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Yeah,,,The depressed Persian Tow Truck Man complains and his mush headed audience claps. Sounds like the blind leading the blind, deaf and dumb to me.
September 24th, 2007 at 1:14 pmIf nobody had said a word about this asshole being invited to Columbia, do you think Bollinger would have talked that way?
‘Hypocrisy is the key to flexibility.’
September 24th, 2007 at 1:21 pmI don’t get this at all. First Bollinger extends an invitation to Ahma-Blowjob to speak and NOW he insults him on stage to his face? If Bollinger thinks he’s such a reprehensible turd, then why invite him and give him an open forum to speak?
My guess is that Bollinger rode his ass for suck points. Anyone else concurr?
September 24th, 2007 at 1:22 pmJayMS,
He didn’t. He was getting too much heat from Alumni and Funders. He had to save face. His future was at stake.
September 24th, 2007 at 1:32 pmI was not thrilled about the event of the day.
Bollinger told students ahead of time not to ask questions that were antagonistic and disrepectful. But, I guess he didn’t think that applied to a speech given by a “grown up.” The students should be pissed off and I was pissed off for being lead down the primrose path thinking speeches wouldn’t be made. So here we have a speech, great as it was, made by the “grown up” and then followed by a speech by the president of the criminal Persian crusaders where the crusader-in-chief was trying to tell us we should follow his tradition, while he is in our country, as to how to conduct the proceedings with respect to an invited guest.
When he is on our soil, he better get used to following our tradition which is to not waste time and confront buillshit head on, especially when the BS artist will only spend a very limited time in the spotlight.
September 24th, 2007 at 1:36 pmBollinger checked the wind before he spoke. If there weren’t so many pissed off people, he would have said nothing or very little…
No. Bollinger could care less about dialog and all that libnut rhetoric. Or if he gave a shit, that the Mad Mahdi was such an asswipe, he would have told him to go fuck off in the first place.
Would he give the same forum to a conservative. Hell fucking no. Bollinger is an opportunist and a used car salesman.
His rhetoric is as empty as his school is of new ROTC cadets.
September 24th, 2007 at 1:38 pmSimply OUTSTANDING! I hope Bollinger and Columbia really mean it. In any case, it was said and with great clarity.
September 24th, 2007 at 1:38 pmI was quite surprised, relieved and overjoyed that Bollinger gave such an opener… but the complaints of the douche bag getting applauded… speaks volumes of the easily led American youth…
September 24th, 2007 at 1:40 pm“Anyone else concurr?”
No. As difficult as it might be to imagine of a ‘prestigious’ American university president, Bollinger is phenomenally stupid in my opinion. As a result, he wildly overestimates his abilities in the political arena. Especially, the Middle Eastern political arena.
One thing I will give Ahwawhateva creds for was his uniquely diffferent (yet still sophist) reply to the question of Israel. A ‘referendum’…. hadn’t heard that one before. ‘Palestinians’ get to determine the fate of Israel the same way they did Gaza.
September 24th, 2007 at 1:42 pmi second the motion
September 24th, 2007 at 1:54 pmBollinger is no Ivy League fool, being a NYC Uptown money hungry elitist, when Columbia’s Jewish Alumni threatens to stop their donations, Bollinger mouths off to the Iranian terrorist dinnerjacket in order to keep the cash flow coming.
September 24th, 2007 at 2:21 pmBollinger’s faux bravery is demonstrated by direct correlation to the amount of cash that was about to be removed from the alumni fund.
While Bollinger’s message was true, from this coward the spirit of the message rang hollow. But I would have liked to hear George Bush give a message of similar content.
September 24th, 2007 at 2:23 pmGd Damn it that whole fucking with Bollinger was staged…
September 24th, 2007 at 2:50 pmAhmadingadong new that Bollinger’s intro going to be critical and why.
this translator sucks
September 24th, 2007 at 2:52 pmThis Bullshit just made him a hero on arab tv… MOTHER F*CKING F*CKHEADS, and that bullshit drama with bollinger was part of the fiasco
September 24th, 2007 at 3:03 pm“No. As difficult as it might be to imagine of a ‘prestigious’ American university president, Bollinger is phenomenally stupid in my opinion. ”
Sully I second that or…”I concur”
September 24th, 2007 at 3:35 pm[…] Video: Bollinger Rips Ahmadinejad To His Face, Ahmadinejad Complains — Pat Dollard […]
September 24th, 2007 at 4:27 pmThe Jacket said it all in his first sentence, listen carefully
September 24th, 2007 at 6:38 pmthen read this.
Bollinger was brilliant. This is how you win the PR war against extremists. Bring it out into the daylight. If Bollinger was caving to some “left wing conspiracy” he sure made it a point to address just about every grievance known to man that Iran has committed. You Spartan conservatives aren’t capable of understanding that foreign policy is more than just bullets and bombs. A-Jad’s speach was a hollow echo after Bollinger’s frontal assault. People won’t remember A-Jad’s ramblings but they will remember Lee. Learn from a liberal my friends, because the next President of the US is going to be one.
September 24th, 2007 at 9:12 pm“This is how you win the PR war against extremists.”
What PR war is that exactly? The one where you talk them to death? Bollinger won nothing.
“You Spartan conservatives aren’t capable of understanding that foreign policy is more than just bullets and bombs.”
Our “foreign policy” is just fine. We continue to save “bullets and bombs” for those that actually threaten our lives. No “Spartan” is suggesting bombing Sweden.
