France Seeks To Bypass U.N. With Separate E.U. Sanctions

September 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



France, toughening its position against Iran, said on Thursday that European companies should be told not to seek new markets and to reduce their investments there.

President Nicolas Sarkozy’s spokesman said such measures were being considered because it could take time for the UN Security Council to agree on tougher sanctions against Teheran.


France is pushing for all European Union countries to advise their companies against bidding for contracts in Iran and to reduce their investments there.

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said France wants the EU to pass its own sanctions against Iran, in parallel to those it is pushing for at the United Nations Security Council, because Iran refuses to suspend uranium enrichment.

France, Britain, Germany, the United States, Russia and China are due to meet tomorrow to discuss a possible third round of UN sanctions against Iran for atomic work that could be used to make nuclear weapons.

“No one believes the enrichment programme being conducted by Iran is peaceful. For us, a nuclear-armed Iran is unacceptable,” Mr Sarkozy’s spokesman said, adding that talks on a third round of sanctions against Iran “can take time”.

Without calling them sanctions, the spokesman said France wanted “recommendations made to European companies to at least not bid for new markets in Iran, and as far as financial institutions are concerned, to lower their exposure and their investments”.

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10 Responses

  1. dwarvenho

    Wow! Sounds like testicles are making a comeback in France.

  2. One Shot

    Maybe the Frenchies are finally finding their ballz.

  3. Asterix

    well, if you really know Kouchner, you would think otherwise ; he is a clown, speaks too quickly, wants to be a media star

    as far as sanctions against Iran, none contest them

  4. libNOTSr

    Naw….I’ll bet it was that Ted Nugent comment about killing deer and comparing it to the French. :beer:

    Sarkozy may singlehandedly help turn the EU around. We’ll have to wait and see.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Viv La France. That’s the kind of testicular fortitude that my ancestors had. Bravo!!

  6. Irish Gal

    Yeah, well the terrorists want to be the media star as well. So there is some competition.

  7. Asterix

    Irish Gal


  8. Brian H

    At the UN, the inmates have long since taken over the asylum.

  9. lwssdd

    It’s about time someone just took action and ignores the UN

  10. Ted B

    Aterix, are you some short dude with a moustache and a helmet on? :wink:

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