leader in Britain, Riyadh ul Haq, believes that friendship with a Christian or a Jew makes “a mockery of Allah’s religion.” At least no one could accuse him of a shallow multiculturalism.
According to Le Figaro, 70 percent of Muslims in France intend to keep the fast during Ramadan, up from 60 percent in 1989. Better still, from the Islamist point of view, non-practicing Muslims feel increasing social pressure to comply with the fast, whether they want to or not. The tide is thus running in the Islamists’ favor.
Best news of all for the Islamists, however, comes from Germany. Two of the men that the German police arrested in early September for plotting a series of huge explosions in the country were young German converts to Islam. It is impossible to know how many such German converts there are, but it is thought to run into tens of thousands, principally men; in the nature of things, it is also uncertain how many of them are attracted to extremism, but few people are so attracted by moderation that they are converted by it.
The man believed to be the leader of the little group, Fritz G., the son of a doctor and an engineer, was himself a student of engineering, of mediocre attainment. He grew up in Ulm, where a quarter of the population is now Muslim, and at the time of his parents’ divorce, when he was 15, he began to frequent the Islamic Information Center of Ulm, and also the comically named Multikultihaus in the neighboring town of Neu-Ulm, where young men of jihadist views, including Mohammed Atta, had long congregated. In 2004, he was spotted at the Ulm Islamic center, selling a journal called Think in the Islamic Way. In December of that year, the police found propaganda in favor of Osama bin Laden in his car. In 2006, he went to a terrorist training camp in Pakistan.
His fellow conspirator, Daniel S., came from a well-off family and converted early in life to radical Islam. He traveled to Egypt to learn Arabic, and then returned to Germany, where he sometimes irritated his neighbors by praying loudly in Arabic three times a day.
All this suggests that Islam is fast becoming the Marxism of our times. Had Fritz G. and Daniel S. grown up a generation earlier, they would have become members of the Baader-Meinhof Gang rather than Islamic extremists. The dictatorship of the proletariat, it seems, has given way before the establishment of the Caliphate as the transcendent answer to some German youths’ personal angst.
This is good news indeed for Islamists, but not so good for the rest of us.
When will the rest of the world catch up? From the
The only disagreement I have with the President is that he needs to now mobilize, and tell the American people, regardless of what the Dhimmicrats may scream later, and tell us that we are in a global war for civilizational supemacy and that Western Civilization, ie the U.S., Canada, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand need to band together in a new defense alliance and starting pouring in more troops into Iraq and Afghanistan, counter Iran and actively work for regime change and defend Europe from the Islamic invader.
The below is testimony and evidence from the HLF trial.
What more do we need? They have a strategy to absorb us. This is a World War for Civilization, ours.
The Brotherhood’s strategy memo, while published in May 1991, was drafted earlier, upon a
“…general strategic goal of the Group in America which was approved by the Shura Council and the Organizational Conference for the year [I987].”
In other words this strategy has already been operative for at least 20 years in America. The strategic objective of the Brotherhood in America is clear:
“The Ikhwan [The Muslim Brotherhood’s name for itself] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
The primary strategic concept to accomplish the Brotherhood’s objective is “civilizational jihad,” the usurpation and replacement of American Judeo-Christian and Western liberal social, political and religious foundations by Islam. The campaign plan is one of colonization, described by the Ikhwan as a “settlement strategy.” Explaining this concept they describe it as establishing Islam in America as “stable,” “rooted” and “enabled on which the Islamic structure is built and with which the testimony of civilization is achieved.” Recognizing this strategy cannot be carried forward alone by the Brotherhood they recognized the strategy requires that, “They are then to work to employ, direct and unify Muslims’ efforts and powers for this process. In order to do that, we must possess a mastery of the art of “coalitions”, the art of “absorption” and the principles of “cooperation.”
This strategic concept serves to accomplish the clandestine, conspiratorial and ultimate ends and grand strategy of the Ikhwan movement globally and was described this way in a recently published unclassified Pentagon analysis:
“The strategic goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America is multifold: the destruction of Western civilization through a long-term civilization-killing Jihad from within (”by their [our] hands”) and through sabotage (”the hands of the believers”) and, secondly; to support the global Islamic movement to establish an Islamic super-state, the caliphate.”
September 18th, 2007 at 9:47 amMethinks Islam is more like Fascism.
September 18th, 2007 at 9:55 amWhat I’m trying to convey is this:
We need more than war.
We need the President to mobilize as much of this country as he can, regardless of the Dems.
We need a WWII style wartime government to fight of this attack.
That’s what this is. This is a war of civilizations, ours or theirs.
Europe is screwing themselves. We need to help them get out of this rut. We need a wartime alliance with the rest of the western world and be honest and say this is more than a war on terror, this is a war for civilizational supemacy.
September 18th, 2007 at 10:00 amIslam has declared jihad on the west. They are picking up where they left off in 1683. Islam is a social order, a philosphy and a psudo-religion. It is not unlike Nazism.
