Video: Pay No Attention To The Lying Liberal Lefties Behind That Curtain

September 29th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

From Jon Gibson’s radio show today:

Curiouser and curiouser…slowly, but surely, Toto tugs at the curtain, and slowly but surely, more Americans are beginning to see the truth about the lunacy of the liberal left, and the devious tactics they are resorting to…

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23 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    KUDOS PAT! :beer:


  2. LftBhndAgn

    Bashman? This ones for you to :beer:

  3. Bashman

    :smile: :beer:

  4. Ted B

    How do they live with themselves? How is it you can lie boldfaced and not be affected?

  5. LftBhndAgn

    Correct link
    Rush Limbaugh: Anatomy of a Smear

  6. Bashman

    Actually, we have it on this site already!

  7. TerryTate


    How stupid are the liberals. Just from looking at the picture of Jesse Macbeth he looks like a fraud. I have never seen a picture of an Army Ranger that looked like the pussy that Jesse Macbeth is. What is he a Buck 20 dripping wet and the lefties think he is the picture of a army vet. I have never seen a Ranger, even the smaller of stature Rangers look as soft as this little dweeb.


  8. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Ted B: Some people have no conscience - or they’ve become so accustomed to lying that they actually start believing their lies.

  9. Ted B

    I am a 24/7 subscriber, I need it over here, and I heard what Rush had said and that is why I am so incredulous that this would happen. Perhaps it is because of my own ethics, but to me what Media Matters did is along the lines of what the Nazis and Commies did with their propaganda machines. Any lie is okay as long as it makes us look good. Watch for them to say that anyone who dares to expose this is a ‘reactionary’. Off to the re-edjumication camp for you Bashman.

  10. Dan(The Infidel)

    Media matters is a lying sack of shit? Well, now everybody knows. What Gibson and Co, need to to is sue these sacks of shit in open court. Take Keith Overbite with them. Love to see He Who Has No Ratings sqirm in the defendant’s chair.

  11. ssgduke54

    This makes me angry because crap like this can indirectly get my Son KILLED IN IRAQ! And now they are using fake soldiers to spread this crap!! When the MoveON/far far left group now wants to act like the Nazi propagandist’s Joseph Goebbels quote: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. How sad that this perverted quote is true…. :sad:

  12. drillanwr

    MediaMatters aside (but not too far aside), MSNBC just got caught bent over with their BVDs down around their ankles …

    The fact that Limbaugh spent the better part of the first hour of yesterday’s radio show laying this all out the way it actually was said/meant … and then starting with Chris Matthews in the late afternoon and continuing to Olberman in the prime 8:00 hour over at MSNBC (and NO ONE FROM MSNBC bothered to try and contact Limbaugh to ask him about this …) they STILL spun this into this bullshit … Right smack in the face of millions who know the truth!!! Right smack in the face of all the documented facts Limbaugh presented.

    Does MSNBC need to apologize to Limbaugh … better yet, to the viewing public? Shove apologies. MSNBC and ALL involved in this need to be taken to the woodshed. The network needs to be investigated and fined. This is intentional and criminal journalistic malpractice. And I HOPE Limbaugh’s lawyers are already drawing up a law suit against the network and Matthews and Olberman in particular.

    I certainly hope the lazy American masses are waking up to what is going on in this country. Soros, a man who isn’t even an American, is controlling what news they are getting, and how they are hearing it.

  13. Jim

    Bathtub boy(olbermann) and media matters…once your exposed you lose all credibility to the average American…These groups are part of the dog and pony show called “Smudge and fudge”. Bathtub boy plays off the antics of being a “wordsmith articulateur”…and by insulting and scandalizing others for the acceptance of a group(anti-Bush) he wins over easily. It’s his only way for popularity, he wouldn’t make it any other way.

  14. Egfrow

    Bashman, thanks for being optimistic but I holding off my hope for a major shift for at least 20 years. Like in the movie the Matrix, some people are in their delusions so long that they can’t be unplugged or every recover. Our only real hope is to go at our younger Generations and get these fuckers out of our schools.

  15. drillanwr

    Jim -

    What’s the meaning behind Gibson calling Olberman “Bathtub Boy”? It’s the first I’ve heard him called THAT … Have heard loads of other names …

  16. sully

    RE Bathtub Boy…

    “During the Bill Clinton impeachment, when both Gibson and Olbermann were both working for MSNBC, Olbermann had mini-nervous breakdowns on a daily basis. Apparently they never knew if he’d bother to show up on air or not and Gibson was kept on 24/7 stand-by to replace him when he failed to show. Gibson has told the story several times about how on quite a few occasions, Olbermann’s producers would go to his apartment to try and coax him to come in to the studio and do his show and he’d be hiding in the bathtub, refusing to step foot out of the apartment. Hence, the lovable nickname, Bathtub Boy.”

    Posted @ Olbermanwatch, Sept. 8 5:21PM….

  17. drillanwr

    LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNEW Olberman was nuts! Oh, I can’t wait for him to completely breakdown on air … I’d settle for footage of him breaking down in public!

  18. drillanwr

    I hope this link/post goes through. Found it on instapundit. Completely backs up Limbaugh’s assertion of “phony soldiers” … and the damn congress members (and by way of them, the lying MSM) who felt the need to comment negatively on Rush yesterday know it too.

    Limbaugh on Solid Ground on `Phony Soldiers’

  19. sully

    “I can’t wait for him to completely breakdown on air …”

    I couldn’t stand him on ESPN. Really weird dude with a really weird take on sports. Anyway he apparently has those mini nervous breakdowns nightly on a TV show called Countdown or something, talking about what he thinks is politics. I never watch him.

  20. Grumpy

    Wow, I would have said something sooner if I had known that any one was going to take this guy seriously. Any one should be able to tell that that guy had never stepped one foot behind the fence (anyone from batt knows what I’m talking about).

    Only a fucking lib-tard would look at this guy and not be able to tell that this guy wasn’t a total leg at best. Look at the way he is waring his uniform. It doesn’t look like the guy had ever met a drill sgt.

    I thought this was a joke. I should know to never underestimate the left.

  21. Professor Bill

    Bathtub boy needs to go back to his stupid dumb jock friends at ESPN. That network is a vertible cornicopia of low IQs, just the perfect environment for Bathtub.

  22. Docwho

    I have said this for years regarding beard stroking liberals.
    They are more dangerous than the jihadis.
    They allow our enemies to operate amongst us due to their moral paralysis and cowardice.

  23. Ted B

    It’s not nice to make fun of mental illness, but on this occasion I think it is pretty damn funny. :wink: Bathtub-boy it is. :lol: And you know, it’s not nice to inflict his mental illness on the viewing public either.

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