Legislature May Pull Columbia Finances

September 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


NY Sun:

As the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, prepares to address Columbia University today amid a storm of student protest, state and city lawmakers say they are considering withholding public funds from the school to protest its decision to invite the leader to campus.

In an interview with The New York Sun, the speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver, said lawmakers, outraged over Columbia’s insistence on allowing the Iranian president to speak at its World Leaders Forum, would consider reducing capital aid and other financial assistance to the school.

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6 Responses

  1. Brad W(the infidel)

    There should be no MAY PULL to this. Just pull the funds, quit wasting tax dollars!

    One tidbit for everyone out there. Everyone is talking about the military, veterans, etc being a small group overall in this country.

    Today I received a note about an all veterans reunion being set up for August 20th -24th, 2008. According to the flyer sent out, the US census estimates there are over 24 MILLION veterans in the country. That does not include the families of those vets. If we can get more veterans to speak out, we can shut the libtards down, since they are pandering to much smaller groups. I’ll bet if you add in current memebers and family memebers of all current members and all veterans, you would be getting close to one third to one half of the country.

    That is one hell of a powerful group. If small interest groups of a few million can sway the policy of the dhimicrats, what can we accomplish with all the veterans?

  2. jam

    There really is no excuse for this outrage… none. This little goat fucker should be strapped to a waterboard, not speaking at a “World Leaders Forum”.

    For godsakes, it’s a no-brainer!

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Bollinger has too many sympathizers in NY politics. Good luck pal.

  4. Mess

    Sheldon Silver is a perfect example of the modern day, left wing liberal. Remember Ward Churchill, he was a guest speaker at Columbia also.

    Silver thinks that as long as negotiations are ongoing, things are good regardless of all of the talk and no substantive action. Jimmy Carter was a huge advocate of this ideology and look where it got our nation during his presidency.

    The United States and (largely) Europe have been attempting to negotiate a solution to the problem of Iran obtaining/producing nuclear weapons for several years. The only constant that has come out of the Iranian government on this issue is the lying out of Tehran. There are 2 rules to keep in mind when dealing with this person and the Iranian government. Don’t believe them and don’t trust them.

    Sheldon Silver must think talking to Ahmadinejad will produce something positive. Under this line of thinking we should have tried to negotiate a peace deal with Adolph Hitler in the middle of WW2.

    Ahmadinejad is a danger to not only the Middle East but to the world community. His actions parallel that of Adolf Hitler and other tyrannical dictators before they attempted global domination. Backing him into a corner in a verbal discussion will do nothing to prevent mass human slaughter and fuel support to Ahmadinejad’s cause.

    As I said, Silver is the perfect example of the modern day, left wing liberal. America needs to keep this in mind.

  5. Gary in Midwest

    I think the only thing that could ever make them regret their stupid ass decision to invite this piece of dung to speak would be financial hardship. Hit ‘em in the wallet and watch “free maniacal speech” fly out the window! Just ask the morons at The Rocky Mountain Collegian.

  6. Lamplighter

    Why does a private exclusive university that charges some of the highest tuition out there receive ANY tax dollars to spend on stuff that they should be spending their “endowment” dollars on? How about sending the tax dollars to STATE schools that need the money??????

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