But with the religious zeal of the Japanese militarists of WWII.
Islam seeks to conquer the west with both soft jihad (CAIR) and gitail (AQ, Hamas,Hizzy,Iran or AQI).
The Koran and the Hadith encourage Muslims to spread the word of Allah until the whole world is under Sharia law.
This idea is codified in their texts.
Any fool who thinks that they can negotiate with these people is no scholar of Islam. In Muslim qital there is either victor or vanquished…there is no compromise.
Better wake up Westerners or you will find your freedoms reduced to Dhmnitude before this century is out.
September 18th, 2007 at 10:11 amBD
I agree. Islamists are taking over the world - just look at Scandanavia!
Its time to combat the forces of darkness by any means necessary.
September 18th, 2007 at 10:26 amBD-
Meant to attach this - gr8 read a bit long but just another example of Islamic infestation:
September 18th, 2007 at 10:28 amPersonally, I will be surprised, if, by the time I am 70, America hasn’t already succumbed to a tide of Islam. It is certainly strange that Liberals, particularly in some public schools and in the MSM media, seem to be laying out the red carpet for Islam in America, even at the risk of someday having their own heads cut off by some of the same people with which they spend so much time trying to curry favor.
I personally think Liberals have a self-fulfilling death wish upon themselves: don’t have more than 1 child, promote homosexuality (which cannot have children), even kill any “extra” children which are unwelcome by abortion, but bring as many Muslims as possible to America who are having boatloads of kids, who will eventually (by virtue of one group having more kids than the other) displace the Liberals with a Muslim society. What are they thinking?
September 18th, 2007 at 10:47 am[…] Islam, The Marxism Of Our Times […]
September 18th, 2007 at 10:53 amI remember being pissed-off at a liberal for intimating that 9/11 was a revolutionary act. And that UBL was some kind of Marxist. Having been a lefty, when al qaeda struck in Africa and I first became aware of them, it was clear that they were no liberation or revolutionary group. That argument was easy to make until the last video from the big ass-hole. It’s clear that Osama/Gadan is going for the Reds/Democrat constituency. I expand on this from personal experience on my blog. Jihad makes for strange bedfellows.
September 18th, 2007 at 10:59 amJim Jam, funny you should put that link up….
I already posted there too…
Thing is, how can you get people to see this is more than what is now?
What will it take? A Ronald Reagan / Winston Churchhill to be our King Arthur in our time of need?
A massive body of evidence to support this, although it’s evident as it stands?
Another 9/11? Or worse, a city glowing in the dark?
A total uprising of Muslims in Europe, a civil war there?
On a grand scheme of things, we need to:
-Create a new alliance of the West, the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand to defend Western Civilization.
-We should prepare to rapidly expand our military, the entire new alliance should.
-Close our border airtight and rapidly expand our border patrol as should this new alliance.
-Re-form Homeland Security to be able to deal with multiple Nuclear/Biological/Chemical attacks.
-Enact wartime legislation to remove and deport aliens, Imams, radical Muslims.
-Be prepared to deployed massive numbers of troops around the World (gulp! me one of them!).
-Global threats that we may have to deploy to:
*Venezuela- Chavez likes anybody who hates us and is willing to work with them.
*All of North Africa.
*Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Germany. Don’t be surprised to see yourself jumping in a foxhole dug by Gramps!
*The entire middle east.
*Malaysia, Thailand, and the Phillipines. Marine’s, practice your amphibious landings!
Really, really Global. World War III (or IV depending on who you read. Can somebody pin this World War number down please?).
We need to radically reform energy use here, and get off of Saudi oil.
You know who’s got a fantastic set of ideas on this? Newt Gingrich. Go here and read up. It’s way long but way worth it. It’s titled Alt history of 9/11 but it lays out a master blueprint. Worth every minute in reading.
September 18th, 2007 at 11:01 amIslam the new Marxism? Please. Islam extremism in the west is much more like the Anarchist movement around the turn of the 20th Century. Islam doesn’t attract the same group of downtrodden as Marxism did in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. It is important to avoid poor comparisons.
September 18th, 2007 at 11:01 amIslamism is… who friggin cares.
There is a virulent strain of it that wants us to die so they can take our place.
This strain wants to rule the World. A mountain of hard, documentary evidence exists of this plot.
So, call it what you will. But I think Pat is getting at that a lot of young people are looking for something to believe in. Islamism give them what liberal relativism can’t. Hard lines, rules guidelines, something to believe in. That’s what he’s getting at.
Personally? Islamism is most like… a malignant cancer.
Scalpel please…
September 18th, 2007 at 11:17 amIslam is what it is. It is the new Marxism. And anyone who tries to analyze Islam with a Western perspective has not studied Islam at all. There is no question that Islam seeks to conquer the west. Modern Islam is picking up where Islam left off in 1683.