You ‘Progressives’ need to spend some serious alone time figuring out the world. You’ve got some serious issues with individual freedom. And with the exception of Ahwawhateva’s opening prayer, I didn’t hear him say anything that I couldn’t have heard from Jimmy Carter.
“Learn from a liberal my friends, because the next President of the US is going to be one.”
You mean Hillabeast “We are going to take things away from you for the common good” Clintonovich?
Nah… this time next year you libs are gonna be totally fucked.
September 24th, 2007 at 10:30 pmI think this is great, how many liberals would have never believed a word the president or patreus said about what Iran is doing, but I can show this video to any liberal and what can they say? I am all for this and I believe what he says aboujt knowing thine enemy and allowing him to speak, ignoring him doesn’t make him go away. If he wants to go on an American stage and reveal himself for the extremist he is then let him do it.
September 25th, 2007 at 9:05 amJames: “Bollinger is no Ivy League fool,”
The more I listen, read, and think about what just happened, the more I believe Bollinger made a serious error. There are only a few intellectual elites who will properly review and compare Ahmadinejad’s claims and reality, without all of the moral relativism so popular in the U.S. today. The rest will “poo-poo” Bollinger’s lack of tact and manners, despite the facts and will cut Ahmadinejad the usual slack.
Those of us who know Ahmadinejad is playing a game here, true “political ju-jitsu”, have realized that Bollinger calling him out like that, but not being able or willing to properly follow-up and challenge Ahmadinejad on key points, just adds to the confusion and bigger PR game being played. Bollinger and Columbia could easily say “political and social pressure made us do it, despite our better judgements” and we all take a step backwards in global social-progress.
Kipp: “People won’t remember A-Jad’s ramblings but they will remember Lee.”
I don’t think so, it’s already beginning to play quite badly for both Bollinger and Ahmadinejad. You are right that since it’s business as usual for the Iranian President, it will fade into the background, but Bollinger’s comments fell on deaf ears, both here and there. What will come of Bollinger’s challenge?
Press release: Bollinger says Iran has done bad things but Iran claims there are no homosexuals in Iran and women are happy. News at 11.
The only way Bollinger will be remembered will be as the intellectual who tried to have his cake and eat it too. What he does and says in the next few days, and the near future will be telling of how this will be ultimately remembered (fingers crossed, but I’m already shaking head).
Kipp: “Learn from a liberal my friends, because the next President of the US is going to be one.”
Only if Obama runs VP to Hillary will the liberals have a Democratic chance in hell in winning. The war is important, but NOT just in ENDING it, but seeing that it “ends” well. I’ve felt that way for almost six months and everything I am seeing is supporting that idea. Obama doesn’t have the chops and Hillary is too divisive. BUT, if they run together, they may temper each other’s weaknesses enough in the eyes of many moderates. They do have the advantage of a split Moderate/Republican crowd right now, that may not last though. We’ll see.
September 25th, 2007 at 10:09 amKomrade Kipster:
“People won’t remember A-Jad’s ramblings but they will remember Lee. Learn from a liberal my friends, because the next President of the US is going to be one.”
You on a first name basis with Mr Bollinger? What, you suck his dick or something?
We’re not your friends Judas…You must be talking about your buddies at CodeFink.
It’s along time before 2008 libshit…And Hillary isn’t going to be the winner… beacause the American people got way more sense than you do.
September 25th, 2007 at 1:24 pmwhats important is if the iranians got to hear what bollinger said. Bollinger acknowledged the suffering people of iran under imanutjob, and condemned the dichead as a dictator. Amen!
Anyone notice how the dictator once again asked for the mahdi to come, this is a veiled shia threat against the US which suggests the destruction of our country and allies in preparation for the mahdi.
I suspect mahmoud was thinking that was going to write bollingers speeech which would be understandable since most universities are run by leftists, i did notice many jews in the audience, and obviously many liberals who cheered as ahmedinijad suggested that the speech undemined the freedom of conscience of the student body. What libs dont get is that the president also has that right and that he knows full well that libs will never change their distorted thinking no matter what truths are thrown at them.
I think that it is good to take the nutjob out of his cocoon and let him speak before a hostile and friendly crowd. In fact i think many other universities should invite him to make a fool of himself and show his deep seated ignorance more often.
September 25th, 2007 at 11:01 pmKipp,
Bollinger did nothing to say anything good about America. It was a one way criticism designed to save money for the University. There are senators now discussing the cutting of funding. As for calling conservatives Spartans, that is a typical leftist attack that has no basis of rational debate. You attempt de-legitmize debate by calling trying to betray us as ignorant.
Let’s get this straight through your elitist holier than though attitude. This was not a free speech issue as the Columbia played it off as, He’s a foreign leader who is murdering our sons and daughters, who back a regime that has vowed to destroy the US for 30 years. This is a propaganda windfall for Arab News outlets and he could give a rats ass about what the US media will publish about him. This is about him consolidating power in his region and giving him legitimacy.
Bollinger and the Bush State Department has done more damage to the War On Terror they even you can understand. I don’t know what side you are on. But based on your statement you are short sighted in believing that this thing was a win for Bollinger and Columbia U. This was a major miscalculation and all that has happened is that Mamoud’s status in other Arab Nations has just jumped up considerably higher. This will allow him to consolodate in more influence and power.
You my friend are part of the crowd that is sending us into a world war.
September 26th, 2007 at 8:45 am