Video: “We Don’t Have Homosexuals In Iran” Reagan: “He’s Killed Them All”

September 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Michael Reagan on Cavuto: “He’s killed them all, that’s why they don’t have any”.

Further demonstrating his overall lack of credibility, Achmadinejad explained that it wasn’t true that homosexuals were executed in Iran just for being gay, because…

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19 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    Except for those dead ones over there we hung with the crane. Ha ha…

  2. Iacobus

    And here I am, listening to this nutjob (or trying to; it’s hard listening to someone who’s an absolute fucking asshole babble on and on and on…) and out comes this gem. One of the more priceless moments, that’s for sure.

  3. kins55

    Hey - they might not have homos because they let them screw camels instead!

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    yeah no homosexuals..Guess thats a Phenomenon only experienced in the rest of the world, just not in Iran. What an odd statement to make considering that its a fact that they are executing them whenever they find out..The worlds second Hitler is all i can say. No one payed attention to Mein Kampf and looked what happened, Hitlers playbook was shown to the world..Ahmedinejads playbook is out there for us now, will we pay attention?

  5. Lil Mac

    Women are Gods most beautiful creatures

    As long as they are covered head to toe
    Walk Behind you & can take a few good whacks from a stick
    Sick Asshole ,, I cant even watch or listen
    Disgusting :evil:

  6. John Goodrow

    :shock: :lol:

  7. Steve in NC

    “How can anyone be a homosexual in Iran when our women have such lovely noses?”, armmeahjahddy said to the non-believers

  8. drillanwr

    Well, I guess this man of science and enlightenment has proven it … There is a gay gene, and only Iranians don’t carry it.

  9. Oliver

    why was this tard not assassinated.

  10. Dan(The Infidel)

    More nonsense from The Depressed Persian Tow Truckman (Hullah, Hullah). Allahu fuck you.

  11. hegelbot

    drillanwr, while there is a regular trend of homo-sexuality which suggest a cause other than mere cultural or personal habit i don’t think there is actually a gay gene. At least that is what i understand from a friend who did his thesis on genetics and the question of the “gay gene”. I could be wrong and if so point me in the right direction cause it is an interesting topic.

  12. NV Sailor

    “They are not in Baghdad. They are not in control of any airport. I tell you this. It is all a lie. They lie. It is a hollywood movie. You do not believe them.”

    “There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!”

    Sounds a little familiar don’t it?

  13. drillanwr

    hegelbot -

  14. drillanwr


    I was being sarcastic … facetious to a claims the homosexual/gay community often makes to homosexuality is not a choice.

  15. Greg M

    Wow I don’t know who told him that little piece of information but it looks like they don’t have lairs or homosexuals. haha what a joke

  16. 0311inohio

    There is no doubt in my mind that this puke is a closet gay guy!

  17. kozanne


    There is no doubt in my mind that this puke is a closet gay guy!”

    Well he better not be gay because some little gal at Daily Kos says she might have a crush on him — and SHE’s gay…

    /sarc off

  18. House 6

    I wonder if he knew a WOMAN was translating what he said?

  19. TJ

    I can see why he links himself to the non aligned movement since it is within these poor backward countries that the idea that any immoral activity, if it exists in their country, must have been put their by former colonial powers.

    I have had welll meaning african friends tell me homosexuality was brought to africa by the whites. Its nice to see that even UN members see the stupidity in his remarks by laughing at him, yet I cant help but laugh at them for otherwise supporting this nutjob in railing against the US and israel. Stupid is as stupid does. :roll:

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