UN: We Have Criticized Israel Unfairly

September 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The United Nations Human Rights Council has not managed to deal fairly with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the council’s president Doru-Romulus Costea told a Spanish newspaper on Saturday, according to Israel Radio.

Doru admitted that he was dissatisfied with the fact the council had overly focused on the degree of human rights violations by Israel.

“The body which I head must examine the actions of both sides equally, and we have not done that,” said Costea. “Clearly, from now on things need to change.”

Israel Radio reported that earlier this week, US President George Bush criticized the UN Human Rights Council, saying that it had put too great an emphasis on Israeli actions.

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16 Responses

  1. NickD

    Well it’s about f***ing time. Now if the rest of the UN can stop blaming Israel for everything they do or don’t do then we might be able to call this progress.

  2. sully

    Ahwawhateva must have missed a payment.

  3. Dean Wormer

    Well this is going to piss of all the jew-hating Kossacks. Including the Jewish ones.

  4. James Hooker - nipple whisperer

    did I just see a pig fly past my window?

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ill stand with Israel over any of the countries they neighbor..Our two countries are connected and similar in so many ways and I know they do what they can to keep civilian death at a minimum but when dealing with people who use human shields its avoidable sometimes..Not their fault and they have to stop the rocket attacks somehow

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    i mean unavoidable*

  7. Dan2

    “sully__Ahwawhateva must have missed a payment.”

    Too Funny! :lol: ~ and most likely true!


  8. Dan(The Infidel)

    Hell has just frozen over.

  9. Future0311 (the infidel)

    I must be high…

  10. UKatheist

    so the un has been watching the palestinian television service with children being indoctrinated with anti west/jewish propoganda, what a surprise the un late as usual, i hear they are going to sort out vietnam next month

  11. Irish Gal

    It must have been the Mickey Mouse video…

  12. Sandy K.

    … but I have been clean and sober for over 15 years!

    am I in a dream??? :shock:

  13. Sandy K.

    “The body which I head must examine the actions of both sides equally, and we have not done that,” said Costea. “Clearly, from now on things need to change.”

    :smile: Sure would be nice to see some kind of change.

    I think the U.N. knows they are going to be on thier way out entirely if they do not.

  14. Clyde Conneer

    I’ll just wait for the other shoe to drop.

  15. Ted B

    The UN needs to fold up the tent. They are UN-helpful, UN-usable, UN-reliable, UN-real, UN-intelligent, UN-believable.

  16. TJ

    Support the Useless Nations!!

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