Army Kills Suicide Bomber

September 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



BAGHDAD – Soldiers from the 3rd Iraqi Army Division, with Coalition Forces as advisers, conducted an air assault vehicle interdiction operation resulting in a detonated suicide vest Sept. 28 near Sinjar.

During the operation, the aircraft observed a suspicious bongo truck moving after curfew in a known al-Qaeda in Iraq transit area west of Bi’aj. Once the vehicle was stopped, the assault force ordered the driver and the passenger of the truck to exit the vehicle.

As the assault force approached, they ordered the terrorists to stop and lay down on the ground. The passenger did not comply with the directives and continued to advance in the direction of the Interpreter and four members of the IA assault force. At that time, two IA soldiers advanced on the passenger to have him stop, when he detonated a suicide vest hidden underneath his dish-dash. The vest contained small steel ball bearings.

The result of the blast killed the terrorist, the interpreter, and two IA Soldiers. After the detonation, the driver of the vehicle was seen moving and reaching around his dish-dash displaying hostile intent and was engaged with direct fire and killed.

Three Coalition Force members received non-life threatening injuries in the blast, as well as three IA Soldiers injured. The injured were immediately transported to a combat support hospital in Mosul for further medical treatment.

During the MEDEVAC, the assault force and helicopters received small-arms fire from numerous insurgent elements in a small building near the detonation. The combined Iraqi and Coalition Forces returned fire before leaving the area.

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6 Responses

  1. Muhammad

    they should’ve shot the man for not complying

  2. Dan(The Infidel)

    It is the interpreters, the IA and the US troops who are the real shaheen in this war. These irhabi hajis are nothing but servants of al-shatain and destined for the darkest pits of Jahannem.

    God Bless our people and the brave IA and interpreters who put their lives at risk every day.

    Death to all irhabis.

  3. Ted B

    Bongo truck? WTF is that? Is that like a 1-ton stake body? The Indians call those ‘tempo’ trucks. I presume it is short for temporary trucks because you see them flipped over and smashed up every morning. Headlights are apparently optional here.

    Back on topic. I’m sorry to say that this is the result of the rules of engagement. The politicians have to remember that the soldiers and iraqis are not making your average traffic stops. If there was enough suspicion to use aircraft to observe the irhabis in their bongo-mobile, I think it is safe to say that the jihadis get one chance to listen before they get a .223 and 7.62×39 acupuncture.

    I am sorry for the victims and their families, God bless them.

  4. Ted B

    Dan(the infidel), where do you get all of the arab-lingo you put in your posts? You must be quite the student of the irhabis/assholes. Know thine enemy and all that…

  5. Sandy K.

    Everyone over there knows the score. This has been my bitch since this whole conflict started. When anyone defies orders by our troops, the IA, the IP - and continues to advance they should be completely annihilated with no further warning.

    I can’t believe that our forces and allies still have their hands tied to this degree eventhough I know it to be true. :evil: All thanks to the lefty liberal f-tards.

    Prayers for the fallen and injured.

  6. Marc

    sounds like a win-win situation to me. Jihadi asshole dead, one less Jihadi asshole for us to expedite to Allah! Good stuff isn’t it?

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