North Korea Furious At U.S. For Syrian Raid

September 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Talk about giving the game away. There is no reason on earth for these guys to be so particulary pissed off unless Israel’s strike was counter to their interests - ie it was in fact their ( possibly nuclear ) material that got blown up, and the strike may have ruined their chances to sell Syria more shit. These loud condemnations can’t rationally be seen as anything else but an admission of guilt.


North Korea accused the US of defending Israel’s recent alleged air strike against Syria, calling the strike a grave crime that undermines regional peace and stability, a South Korean news report said Monday.

North Korea’s criticism came after this month’s reported IAF raid on unknown Syrian targets, over suspicions that North Korea might be providing nuclear assistance to Syria.

“Israeli warplanes’ intrusion into the territorial airspace of Syria and bomb-dropping are an outright violation of Syria’s sovereignty and a grave crime that destroys regional peace and security,” South Korea’s Yonhap news agency quoted the North’s main Rodong Sinmun newspaper as saying.

The North also claimed that the US had defended Israel’s “brazen behavior” in allegedly launching the air strike, Yonhap said.

North Korea’s comments came days after it held high-level talks with Syria. The two countries, which deny the allegation of a secret nuclear connection, did not provide details of Pyongyang talks.

Andrew Semmel, acting US deputy assistant secretary of state for nuclear nonproliferation policy, said earlier this month that North Koreans were in Syria, and that Syria might have had contacts with “secret suppliers” to obtain nuclear equipment.

Semmel did not identify the suppliers. However, he said he could not exclude the possibility that a nuclear black-market network, run by the disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist A.Q. Khan, could have been involved.

Semmel’s comments raised speculation that the alleged September 6 Israeli incursion into Syrian airspace had targeted a nuclear installation. US officials have said IAF warplanes struck a target.

One US military officer said the strike was aimed at weapons being shipped to Hizbullah in Lebanon.

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6 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    LOL…The big bad NK military got their little behinds apanked by the IDF. Poor Dear Leader is now embarassed. Wonder which NK military family is going to be sent to the gulag for embarassing the Dear Leader?

  2. Dbo

    fuck you hans blix, you cocksucker. Take that. You fucking peace of shit! You think I am just some delivery boy? I am the one behind the master plan!

    - Kim Jong Il. Team America: World Police

  3. Egfrow

    This is quoted from the Associated Press.

  4. Ted B

    Hans, Hans, you’re busting my balls!

  5. Mess

    Boo Hoo Hoo

  6. A Golden BB

    North Korea only has 2 export products that anyone on the world stage would want, nukes and missiles.
    Either way, way to go IDF.

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