Lefitst Actor Peter Coyote’s Wife Disses The Marine Corps

September 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Here’s the email for Ms. Coyote, the erstwhile assistant production manager wife of tv actor Peter Coyote: stephanie.coyote@sfgov.org or stefanie.coyote@sfgov.org. Her name is spelled both ways, so cc one of the addresses on your email. The Coyotes are financial supporters of MoveOn.org.

On The Streets Of San Francisco
By Dan Noyes

KGO-TV San Francisco

SAN FRANCISCO, Sep. 24, 2007 (KGO) - New York said “yes,” but we said “no.” Why
were the U.S. Marines denied permission to film a recruiting commercial on the
streets of San Francisco?

San Francisco is, once again, the center of a controversy over how city leaders
treat the U.S. military. This time, it involves an elite group of Marines who
wanted to film a recruitment commercial in San Francisco on the anniversary of

The tension has been building in the two weeks since the city turned away
members of the Silent Drill Platoon, and it boiled over Monday afternoon at a
meeting of the San Francisco Film Commission.

The U.S. Marine Silent Drill Platoon performed Monday morning in New York’s
Times Square. They filmed part of a recruitment commercial through the start of
the morning rush hour — something they could not do in San Francisco on the
anniversary of 9/11.

“It’s insulting, it’s demeaning. This woman is going to insult these young
heroes by just arbitrarily saying, ‘no, you’re not going to film any Marines on
California Street,” said Captain Greg Corrales of the SFPD Traffic Bureau.
Captain Greg Corrales commands the police traffic bureau that works with crews
shooting commercials, TV shows and movies in the city. He’s also a Marine
veteran and his son is serving his third tour of duty in Iraq.

He says Film Commission Executive Director Stefanie Coyote would only allow the
Marine’s production crew to film on California Street if there were no Marines
in the picture. They wound up filming the empty street and will have to
superimpose the Marines later.

“Ms. Coyote’s politics blinded her to her duty as the director of the Film
Commission and as a responsible citizen,” said Captain Corrales.

We asked Stefanie Coyote why they’re not allowing the Marines to shoot on
California Street. She wouldn’t answer our questions.

At today’s Film Commission meeting, she said she wouldn’t let the Marines film
because of rush hour.

“Traffic control was the issue,” explained Stefanie Coyote.

However, the Marines would have just shut down one lane of California Street
for a few minutes at a time, and Captain Corrales points out the Film
Commission often approves shoots for rush hour.

“If they want to get the job done, they find a way to get it done,” said
Captain Corrales.

The city’s treatment of the Marines is making many people angry, from local
conservatives like Christine Hughes with the San Francisco Republican Party who
told us, “it’s an embarrassment. I’m a fourth generation San Franciscan and I
don’t even recognize my city right now.”

To current and former Marines like Vince Rios, a Vietnam veteran.
“I’d like to say, ‘does your mother know you’re doing this? And if so, is she
proud of you for that?’” said Vince Rios.

“The city of San Francisco made a statement saying, ‘we don’t like the war’ by
shutting down the troops. I don’t think that was the right thing to do,”
explained Eric Snyder, a U.S. Marine.

“I wish to hell she would leave her politics at home and take care of the city
business and the bridge business on an even keel basis,” said Mike Paige, a
Korea veteran.

The Marines also applied for permits to shoot on the Golden Gate Bridge that
same morning, but were turned down because of similar traffic concerns.
The end result — the crew didn’t film the Marines in San Francisco at all.
They had to go to the National Park Service for permission to shoot in Marin
overlooking the bridge and at Kirby Cove.

“Golden Gate National Recreation Area is steeped in military tradition and
we’re honored to be a part of their continued military traditions so we’re glad
that we could accommodate the shoot,” said Amy Brees with the National Park

Captain Corrales and several other Marine veterans came to the Film Commission
Monday afternoon. They see this as just the latest insult along with the city
blocking the USS Iowa from docking here, banning the junior ROTC from high
schools, and trying to ban the yearly Blue Angels air show.

