Video: Katie Couric Says Bush ‘Misled’ People, Iraq Was a Mistake

September 27th, 2007 Posted By Ian Schwartz.

If her views about Iraq and President Bush weren’t clear before, this should put any questions to rest:

Everyone in this room would agree that people in this country were misled in terms of the rationale of this war,” said Couric, adding that it is “pretty much accepted” that the war in Iraq was a mistake.

“I’ve never understood why [invading Iraq] was so high on the administration’s agenda when terrorism was going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan and that [Iraq] had no true connection with al Qaeda.”

Further, Couric said the Bush administration botched the war effort, calling it “accepted truths” that it erred by“disbanding the Iraq military, and leaving 100,000 Sunni men feeling marginalized and angry…[and] whether there were enough boots on the ground, the feeling that we’d be welcomed as liberators and didn’t need to focus as much on security.” She added “I’d feel totally comfortable saying any of that at some point, if required, on television.”

Video available here.

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29 Responses

  1. Egfrow

    Couric is about to lose her slot. She ain’t cutting it for the share holders of CBS. They are losing money in that sink hole of a cunt.

  2. Future0311 (the infidel)

    “I’ve never understood why [invading Iraq] was so high on the administration’s agenda when terrorism was going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan and that [Iraq] had no true connection with al Qaeda.”

    And you never will understand, or even try to understand, vapid bitch. Fuck off. Fade into obscurity. Go live with those you willingly support.

  3. CJWarner

    She is such a general.

  4. Lone Wolf

    Well, as much as I hate to agree with her - I actually felt that the invasion of Iraq wasn’t a good thing to do at the time. I didn’t think Saddam was an immediate threat worth tying down half of our army, particularly since the UN inspectors were probably effective enough to prevent any militarily useful development of WMD. It seemed as if the Bush administration was just shopping justifications around instead of actually having compelling reasons we would all agree on. I’ll predict that Bush’s leadership abilities will not look so good in the history books.

  5. sully

    “Well, as much as I hate to agree with her….”

    Not a single bit of that matters until that history book is written. Support the mission and win or bring everyone home and surrender.
    HER ‘commentary’ (as in NOT NEWS) don’t mean shit to anyone except the enemy.

  6. TJ (the Kafir)

    its pretty much agreed upon (by the idiots in society)that bush misled people on iraq. that is what she meant to say.

    the problem with this is that the only mistake the administration made was to suggest that terrorrism against the united states is the exclusive means of an entity called al qaeda rather than the often stated goal of islam. saddam had threatened the US on oh so many occassions and israel. he harbored terrorrists like the mastermind of the achille lauro attack as well as musab alzarqawi. he threatened george bush senior.he also paid the familys of suicide bombers. Islam teaches , and imams often repeat it that muslims should not make friends with jews or christians and to fight unbelievers until the only religion is islam.

    the wmds and the link to alqaida was the only way bush could possible gain consent from the terrorrist sympathizers of the UN who have a history of allowing genocides because they dont want to infringe on countries sovereignity. make a case for a threat against other countries and you will get their help otherwise, rwanda, bosnia and now sudan will continue without any intervention.

    I will criticize the reasoning for the war, or the fact that we feel the need to ask the UN for permission, but not the war itself. 9/11 gave us the moral authority to knok down the walls of oppression, hatred and terrorrism anywhere in the middle east and africa where islam threatens people. Al qaida is just one group among many terrorrists bent on the destruction of the world.

    we are winning the war since we have taken the fight to the enemy, and Allah is begging for mercy! Finish iraq, then go to iran and then pakistan if necessary, and lets get the enemies in our own back yard while we are at it. stay on the offensive and let the libs whine! they certainly have proven they are willing to live under tyranny as long as people stop fighting back. :cry:

  7. sully

    “its pretty much agreed upon (by the idiots in society)that bush misled people on iraq. that is what she meant to say.”

    That’s what who meant to say?
    Never mind… it doesn’t matter.

    “…. I will criticize the reasoning for the war, or the fact that we feel the need to ask the UN for permission, but not the war itself.”

    That’s a distinction without a difference.

  8. sully

  9. John Cunningham

    I should have known better than to have said nice things about her week in Iraq.

  10. EdinTampa

    The left continually beats that same old tired drum… & aiding the enemy in the process!

    Those who had the power to STOP it before we invaded are the ones who didn’t do their jobs.

    Myself, I support removing Hussein and have a bigger stake in the middle east. Cutting & running now means we surrender all that we’ve accomplished.

