Gingrich Trying To Raise $30 Million For Presidential Bid

September 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


There’s one reason why Gingrich has been so critical of his fellow Republicans lately: he’s laying the groundwork for a Presidential bid. Don’t buy the “I’m mouthing off just because I’m a guy who cares” bs. And forget the “might run” if he raises the money. If he wasn’t actively trying to run, than his adviser, Randy Evans, wouldn’t be spending his time trying to raise $30 million. If he raises it, he’s running. Gingrich isn’t making a big deal about all of this, not because he hasn’t decided whether or not he’d like to run, but because he hasn’t figured out whether or not he’s actually got the support and can raise the money. He’s trying to be casual about his naked bid for office, so that he can avoid embarrasment if the first stage doesn’t pan out. I’m surprised this story didn’t get more traction today.

WASHINGTON (AP) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says he still might run for president if supporters will pledge $30 million by November.
“You can’t bring all your good ideas if you don’t have the resources to communicate,” Gingrich told reporters Thursday at a breakfast in Washington.

Gingrich is holding a national Internet-based workshop next week. Afterward, his top political adviser, Randy Evans, will spend October seeing if he can generate pledges of $30 million, which Gingrich said would be needed to compete with the leader in the GOP presidential money chase, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

On Nov. 1, if the pledges pan out, Gingrich will consider running, he said. He didn’t say when he would decide, but noted that Nov. 13, when Ronald Reagan announced his candidacy in 1979, is a “propitious” date.

The Republican former speaker had good things to say about the field of presidential contenders:

_Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, “a historical figure” as mayor, “would be a very strong candidate” as an alternative to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

_Romney’s work heading the 2002 Olympics was “amazing.”

_Former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson, while making a “goofy” decision to announce his campaign on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno, “is a very articulate guy and has the potential to be a national figure.”

_Arizona Sen. John McCain faces the “hardest problems” but in recent weeks has made a “much more clear” case for his candidacy.

_Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is relatively unknown but “is as likable as anybody in the race.”

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11 Responses

  1. AKrock

    My choice for president. I hope he does run for office. A no B.S. guy that wont put up with two important threats to the United States… terrorism and illegal immigration.

  2. LftBhndAgn

    I would back a Gingrich/Thompson ticket! Or Thompson/Gingrich ticket.

  3. John Goodrow

    Saw this coming a while back and I can’t wait to vote for him.

  4. slassbag

    Best. News. Ever.

  5. Jewish Odysseus

    Newt is MAHHH MAAAAAN, but I’m afraid this in/out footsie is the opposite of the decisiveness we need. I fear the MSM really spooked him w/their 15-year campaign against him (1983-1998).

    4 months ago he was saying the big “in or out” date was Sept 27…Now it’s 11/13…Come on. :roll:

  6. Kermit

    I like a whole lot of conservatives have been keeping their powder dry prudently watching for the right moment to jump in. Newt needs to be on the Main Stage with what he brings to the table. His personal life may be against him getting elected though. However, the best person for the job is who I’m behind and NO ONE has really turned me on yet though I had hoped two would.

  7. NV Sailor

    I’m with LftBhndAgn; any combination of those two names on a ticket would get my unconditional support, the contents of my wallet, and any major internal organs they want. Also a nice thankyou card.

  8. Dan(The Infidel)

    He’d be a forbidable debater. Love to see him take on the Hidabeast. I like him as a VP candidate. You know Hilda is going to pick some schmuck as her foil. Newt would wipe the floor with him/her/it.

  9. Corey Wayne

    Don’t count McCain out. He has some new advisors that have him really connected to the heart of who he is as a leader.

    Check out this video on his site-it’s very compelling:

    He really conveys the presence of the exact type of leader we need to finish this war and win. Check it out. It’s impressive!

  10. dadeo

    Newt would get my vote, he is by far the smartest of any candidate on either side of the aisle.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    Run Newt Run! I have been listening to him talk about running on hannitys show for like a year now so im crossing my fingers because he would have my vote!

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