“This — a slap in the face of every veteran and every parent of men and women
who are doing their duty — is shameful,” said Captain Corrales.

The Marines we spoke with also make the point that the city allows street
demonstrations, anti-war protests and other events which snarl traffic, such as
Critical Mass. They still don’t understand why the Marines got turned away.

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34 Responses

  1. Ranger

    San Francisco. The town most deserving to be hit in the next terrorist attack.

  2. Canadian Dave

    The following message to was undeliverable.
    The reason for the problem:
    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-’stephanie.coyote@sfgov.org… No such user’

    So save a second and use the Stefanie email

  3. Ted B

    Ditto to what Ranger said, but I’d prefer Hollyweird getting hit first.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    This is disgraceful. I believe there may be a few good people left in San Francisco but not many, most seem like a bunch of whackos. Saying no to the Marines shooting a commercial there because you dont approve of the war. The whole comment of “I support the troops but am against the war” thing is really turning out to be bullshit.

  5. Irish Gal


  6. neo_fish

    WWII Disney Short: Reason vs. Emotion…


  7. Howie

    Maybe it is time that we take a page from the leftists playbook and frivilously sue the city for discrimination. We could make them either stop filming at rush hour or allow all to. By the way where was the ACLU to help to enforce the Freedom of Speech issues that are present here.

  8. kozanne

    Done. Told her if I was a Marine, I would probably help her if she got in some kind of trouble, because Marines have honor, but since I am not, I will mutter something about having traffic concerns and let her fend for her sorry own self.

  9. Future0311 (the infidel)

    The Communist Lawyer’s Union (I REFUSE to call them American!) wasn’t even in the picture.

  10. Dan(The Infidel)

    What else should one expect from a city run by leftist worshippers of all things evil?

    I understand SF is about overdue for another 1906 major earthquake. Seems to me that the towel heads will never hit such useful idiots as these. But maybe God will.

  11. Leland The Kufar

    Marines no.. Homosexual leather party mocking Jesus, Yes.

  12. Brad W(the infidel)

    I deal with numerous affluent people at work who do business in all the large cities of this nation. Obviously SanFancisco does not wish to be part of the union any longer, and I will encourage all the contact of mine to let the business leaders know of their non desire to do business in or with that locale any more, or until such time as they wish to rejoin the union. My wife also travels there regularly on business, which she can just as well accomplish vis phone and email, which she will also do in the future, will save a few thousand a year in hotels and meals. I will also see what I can do to get her company to do the same thing. let’s let those city fathers know that one of their bitch daughter is going to cost them (hopefully) millions in tax revenue.

  13. Steve in NC

    I would love a ‘cleansing’ in our society.

    These people are so disconnected from reality it would be amusing if the stakes were not so high.

    They will be pissing their pants when the shit hits the fan. Who will they then turn to for defense?

    Shit stains.

  14. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Jihad Central 9-25-07

    […] Lefitst Actor Peter Coyote’s Wife Disses The Marine Corps — Pat Dollard […]

  15. Joe M.

    “San Francisco. The town most deserving to be hit in the next terrorist attack.”

    Did you really just say that?! It’s great that you disagree with them on a personal level. I find it disgraceful as well. But to wish a terrorist attack on them makes you no better than the terrorists. Please think before writing.

  16. drillanwr

    Film Commission Executive Director Stefanie Coyote: Proving, once again, that censorship really IS in practice in these United States … By the left.

  17. Lamplighter

    What a joke. Of course, as long as it’s a gay, a radical, an America-hating parade or film, they will grant permits all day long. Think: what is the first thing you think of when you think of Bagdad by the Bay: gay parades, right?

  18. Howie

    @Joe M, I agree with Ranger. I don’t wish it on them, but if we are to get hit again I hope it is a liberal town like San Francisco. Maybe then they will better understand that we cannot win this fight like kindergarten teachers think is the only way to settle all conflicts.
    The left has not seen a fight they are willing to fight, not really even when they spoke out about 9/11 for political reasons. I take that back. President Clinton did send us to Bosnia, kinda.

