Chavez Declares Bush An “Evil Vampire”

September 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


As Ahmadinejad sought to build his alliances in the developing war between Iran and the U.S., the wire services, including AP and Reuters, all released their stories of his trip to Bolivia and Venezuela. What all of them left out was the statement Hugo Chavez made in an Italian newspaper two days ago:

“President Hugo Chávez said he was certain “some people would speculate” about his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Caracas on Thursday.

When asked who would speculate on Ahmadinejad’s visit, he replied: “Evil, the one who leads the empire, the vampire that protects oligarchs. There is no need to give names. Everybody knows who the real enemy of world peace is.”

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14 Responses

  1. Future0311 (the infidel)


    I’ve had a bad day. I’ll come back here when I don’t feel like ripping Chavez’s head off and rearranging his entrails with a bayonet…

  2. Ted B

    Ooooo, another shrimp with HUGE BALLS. Digame paiaso, quando quieres guerra con nosotros?

  3. TJ

    both evo and chavez , the great revolutionaries, cant find the courage to name the person they revile the most? amen, people, when Bush leads the free peoples to overcome the injustice of islamic fascism and its unholy alliance with communism, we will see cowards like evo and chavez claim they never mentioned Bush by name in their condemnations, and they will be finally telling the truth.

    they are astute politicians, despite their assumed solidarity with the poor and oppressed, they are being guided by cultural elitists leftists in close cooperation with the traitors in our own country. if you see similarities between their and the terrorrists comments then dont be surprised: they are indeed ones in collusion.


  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Evil, the one who leads the empire, the vampire that protects oligarchs. There is no need to give names. Everybody knows who the real enemy of world peace is.”

    Yep. They sure do: NK, Venuezuela, Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hizbolla, CAIR, MA, MMA, Badr, Sadr, Muslim Brotherhood, Taliban…Yeah, we know who you are fat boy.

  5. D.C.

    I don’t get it! These two asshats are about as diametrically opposed politically as can be. Aside from the fact that they’re both homo’s, they have nothing but hatred for America, as their common bond. Well….that’s ok. because America is gonna shove their hatred so far up both their asses, that they’ll need a long-handled spoon to get it out!

  6. ssgduke54

    :twisted: Who is really possess by the devil for I see the ghosts of Hitler and Mussolini possessing the two corrupt souls of Ahmadinejad and Chavez! :evil: May God forgive our sins for not standing up to these two evil dictators. For now history has repeated itself and the fuse has been lit for a fare terrible World War III!

  7. Wolfman

    I still don’t understand how people like these guys better than bush, Chavez allows only news channels that speak well about him. I’m very happy bush doesn’t do that cause we get to see the crazy dem’s at their most insane level

  8. ssgduke54

    The reason they like each other is this old quote: “The enemy of my enemy is now my friend”. When you have petty dictators who hate the USA they will unite (for only a short while) to either put down or try to destroy us! :???:

  9. HJ in VA

    to ssgduke54: Amen.

  10. Erik Marsh

    This alliance, why mildly troublesome, is not of any real consequence. That is as long as we don’t mis-step with whom we support in our southern hemisphere.

    The fact that they are allied and in turn curry favor within with certain academians and “progressive” celebrities is also of no surprise. They are all Bolsheviks (a.k.a Lenninites, a.k.a. Communitsts) concerned not with the socialization of resources (like western Europe) but more with the centralization of power. And in this commonality they find the grounds to support each other regardless of their methods for enfourcing the rabid nationalism needed to solidify their power base.

  11. drillanwr

    “Evil, the one who leads the empire, the vampire that protects oligarchs. There is no need to give names. Everybody knows who the real enemy of world peace is.”

    Growing up in the 60s/70s my Mom said the antichrist would speak of “peace”, and be considered a true “purveyor” of “peace”, but would be readying for a great attack on the world.

  12. HJ in VA

    drillanwr - if you get the opportunity - read the book “Jerusalem Countdown” by John Hagee…..your Mother is correct

  13. lwssdd

    Do the dems still want to hold this guy up as credable? Is Chaves the direction the dems would like to go with this country? He sounds just like them.

  14. Jim

    “Chavez Declares Bush An “Evil Vampire”

    Chavez probally already works with us. His overt posture is fishy to me, as if he’s being used as a lure

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