There are more than enough translated documents floating around the internet to back up my assertion. Read the Koran, and the Hadith, and see for yourself.
The jihad (quital) will continue yntil Islam is defeated or they defeat the West. The best new book out there on the subject is the Al Queda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim.
Ignoring Islam or trying to use western moral equivalence arguments in its defense is just pure sophistry or just plain ignorance.
September 18th, 2007 at 12:23 pmBd-
September 18th, 2007 at 12:30 pmAm a big fan of Newt - we both live in the same state.
I will check out the link later today.
We and the Western World need to be on a wartime footing.
September 18th, 2007 at 12:35 pmJimJam,
Great! (Not that we’re picking China patterns or anything like that).
September 18th, 2007 at 1:39 pmbd:
You and me are on the same sheet of music when it comes to the threat posed by Islamofacism. Have you read The Al Queda Reader yet by Raymond Ibrahim? He was on BookTV this past Sunday. VDH wrote the intro?
September 18th, 2007 at 3:09 pmIslam is not growing as fast as many people were led to believe…It to has a propaganda fart machine. There is a rediculously funny history behind the source of all this, and from were the stats originated from. Islamic groups used exceptionally flawed projections off a “readers digest” story and spoon fed it to the media and some academia and they gave it credibilty with a story. Never was the true source or the original content given.
You cannot trust anything Islam…
I believe the Readers Digest’s projections stated Christians as the fastest growing, but I don’t remember.
September 18th, 2007 at 3:31 pmIslam and Christianity are neck and neck. The last stats that I saw (its been awhile) stated that in 40 years Christianity will pass Islam in membership.
In the third world Christianity is growing at a faster rate than Islam is. Even in Islamic countries such as Iran Christianity is growing in membership. It would seem that as many Islamic people are tired of Islam and are looking for a religion that isn’t into all the murder and suicide shit…and that recognizes the dignity of women.
The only thing keeping Christianity from becomming more popular in the Islamic world is the penalties for Muslims who convert which is torture and death.
Islam forces it’s converts to stay Islamic or else. Muhammed’s view that there is no compulsion in religion is naksh in modern Islam.
If Islam’s critics were to be given the opportunity to debate in freedom, Islam would reform and jihad would cease to be quital or would be supplanted altogether by Christianity or something far more moderate that jihadi Islamic theology. Don’t hold your breath, however.
September 18th, 2007 at 4:03 pmDan, you evil infidel, Newt’s got great idea’s on his web (but will never get elected). His ideas are outstanding though. In detail he talks about a wartime government and renewing old alliances.
I wish he’d talk further of how big this thing may get and where our military may get deployed.
Personally, if it ever got that big, currently we couldn’t handle it all and who know’s what’ll take Europe to drop that croissant and pick up (sacre bleau!) a rifle.
If they do, we’ll need to teach them.
Lesson 1. Despite your natural instinct DON’T drop your rifle.
Lesson 2. Point rifle at enemy, then kill the Germa… I mean suicide bomber.
Lesson 3. If you need back up call us. If we’re busy, call the British, they know how to use the rifle. If they’re busy, say a prayer, then call the… Germans. They may or may not come to help. If they do, despite your natural instinct, don’t drop your rifle. They may help you.
Lesson 4. If the Germans arrive in… (oh my God!) Panzers, be polite and point them in the direction of suicide bombers. The Germans have a knack with Panzers.
Lesson 5. If the Germans are busy, don’t call the Italians. It lunch time.
Lesson 6. If confronted by suicide bomber, pull trigger, make gun go boom.
Lesson 7. If US troops come to help, don’t be surprised if we… make friends with your females. HOWEVER, please provide DNA tests first, and we should the same to avoid incest (God knows how many Americans were born in France in WW1 and WW2).
September 18th, 2007 at 4:32 pmThe Islamofacists have had a great deal of help from our own MSM and the douchebags in hollywood. I truly think that things would look a lot better if they helped the cause.
Unfortunately another 9/11 will not be blamed on the cluprits but on GWB and his cronies. We need to elect a RepubliCAN to run our country not a RepubliCAN’T.
September 18th, 2007 at 8:28 pmKipp,
Again, solid and stupid comments are you for real?
Who was burning cars in France last Summer…wealthy muslim kids with jobs or the poor unemployed muslims?
There are two classes in most Middle Eastern countries; the extreme rich and the extreme poor…Just who do you think are strapping bombs to their chests; the wealthy or the poor?
Please, dear God boy I beg you to sit down and open a history book and see what happens when evil goes unchecked…Where are you going to be when the blade of Islam meets your throat…on your knees crying like a pussy or on your feet, like a man fighting for what what is right.
Like Michelle Malkin says
September 18th, 2007 at 8:41 pmIslam and bolshevism are are collective , non spiritual” Religions” designed to gain the domination of the world.
September 18th, 2007 at 11:34 pmbd:
Thanks bd. Love the lesson plan. Great minds….
September 19th, 2007 at 4:29 am