  11. TJ


    thats what couric meant to say. meaning:only idiots presume that al qaeda is a be all end all in the equation or that the “terrorists who commit these acts and those who harbor them” are only those terrorists who have a direct proven connection to this entity called al qaida. Last i checked alqaida doesnt represent Islam, the quran does. it is in this charter that all the muslim terrorist groups in the world receive their guidance, so that even though hezbollah and alqaida are shia and sunni respectively with some different goals they share the same muslim vision to annihilate non muslims ,particularly jews and christians(israel and the USA). they dont need to sign an official agreement with witnesses for me to think they are in cahoots. they need to use the same methods and receive inspiration from the same creedo in order to be in cahoots; they are muslims, case closed.

    And yes I criticize the fact that Bush felt the need to emphasize al qaida as our main threat(a backdoor way to take the emphasis off the real threat which is the ideology of islam ) afterall we dont want people to think we are on a “crusade” do we. Crusade is bad, but the 400 years of muslim conquest prior to the crusades is ignored by people. Bush has caved to the PC establishment in order to not offend muslims in the US and around the world who might not have given in to the jihadi way yet. I say call a spade a spade. its the truth. Islam is not here to be equal to any other religion or people, it is hereto dominate and it has been attempting to do so since its inception. it has been stalled through history by people, like the christians, jews, hindus and buddhists, zoroastians and atheists fighting back.

    if you fight back you are labelled an imperialists even though islamic imperialism has gone on since muhammed. Muslims must learn arabic alone, face mecca when they pray, and make a pilgrimagge at least once, and countless other rules and regulations that muslims and non muslims must obey without question. do these sound like the guidlines for a religion that is to assimilate and be one among equals? Islam means submission, does this sound like it is consistent with the ideals of democracy which give one the right to question and criticize those in authority?

    One is not allowed to question authority because the authority is belived to be God’s word.

    do you see the difference?

  12. Egfrow

    Lone Wolf,

    If you are a little confused on why we focused on Iraq, well, besides getting the middle finger flipped at us during 12 years of violating every UN resolution and breaking the original cease fire agreement from 1991 while the UN milked the OIL from wells via the Oil for Food scam, It’s all actually very simple. With a little bit of map reading skills you need to know what’s in between Iraq and Afghanistan to see what’s at stake.

  13. danielle

    There are now two democracies in the Middle-East, and yes, they are still struggling, but at least two tyrants are gone.

  14. Ted B

    Is she trying to have a Cronkite moment? “The war is unwinnable…”

  15. C.L.Lucas

    She’s looking for her Cronkite-Tet moment as her saving grace.

    She added “I’d feel totally comfortable saying any of that at some point, if required, on television.”

  16. ssgduke54

    :cry: Boo whoo, whoo my show is going down hill and more and more people or not watching me (Couric)! What am I going to do?!! I know BLAME BUSH!! That will bring my ratings back up!! (happy, happy, joy, joy…) Well Couric you just lost another soul who will not be watching your show.

  17. Dan (The Infidel)

    S.O.S from the perky one. She knows her ratings are in the dumpster…so she’s pandering to her idiot listeners. It’s interesting that her reports from Iraq were all a-glow the other week, and now she’s back to her libtard ways. Well, now, who didn’t know that?

  18. Kurt(the infidel)

    Dont people like her understand they are nothing more than propaganda for our enemies..Their words might as well be bullets being shot at us every time they open their fucking mouths to talk. The entire MSM has been a gold mine to our enemies, giving them hope to keep fighting..If this country would finally unite we would bury these assholes

  19. Goodbye Natalie

    Watching Katie Couric do the nightly news is kind of like listening to O.J. do sport’s commentary.

    Did you ever think when the Juice was sitting behind NBC’s sports booth, you were really listening to a gangbanger? “Hey motha f’ka, what you stealin’ my shit for? Git you ass up against the wall motha f’cka!”

    When I listen to Katie doing real news, I can’t help but wonder when the real Perky is going to pop out. “This really is power shopping. I was able to purchase dozens of items in less time …. “

  20. Wendy

    Terrorism is everywhere is the Middle East you stupid bitch. Take them out, before they do anything to you. Just like a lib to want to take it up the rear. I thought we should of taking care of sadam when pussy clinton was in office, but he was content to just slap him on the wrist and say don’t do that again. Fuck her she is just like the rest of those idiots that are so full of self importance. History will not look kindly upon their traitorous actions, and will frown upon GW lack of actions against them.

