Maliki Wants Revolutionary Guard Terrorist Returned

September 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


So just what is all this about? Is Maliki sincere in his belief that the Iranian is not an Al Quds member? Doubtful. Whether or not the man is an accredited diplomat in no way reduces the chances that he is in fact an officer in the Revolutionary Guards. Is Maliki facilitating Iranian terrorists into his country, and if so why? Or is he just kissing Iran’s ass over fear of retaliation, economic or political? If he doesn’t help them out with this, is he afraid they may work to destabilize his power in Iraq?

U.S.-Iraqi relations have been further strained by the U.S. detention of an Iranian Thursday in northern Iraq who was accused by the military of smuggling weapons to Shiite militias for use against American troops.

Al-Maliki condemned the detention and said the man had been invited to Iraq.

“The government of Iraq is an elected one and sovereign. When it gives a visa it is responsible for the visa,” he said. “We consider the arrest … of this individual who holds an Iraqi visa and a (valid) passport to be unacceptable.”

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, demanded the Iranian’s release on Saturday, saying he was a member of an official delegation that was in the autonomous Kurdish city of Sulaimaniyah with the full knowledge of the Iraqi government and local authorities.

Military spokesman Rear Adm. Mark Fox, however, said the Iranian was posing as a businessman but was actually a member of the elite Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards who was smuggling armor- piercing explosively formed penetrators known as EFPs into Iraq.

Underscoring the dangers, the military said an American soldier was killed Saturday and another wounded when an EFP hit their patrol in eastern Baghdad.


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4 Responses

  1. Dan(The Infidel)

    How about: Fuck no.

  2. Pete

    That picture makes me sick.What are we fighting for? :cry:

  3. Fight4TheRight

    Yeah, go ahead and return him to Iran. With an apple in his mouth.

  4. Jim

    “Maliki Wants Revolutionary Guard Terrorist Returned”

    :neutral: I’m sorry sir, but we’ve seem to have misplaced him, can we help you in any other way? :smile:

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