Ahmadinejad Definitely Backs Down, “Amazed” That America Upset

September 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


From Drudge:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will not press his plan Ð just denied by New York City Police for security reasons — to visit Ground Zero in New York City, he tells 60 MINUTES’ Scott Pelley in an exclusive interview conducted today in Iran. The Iranian leader says he’s “amazed” and skeptical that most Americans view his visit there as insulting as his intention was only to show respect. The interview will be broadcast on 60 MINUTES, Sunday Sept. 23 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS television Network.

PELLEY: Sir, what were you thinking? The World Trade Center site is the most sensitive place in the American heart, and you must have known that visiting there would be insulting to many, many Americans.

AHMADINEJAD: Why should it be insulting?

PELLEY: But the American people, sir, believe that your country is a terrorist nation, exporting terrorism in the world. You must have known that visiting the World Trade Center site would infuriate many Americans.

AHMADINEJAD: Well, I’m amazed. How can you speak for the whole of the American nation?

Read the whole report

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23 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    If he sets one foot outside the diplomatic zones, he’ll get lynched.

  2. Dan(The Infidel)

    “AHMADINEJAD: Well, I’m amazed. How can you speak for the whole of the American nation?”

    Hey Ahmeddickwad in this case HE DOES SPEAK FOR THE VAST MAJORITY OF US. Fuck you you terrorist slimeball.

  3. Irish Gal

    When it comes to you, it’s pretty easy…

  4. Steve in NC

    “Well, I’m amazed. How can you speak for the whole of the American nation?”

    He must have been thinking about Dearbornistan Michigan & Hollywood

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    The majority of us dont think like Susan Sarandon or Sean Penn, Nancy Pelosi..Im very glad that a member of the MSM told him like it was..Im actually proud of Pelley for that. never thought i would say that

  6. Bashman

    Ahmabigdickwad is a very educated asshole. He knows EXACTLY what the reaction of Americans would be to his request. This is a ploy to make America look closed-minded to improving relations with Iran.

    Lefty-loosey pundits are already saying that. Can’t remember which pink-shirted jism-factory said it this mornig, but he said (listen closely for that nasally-whiny voice) “But the Baker-Hamilton Commission recommended that we try to improve diplomatic relations with Iran . This won’t help.”

    Idiots like that are the same people with their heads nestled away in moist, dark places who (for the life of me I don’t know how they can be so blind) don’t “feel” that Iran has any evil intentions.

    I’ll repeat: Where are the John Hinkleys and the Mark David Chapmans of the world? Go to NEW YORK CITY, look for the short guy with the Members Only jacket that smells bad.

  7. TSGT Long

    AHMADINEJAD: Well, I’m amazed. How can you speak for the whole of the American nation?

    He must watch a lot of CNN, MSNBC along with CBS, NBC,and ABC evening news. He knows that these liberal agents tell the world how America thinks, at least in their minds. I think he made a wise decision not to go.

  8. Jim

    …but they still love me an idolize me at the famous anti-American University known as Columbia.

  9. chris dean

    fuck it…i say let him go…and have a band off pissed off americans and non active-duty military give him a proper greeting!

  10. drillanwr

    Mr. Amohammadsusedtampon, why didn’t you “visit” the WTC site when you were here at the UN … what was it … just last year?

    Mr. Amohammadsusedtampon, “Why should it be insulting?” … Well, I guess if I went to Mecca and popped a squat you wouldn’t find that insulting, eh?

  11. Sandy K.

    Bash has this lying bastard’s thinking pegged.

    It is a f’n game to him and everyone who thinks like him.
    I have never seen evil as clearly as I see it in this mutant f-tard.

    He is killing our troops and playing media games.

  12. Karl B

    Just as we did to show RT6 in Fallujah our support through an email campaign - we need someone to get a hold of Aquavelevet man’s email addy and post our little venture to let him know exactly how many Americans feel this way…

  13. Dr D Semper FI

    I feel the Love! I’d love to see the bastard killed, then I’d really feel the love, an eye for an eye when you shit bags took our embassy!

  14. D.C.

    What part of FUCK YOU, doesn’t he understand? :mad: :!:

  15. Irish Gal

    Yep, they thought they could contain Hitler in the 30’s. We know the ending to that story…

  16. Hooligan law


  17. Kipp

    Yep, the lowly president of Iran has outwitted us. Who do you think is going to win the PR war on this one? When are we going to elect leaders that are smarter than a goat herder from Iran? It is pathetic that when A-jad speaks of coming to ground zero all everyone can do is cry foul like their hair is on fire yet no one can come up with a way to counter his creative stunt. Shame on us.

  18. sully

    “…. yet no one can come up with a way to counter his creative stunt.”

    C’mon dude… you really that stupid?
    Fuck you is a very good way to “counter his creative stunt” and stay within the law.
    Well… to anyone that doesn’t think Imafuckhead and you are particularly “creative”. And neither of you are, BTW.
    Damn if you libs aren’t just as stupid as the enemy.

  19. Dan(The Infidel)


    The lowly thug-in-chief is being shown the fucking door.
    You got a problem with that?

  20. Dan(The Infidel)


    Let’s see what the lowly Iraniac thug-in-chief has been up to: Supplied EFP’s that have killed 200+ US soldiers. Is the primary source for bomb making materials in Lebanon, Somalia, Isreal, Iraq and Afghanistan. These same materials have hilled thousands of innocent civilians.

    Unlike the US who avoids collateral damage like the plague, the Iraniac thug-in-chief relishes collateral damage. He specializes in it, then chalks it up as inshallah.

    This puke is a terrorist scum. A State sponsor or terrorism, the likes of which the world hasn’t seen since the days of Adolph Hitler and his Nazi regime.

    Motherfuck him.

  21. Dan(The Infidel)

    Here’s two more reasons to reject the small man from Iran:

    Quote: 1.”God willing, in the near future we will witness the destruction of the corrupt occupier regime,” Ahmadinejad proclaimed about Israel in June.

    Quote 2: In 2005, he claimed that Israel “must be wiped out from the map of the world.” This is the urging of genocide, a violation of all the law of nations.

    Little Hitler has no business being anywhere near Ground Zero. And he can take his anti-semetic, anti-Christian self on back to that camel-fucking country of his.

  22. Kipp

    I’m not rejecting that A-Jad is an evil puke. I’m just saying that we continue to lose the PR war in the war on terror. Our politicians lack creativity.

  23. Dan (The Infidel)


    That’s because they don’t study the Koran. This evil puke doesn’t even follow his own playbook. Neither does OBL.
    Use their own playbook against them.

    A more creative way to handle Ahmedisadick would be to pronounce him guilty of not following the Koran and the Hadith by declaring jihad without the approval of the Muslim caliphate, and then hang the motherfucker from a crane in ground zero. Before doing so put a sign on his neck: This is the penalty for all apostates of allah.

    Oh, and write the sign in classic Arabic. Don’t want no misunderstandings with the rest of the irhabi world.

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