Video: Bush Savages Dems Over MoveOn.Org Relationship

September 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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21 Responses

  1. JayMS

    Give ‘em hell, W! Now THIS is the man I voted for in 2004!

  2. Brian H

    Well, he got the right term in there: “disgusting”. And it looks like they’re going to play the hand out instead of folding. Hope they go “all in”; it’s time for a wipeout.

  3. chris dean

    very well said!

  4. A. S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    Hell yeah!

  5. Future0311 (the infidel)

    I see a bit of irritation going on here.

    You moonbat pukes go ahead and irritate Bush more. Show him more of your treason, your disloyalty to the country that has, thus far, guaranteed your safety from the jackasses you are giving aid and comfort to. Bush just might start taking out the trash.

  6. Future0311 (the infidel)

    They’re not just afraid of They are complicit!

  7. libNOTSr

    Glad to see Mr. Bush stand up for what’s right!

    Now if he’ll support the Captain and M/SGT in Ft. Bragg against murder charges which are the result of a good sniper shooting of a wanted bomb maker - - then we’ll be getting somewhere.

  8. Brad W(the infidel)

    Hot Damn! This is the honest speaking we need ALL the time from the President, and our elected Republican officials. Using politically correct language plays right to the libs and other socialists. Keep it simple, and 85% of the country will be behind them, get rid of the politcial double speak. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  9. drillanwr

    libNOTSr -

    As much as I’d like to see these military “criminal” cases cut off at the knees, I have been pleased at the way the military system has worked in other cases. Almost puts our civilian courts to shame. Murtha’s favorite case looks to be falling apart completely.

    Is this the one Bill O`Reilly talked about last night? Can you post some links so I (we) can get caught up on the story. It was the first I’d heard about it last night on Bill O.


  10. Jarhead68

    Here’s how the lib media headlined it on their web sites:

    CBS: Bush, Senate Condemn Anti-War Ad
    ABC: Not on the web site front page.
    MSLSD: Can’t find it on their front page.
    NBC: Can’t find it. takes me to msnbc or mslsd, as I like to call it.

    FoxNews has it as their primary headline.

    WashPost: Can’t find it. Only references GWB’s scorn. But give them props, they have the Norman Hsu story front and center.

    NYSlimes: Not there, either, but they have the Hsu story up front. Surprising.

    LASlimes: Not there and the Hsu story plays second fiddle to a story about lunchboxes with lead in them.

    All in all a pathetic record for the MSM…yet again.

  11. Jarhead68

    OOOPS. I was referring to the lack of coverage of the Senate condemning, not Bush’s comments. Sorry. I must have been thinking of the question over at HotAir that asked how the drive-by media will cover the Senate’s vote.

  12. Dan(The Infidel)

    I want to hear more of that from GW. Get out in front of the LMSM and fucking tell them like it is. Yeah baby!!

  13. Steve in NC

    I hope this is the sign he is going out swinging.

    This is the quote of the day:

    “that most Democrats are afraid of irritating a left-wing group like — are more afraid of irritating them than they are of irritating the United States military.”

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah i watched this live and I love it when Bush tells it how it is. It was a disgusting ad and hopefully these deadenders in our congress will pay for it very shortly.
    Brian H, well said buddy :beer:

  15. drillanwr

    Hairy Fucking Reid … I was passing through the room when I caught the tail end of his comments (blasting Bush) on the floor of the Senate regarding how Bush failed to condemn the Swiftboat anti-Kerry ads during the 2004 presidential campaign …

    1) Hairy, the ads were TRUE

    2) Hairy, JFKerry was not then engaged in war

    3) Hairy, JFKerry WAS NOT the leader of the troops in a war (even at the time of the ads)

    4) Hairy, JFKerry does NOT equal Gen. David Petreaus.

  16. LoneWolf

    NOW! That’s the Commander In Chief, yeah!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Dr D Semper FI

    Bush uses Democrat Party as away to piss them off! Good for him and God Bless G.W. Bush

  18. Irish Gal


  19. cnchess

    George beats the Dems everytime he tries. It is like it is so easy for him to mess with them, that he gets bored with the game and ignores them most of the time. This is the standard for the next president…

  20. Jenfidel

    I love this man–he is the best!
    God bless him (this war has aged him so…I just hate that! Come to think of it, I have a lot more gray hair myself.)

  21. Sandy K.

    It was great to see and hear President Bush respond to the low life dems and crowd! For all that is to yet be done we need to hear more from him as time unfolds. I think he has measured his responses to the idiots attacks and behavior most of the time because they are like fleas on a dog and their thinking is SO distorted. Anyone with a functioning brain can see through their motives. Their attack on General Petraeus deserved condemnation and I am glad he smacked the fleas in the face.

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