Karzai’s Proposed Taliban Partners Release Horrific Shadow Constitution

September 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Independent & Agencies:

The Taliban has published a shadow Afghan constitution outlining an alternative hardline government to that of President Hamid Karzai. While harsh, it is believed to have been dressed up as somewhat moderate for public consumption, and that the Taliban’s rule will in fact be much more harsh should they take back control of the country.

The Constitution of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, comes days after the Defence Secretary, Des Browne, said that the Taliban will need to take a role in the peace process and government of Afghanistan.

The 23-page document envisages a country where women would remain veiled and uneducated, “un-Islamic thought” would be banned and human rights would be ignored whenever “contrary with the teachings of Islam”.

“Un-Islamic thought” is strictly forbidden and “violators will be punished according to sharia” - under the Taliban’s strict interpretation of Islamic teachings.


The 66-page document declares that the basic law will be implemented after the Taliban wrests control of Afghanistan from the US-backed Afghan Government and throws out the foreign Kafirs (infidels).

The underground Taliban leaders propose to distribute copies of the Constitution among the Islamic countries and organizations and other foreign elements to apprise them as to how the resurgent Taliban wanted to administer the affairs of the country after returning to power.

The 30-point code, which is in the shape of a handbook, has been circulated among the guerrillas, and asks them to invite all Afghans to join the fight against American-led forces and the Kabul Government. Giving top priority to recruitment, Rule 1 says that all ‘Taliban commanders will recruit a large number of Afghans, converting them to the true Islam.’

Rule 7 enjoins, ‘ foreign kafirs taken prisoners must not be exchanged for other prisoners or for money.’

To at least give the appearances of stemming the Taliban’s prolific sexual use of young boys, especially in some of the madrassas that feed their recruitment needs, one of the rules says, “Taliban are not allowed to take young boys with no facial hair on to the battlefield or into their private quarters.”

It denies education for women outside of guidleines of sharia and stresses that the government will enforce compliance with Sharai Hejab - that women cover fully cover themselves.

The document also stresses the importance of jihad as an obligation for every citizen. It offers the Taliban’s support for the United Nations and upholds human rights - “until it is contrary with the teachings of Islam”.

“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wishes good working relations with all the neighbouring countries and specially those who have supported the Afghan nation during jihad,” it adds.

The greatest power is vested in an Emir-ul-Momineen, or Emir of the Caliphate. Like its official Afghan counterpart, the constitution states that no law can “be contrary to Islamic sharia”.

The handbook also gives and indication that Taliban is infiltrating the NGO ranks, engaged in aid and reconstruction work. Rule 30 says that ‘only the highest levels of the Taliban can approve the work for the NGOs.’ The code is said to have been approved by the Taliban Shura (Council) at a secret meeting in October, somewhere in Pakistan’s Balochistan province from where most of their leaders are operating. Their Supreme Leader, Mullah Mohammad Omar, is reported to have approved the code before its issue.

The Taliban, which ruled most of Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 and continues to maintain it is the legitimate government, promulgated harsh, murderous unorthodox edicts.

The constitution was approved by the Taliban’s central shura religious council, headed by Mullah Omer, in 2005 but it has not been made public until now.

“The publication of the constitution is only to make sure every citizen of Afghanistan gets it in black and white,” said Fath-ul-Kabir, a Taliban commander from Ghazni in Afghanistan.

“This is first time the Taliban has clearly set out its aims,” said Ahmed Rashid, the author of The Taliban.

“Previously their only source of guidance was the Koran.”

Mr Karzai’s calls for peace talks earlier this month were rejected by the Taliban, who called for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and the restoration of Islamic law.

Mr Browne said on Monday that: “In Afghanistan, at some stage, the Taliban will need to be involved in the peace process because they are not going away any more than I suspect Hamas are going away from Palestine.”

But one of the 110 articles of the Taliban’s constitution, which is bound as a 10 chapter booklet adorned with the Taliban insignia, stipulates that all other constitutions are void.

President Karzai and the United Nations have stipulated that a key condition for peace talks is that the Taliban must accept the constitution that was signed by Mr Karzai in 2004.

Washington rejects peace talks with the Taliban, maintaining that America will not negotiate with terrorists.

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6 Responses

  1. One Shot

    It doesn’t sound like they’ll be accepting the current Afghan constitution. So, let’s keep killing them. Works for me.

  2. LftBhndAgn

    This is what you get for Being “Nice” to your enemies DEMOCRATS!

    Kill the MF’s. FUCK um they get NOTHING.

  3. Steve in NC

    Hamas was recognized as a political ideology and allowed to integrate into the ‘mainstream’ government. That has turned out well.
    Now karzia and company want to give the taliban a seat at the table.



  4. Dan(The Infidel)

    Karzai should read his own Koran and Hadith. The only basis for negotiation with Islamic Irhabis is if you are vanquished or you are victor. Does Mr Karzai really think that the Talibastards will let him live if they take over Afghanistan? Perhaps Mr Karzai has been getting too close to those poppy fields and is now under the influence of some opium-driven dellusion?

  5. Laura (no longer liberal)

    The minute Des Browne declared that the Taliban must become a part of the process and the rule of Afghanistan, all is on the point of being lost. What on earth makes the US think that the Taliban have somehow reformed and are capable of governing in any way other than that which they did in the past? I am truly pissed. If this perspective stays, then the last six years have been a waste of time and of US, Canadian and other NATO countries’ lives.

  6. D_Mac

    Ok Dan, I take it back. If this is required for any Taliban to join with the government then they should use this opportunity only to kill every Taliban member who attends

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