  19. Steve

    It was a crappy response from the city, but, given that it’s San Francisco, why even bother asking? That city, as it is now, doesn’t deserve the honor.

    There are plenty of cities that would welcome the Marines and be more than happy to allow the filming of a commercial.

  20. mindy abraham

    I read this elsewhere, and cannot understand why san fransisco hates the military so much. I disagree with the war but I really like Marines :wink: and would have no problem with them filming an ad in my area. They are so full of themselves. I love our troops.

  21. Dr D Semper FI

    Maybe the Iranians can take care of the homosexual problem in San Fran since Iran has no homosexuals.

  22. the_right_reverend

    damn right steve

    There are plenty of cities that would welcome the Marines and be more than happy to allow the filming of a commercial.

    St Louis under the arch with the Budweiser Clydesdales passing in the background……..

    got that HQMC PAO

  23. Goodbye Natalie

    I have never understood why we allow San Fran city council and the like to call the shots against the military. Here’s what I propose and I apologize upfront to the 20 good people left in San Fran county.

    Divide up the military budget, divide by the total populace of the United States, reimburse its citizens. Yank anything and everything having to do military funding, protection, replacement parts, shipyards, etc… from San Fran county and announce to the world (make it the U.N. so the secular libs won’t miss it) the United States military and national guard will no longer protect or assist the county in any emergency or any war period. No negotiation.

    Invite the Wahabbis’ in for fine dining.

  24. RJI

    Keep up the fire on the denizens of San Fransicko.

  25. ssgduke54

    It is time for the federal government to cut off any aid or money that was given to San Fransisco. If I understand any federal aid or money that is given has stipulations that allows the military to recruit or presents itself to the city. Since the City shown its hatred to the Military then all federal funds must be CUT OFF!

  26. Gary in Midwest

    She’s more of a mutt than a coyote.

  27. Gus

    :evil: OK, I’m outraged again with stupid San Francisco.

    In case this wasn’t posted here’s the contact info for the SF Film Commision web page:


  28. Gus

    :???: More contact information:

    San Francisco Film Commission
    Office of the Mayor
    City Hall, Room 473
    1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
    San Francisco, CA 94102-4649

    Phone: (415) 554-6241
    Fax: (415) 554-6503

  29. Gus

    :arrow: Alternate SFFC email:

  30. Leland The Kufar

    Marines no.. Homosexual leather party mocking Jesus, Yes.

  31. Gus

    :!: You want irony?

    Peter Coyote is going to be an a yet to be released movie called “Adopt a Sailor”. As I write this I am familiarizing myself with this movie however here are a couple of facts on this movie:

    1. The writer/director, Charles Evered, was in the US Navy in the officer reserve. He worked in the Naval Office of Information. He is now in the Inactive Naval Reserve (IRR).

    On Charles Evered:
    In 1999, to the surprise (and with the full support) of his wife, Mr. Evered joined the Naval Reserve. “My family had a tradition of serving, and I wanted to to do something, to give back,” he explains. “I was commissioned into the Navy by Senator John McCain, and I graduated from the U.S. Naval Aviation School’s Command in Pensacola, Fla., and also served in Pennsylvania and California. I am currently a lieutenant in the Ready Reserve.”

    [Keep in mind that this is in reference to the writer/director of a movie in which Peter Coyote has a part in.]

    2. The movie utilized the US Naval ship the USS Wasp (LHD-1).

    3. Filming took place at sea and the US Navy provided helicopter ferry service for three (3) working days.

    4. I assume that there is a strong contingent of Marines on the LHD

  32. CplUsmc

    What happens the next time Cali gets a quake? Sending the guard to help? I say fuck no.

  33. CplUsmc

    Gus, I served on the Wasp. I was on it while it was the “Mother Ship” of our fleet group a few years back on the 22nd Meu. They should never let some hippies defile it.

  34. Lamplighter

    Gus-that is ironic. Maybe the missus is ticked off her hubby had the gall to do a movie “glorifying” the military, and she wanted to pay him back by kicking the Marines in the teeth.

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