Video: Juan Williams, The “Happy Negro”

September 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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8 Responses

  1. TJ (the Kafir)

    Juan williams is a class act in the mold of Joe clark, alan keyes, and bill cosby.

    Typical liberal argument, dont let the conservative speak and then accuse him of either racism or being a self hating uncle tom.


  2. Jim

    Like a freaking Parrot..just likes to hear himself talk.. use of articulated words demands a graceful approach to illustrate your deeper comprehension of that of which you speak. Old schoolers would refer to him as a “Jive Turkey”.
    A Jive Turkey on steroids

  3. JayMS

    Juan looked PISSED in that interview. I thought it was an appaling comment. Juan and Bill don’t agree on many issues, but Juan is accomplished in his own right.

  4. chris dean

    I respect Juan Williams alot, i disagre with some of what he says but on the terms of racism he is spot on..”ENOUGH!!”

    Now that Boyce character…wow he’s a joke

  5. Ted B

    That Boyce guy is doing what’s called ‘jamming’, just keep talking over people and it really doesn’t matter what you are saying as long as it keeps the other person from getting airtime. Just another example of the fascism creeping out of the left. There are no open exchanges of views other than their own.

  6. TJ

    ted B,

    right on!! :cool:

  7. ssgduke54

    We are too politically correct society and it will destroy us! The old Soviet Communist system had this and if you are not politically correct you go to a concentration camp (gulag)! I will never forget when I accidentally slip of the tongue when that bastard dictator Ahmadinejad came to the USA to speak at Columbia University and I was mad and said : “That ga dam Iranian bastard should be shot” and then I was accuse of being a racist! I fired back and told him their are two kinds of people I really hate. One: I hate racists people and two: I hate those who use the race card. For if you use the race card you are just as equal or worse then a racist! :wink:

  8. drillanwr

    I believe Juan Williams is waking up to the reality of what IS the LLLMSM (Liberal Lazy Lame MSM) with this Bill O`Reilly non-issue, and having his own exclusive interview with Pres. Bush “spiked” by his own network NPR …

    And yes, last night on the O`Reilly show Williams DID look completely sickened by this sham of a [racist] story.

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