  21. LftBhndAgn

    Be it that it was a “Mistake” or “Not” - WERE THERE NOW. Get over the God Dammed political talking points and support the US Military in their fight to WIN this war.
    I’m sure the military can get the job done much quicker if the American public understood that WE ARE ALL at WAR. Not just the Military.

  22. HJ in VA

    I guess this is Couric’s last stand…going down still proclaiming victory. Sad.

  23. Tanicacid

    She probably doesn’t know where to plug in her bug zapper either; out aways from the house or right inside. I thought the underlying reason was the most potent for me, get our “Zapper” over there to attract all the bugs instead of waiting for them to…literally.. fly in my front door. Plus, denying them a haven to establish training bases for American attacks. But, being that is way to abstract for hand-wringing-wimps, possible WMD’s might tweek their senses. Thomas Jeffersons assesment still holds true, “Pave their streets with gold or cannonballs.”

  24. asterix

    “I’ve never understood why [invading Iraq] was so high on the administration’s agenda when terrorism was going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan and that [Iraq] had no true connection with al Qaeda.”

    that’s the question we’ll know when there will be new declassified documents, but I have a guess, not necessary what your thinking I may think ; it concerns the whole western world : the accesses to energy control of huge emerging concurrent countries : China and India. I had a link for that, but unfortunately it suits none on that board :lol:

  25. sully


    “…… And yes I criticize the fact that Bush felt the need to emphasize al qaida as our main threat…”

    Thank you for that clarification and for the history lesson. I repeat my previous objection:

    “…. I will criticize the reasoning for the war, or the fact that we feel the need to ask the UN for permission, but not the war itself.”

    That’s a distinction without a difference.

    “Where these boys fell, a part of freedom fell; it is up to us to resurrect it in their name.” - LIFE magazine, 1943

  26. sully

    “I guess this is Couric’s last stand…going down still proclaiming victory. Sad.”

    Well… “going down” for sure. On Premier StaliSoros in this interview.

  27. CJWarner

    After 9/11, it would have been a huge mistake to not look at the next biggest threat that shouldn’t be ignored. Our stripped down intelligence agencies, after eight years of Clinton, didn’t have the horsepower nor anyone in charge to communicate clearly or credibly what threats were coming down the pike. If Saddam had been ignored and Saddam actually was on his game, rather than the incompetent we now know he was, he could have easily managed to do even more damage to the U.S. either directly (not his style) or passing off a means to hurt us to some other group. With all of Saddam’s violations as dar back as we could remember, he was a gathering threat to everyone. He no longer is a threat.

  28. Cpl Rock

    funny that is, if you remember, we went there and took out Saddam. while we were there AQ came to us. we knew Saddam had links and funded terrorism but we were not expecting to stay in Iraq like we are now. If we werent fighting AQ in Iraq it would be somewhere else. and the Libs would bitch about us being there too. Maybe they would enjoy a war in our own country with terrorism. I’m sure the American people would feel much better about this war. Atleast they would support us more because they dont want to be bothered by having their “eco-friendly” cars blown up by IED’s. but hey I’m sure the liberals would having bleeding hearts for the “poor terrorist” oh excuse me, “suspected insurgents” and house them and hide them from the “big, bad American Government”.
    fuck liberals

  29. D_Mac

    I don’t really like her, but her 2 main points are somewhat valid.

    First, why was IRaq so high on the list of targets to attack. I know we had reason to attack because of the weapons inspectors thing, but we never found WMD’s and Iran has a nuclear program and has openly sponsored Hezbollah for a long time. Why not focus on Iran and Syria and Afghanistan and Somalia and Pakistan

    I think that there were people in Somalia, Pakistan, Syria and Saudi Arabia with closer connections to Al-Qaeda than in Iraq.

    Now that we are there we need to finish it right. I am joining the army to see that it is, but why did we invade in the first place?

    Her second point, that we should not have disbanded the army and disenfranchised every Baathist in the country is absolutely right on. I think Patreus would agree with that 100% as would anyone else that understands how to finish the job over there now.

    Net Net I think we will come out of this war with a better understanding of COIN ops and at least allies in the Kurdish and probably Sunni regions. So that is pretty positive too. But if I was Bush and it was 2003 I might have sent the troops other places. Kudos for fighting the GWOT, but the strategy to go into Iraq might have been off, and to unemploy every Baathist in Iraq was just stupidity. We didn’t do that with the Nazis, why the Baathists?

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