Video: Al Qaeda In Iraq Features Kiddie Jihadis

September 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.




A new propaganda video from the al Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) features small children with AK-47 assault rifles. The narrator of the video refers to these young boys as the “new generation” of mujahedeen.

In one scene, a small child who appears to be around seven- or eight-years-old is holding an AK-47 and reciting what he says are quotes from the prophet Mohammed. Then a group of small children are seen, each holding an AK-47.

The narrator is heard over the footage saying, “In conclusion we say to Bush, the Muslim ummah [Muslim community] that you have tried with all your strength to wage war against, is an ummah [community] that will never die. And it has, with the blessings of God, allotted for you a new generation of Mujjahideen.”

The video, which was posted online, features the al Furqan logo, the media wing of the ISI. The 20-minute video contains clips of IED explosions and various other scenes that are typical of previously released ISI propaganda videos.

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7 Responses

  1. Dan(The Infidel)

    So ISI is running out of adult fighters and is now recruiting children. That’s exactly what insurgencies do when they start hitting rock bottom.

  2. Jim

    AQ’s suicide bomb farm, just grow them to maturity and them lead them to the slaughter.

  3. LftBhndAgn

    Not gonna work with the Iraqi MAJORITY. The Iraqi majority love their children to much.

  4. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Running out of people dense enough to blow themselves up for a pipe dream, so they target innocent children that have no idea what they’re saying or doing instead.


  5. tsarbomba

    Rather than training children for “future” jihad, AQI is trying to replace a dwindling and dying active force. I’ll wager the numbers of child suicide bombers will not wait a generation to make themselves apparent. AQ is HURTING now!!

  6. LadyAngler

    I’m sorry guys, but this gives me an awful feeling inside. I feel so horrible for these children. I know, I know they are the enemy, but my heart aches for their situation. May God have mercy on them.

  7. Jewish Odysseus

    That vid w/the kid is entitled “The Disillusioned Arrow,” making fun of…OP ARROWHEAD RIPPER, which annihilated AQ in Diyala 3 months ago. It took them 3 months to smuggle out a vid that shows a few now-in-Helle kid brainwashed lunatic jihadis shooting at someone…and then hiding behind seven-year-olds. Wow. How noble and honorable. What wd Salah-ud-din say?

    Here is the full vid w/the kid on Live-Leak:

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