America Votes: Petraeus Didn’t Betray Us

September 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Gen. David Petraeus Better Known, Better Liked After Last Week
Sixty-one percent of Americans rate the general favorably in new poll

by Joseph Carroll

PRINCETON, NJ — A new Gallup Poll suggests that last week’s intense schedule of congressional testimony and media appearances by the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, enhanced his image among Americans.
Not only did Petraeus’ name identification increase significantly in a matter of just a week, but his image also became more favorable than it was just before the week’s activities. This occurred in a contentious environment that included the publication of a full-page ad in the New York Times criticizing Petraeus, and much commentary on the truthfulness and accuracy of his testimony. The new poll also shows that Americans are not nearly as familiar with U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker, who also testified before Congress.

According to the Sept. 14-16, 2007 poll, 61% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Petraeus, while 22% have an unfavorable opinion and 18% are not familiar enough with the general to rate him.

In early August, just 47% of Americans rated Petraeus favorably, with 21% rating him unfavorably and 32% having no opinion. Now, after last week, his post-testimony favorable rating has jumped up 14%. Petraeus’ name identification — the percentage of Americans who know enough about him to have an opinion — also jumped from 69% in early September to 83% this past weekend.

Republicans — who as a group are solidly behind the war effort — are much more likely than independents or Democrats to rate Petraeus favorably. Eighty-three percent of Republicans have a favorable opinion of him, compared with 59% of independents and 43% of Democrats.

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11 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    :beer: To the Americans who get it!
    I knew you were out there!

  2. Irish Gal

    Muah David….

  3. drillanwr

    LftBhndAgn -

    The MSM lies … We know the majority of Americans want victory.

  4. John Cunningham

    I don’t know how these Generals do it. But, that’s why they’re Generals and I’m a blogger.

  5. Ranger

    I love how in every poll there is something like “Republicans — who as a group are solidly behind the war effort — are much more likely than independents or Democrats to rate Petraeus favorably. Eighty-three percent of Republicans have a favorable opinion of him, compared with 59% of independents and 43% of Democrats.”

    It’s so true. In every poll, its always a huge majority of Republicans voting for common sense, and Democrats bringing down the class average with their idiocy.

  6. mindy abraham

    I love people of honor-I disagreed with him, but he seemed to be good person, and one I could trust. :smile:

  7. Jon

    I’m too old to be over there…..but if the fight ever comes here and he’s in charge, find me a rifle.

  8. Ted B

    I already have my rifle… Check out the haircut!

  9. Clyde Conneer

    Mindy, disagree? With what, conduct of combat operations? WHAT? I can’t imagine any parallel experience you would have with a General Officer,West Point Graduate and combat veteran that would qualify you to disagree with WHAT?

  10. Brian H

    That “61%” represents 74% of those who had an opinion (61/82 x 100%). Which is a 3:1 bulge.

    (Various spellings of) Malik Daoud, btw, means “King David”, the nickname given him by grateful Anbar sheikhs.

  11. Brad W(the infidel)

    What I notice from the poll numbers, and proves that we ARE the MAJORITY, is that the 22 to 21 % of people against the general is this, those are the liberals, socialists, democrats, facists that hate this country and everything about it. They probably do not look for any news, toehr than the liberal talking points, and the first time any of them were to have a cold drink of water and an original thought, they would drop dead. Those are the people that have guilt over some imgained wrong, or are so pathetic, they hate their lives, and are jealous of anyone that does well, so they want everyone to be miserable.

    If we could just get that 4:1 ratio at the voting booth, rather than too many people sitting it out, we could really get this country steamrolling!

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