The Human Sewage That Is Hosting Ahmadinejad

September 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Trendy liberals looking for attention and moonbat applause, host American troop killer.

Ahmadinejad’s Hosts
New York Sun Editorial
September 21, 2007

Our phone has been ringing with calls from New Yorkers appalled, most of them, that President Bollinger is going to permit Columbia University to host President Ahmadinejad — and sick that Mr. Bollinger is personally going to honor the Iranian anti-Semite, an enemy of our country in a time of war, by personally meeting with him and conducting a dialogue that, no matter how sincere Mr. Bollinger is, will be phony. Mr. Bollinger tried to gussy this up by suggesting, in a statement, that it was some kind of victory for freedom that he got the Iranian to take questions.

The Iranian propaganda operatives in Tehran, one can be sure, are gleeful over Mr. Bollinger’s blunder. They know that no matter how tough the questions Mr. Bollinger asks Mr. Ahmadinejad — whether they palaver about Israel, ground zero, human rights, or Madisonian principles like free speech — the Iranian is the victor merely by being received on Morningside Heights. They know that Mr. Bollinger will not permit protesters to rush the stage and physically drive a speaker from campus the way the university permitted students to do when Jim Gilchrist of the Minutemen attempted to speak there.

But the truth is, we’ve had our innings with Mr. Bollinger and what we’ve concluded is that he’s not the problem at Columbia. He’s merely the symptom. He’s an earnest, decent, friendly, and gracious university president who — in a time of war — is in deeper grass than he comprehends. He has never been invested in our wars, he has sided against the military over the question of campus recruitment, he has focused on First Amendment issues without understanding that the right to host an enemy propagandist isn’t an obligation to host an enemy propagandist, and he has been enabled by a weak group of donors.

The real problem at Columbia is the group that is President Ahmadinejad’s real host — the 24 members of the university’s board of trustees. This is a group that has, throughout the long slog of anti-Israel agitation and occasional anti-Semitism on the campus, refused to take a public stand. We number several of them among our friends. We admire many of them. But as a group, they have let New York down and, were Columbia not a self-perpetuating board, would have lost the trust they were given. There is no difference between going to ground zero and going to Columbia, except that the governing body of the former has a deeper understanding of what it means for a country to be at war than the governing body of the other.

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9 Responses

  1. Dan(The Infidel)

    Bollinger is the epitomy of moral equivilence. His reasoning is the height of hypocracy and sphistry. I hope NYers will show this bum the door. And I hope Columbia alumns will withdraw their support for a school that has turned into a pile of shit.

  2. mindy abraham

    How come he is okay, but the ROTC is not :mad: I don’t like the don’t ask don’t tell policy, but I would never hold it against the whole military either-i’d rather see soldiers than iranian leaders any day.

  3. sully

    Not to defend the puke Bollinger in any way but the driving force behind this whole Ahwawhatever thing is Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs and its ‘Middle East Institute’ and its ‘Gulf 2000 project’ (whew) which is run by Professor Gary Sick who was a principal White House aide for Persian Gulf affairs under (of all people) Jimmy Carter, 1976-1981.
    He sure did a great job then and now he’s back.

  4. mary alpha

    Wasn’t the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy initiated during the Clinton years?

  5. danielle

    I hope New Yorkers do something about this!!! I saw a couple of Jewish people hold a protest against Columbia’s generous offer to a terrorist.

  6. ViperDriver

    :mad: This is beyond disgusting. I really don’t have the words to describe how I feel about this………disgusting….. :mad:

  7. Clyde Conneer

    The enemy within is emboldened today, so that their arrogance betrays them. When the reckoning comes they will be alone, without tools to face an angry people.

  8. DonnieB

    We need to show him as a leader not in control. He pretends to not have knowledge of such events or discredits our views. If we start talking to MSM and use words like, out of touch, weak or failure to lead his country. Maybe the MSM might print it. This could help start a real revolt be those how know they are not free to speak (The Young Iranians).

  9. Jim

    or :mrgreen: a double agent

    Dr GARY SICK, the American Iranian Council …This is the individual that is pulling all the strings at
    Columbia anti-American University.

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