Ahmadinejad: “U.S. Is A Big Prison”

September 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


According to Press TV, Ahmadinejad met with “the leaders of the American Muslim community”. Just who was there? Names should be named.

Press TV (Iranian News Agency ):

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad slams Washington’s domestic policy saying the US has turned into a big prison for the American nation.

He made the remarks at a meeting with the leaders of US Muslim community on Tuesday.

Ahmadinejad criticized the offensive remarks made by Columbia University’s President Lee Bollinger adding, “They insult the guest they’ve invited and echoed statements of a terrorist group in their remarks. They knew their words would not affect me and just tried to prevent the university students from listening to new words. ”

Ahmadinejad said the Holocaust was a pretext to occupy Palestine and displace millions of peoples, therefore its aspects should be studied. “They displaced
the Palestinian nation under the pretext of the massacre of the Jews; if it is revealed that the Holocaust has nothing to do with the issue of Palestine and the figures in this regard are exaggerated, they will have nothing to say.”

“Resolutions are no longer of any use to counter Israel’s crimes and the approved resolutions are not implemented either. I’m sure that Americans are against those crimes and consider Palestinians to be right. ”

He described discord between Shias and Sunnis in Iraq as a plot hatched by the enemies, which can be thwarted by unity.

Ahmadinejad called on all Muslims to strive for justice in the world adding, “We believe all religions have the same origin. Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the savior. ”

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15 Responses

  1. Ted B

    Geez, shut up already.

  2. REN

    “He described discord between Shias and Sunnis in Iraq as a plot hatched by the enemies, which can be thwarted by unity.”

    Right! Nice ju-jitsu move there. It wasn’t me, it was the one-armed man!!

  3. Egfrow

    Ahmadinejad said the Holocaust was a pretext to occupy Palestine and displace millions of peoples, therefore its aspects should be studied.

    Sheesh! Talk about the inversion of reality by the Left. Separate emotion from logic.

    Ahmadinejad criticized the offensive remarks made by Columbia University’s President Lee Bollinger adding, “They insult the guest they’ve invited and echoed statements of a terrorist group in their remarks.

    Insulting is an attack of pride, too much pride is a weakness people identify with, especially the Leftist elites. He negates any reason for debate of the issue by talking about his hurt feelings to discourage any attack of the real issues or setting the ground for serious debate.

    I guess in a court of law he is innocent if he is insulted by the prosecutor.

  4. sully

    Shut up? He’s just gettin started.
    We surrendered a ‘prestigious’ university to him and almost surrendered Ground Zero.

    And yes… “names should be named”. How much you wanna bet one of em was Ibrahim ‘Doug’ Hooper of CAIR?

  5. Egfrow

    Two handed distortion has been the weapon of humanity for centuries. They tell half truths mixed with absolute lies. Designed to disarm reason by providing enough truth to make you lazy enough not to double check.

  6. drillanwr

    “Ahmadinejad said the Holocaust was a pretext to occupy Palestine and displace millions of peoples, therefore its aspects should be studied.”


    Israel was Jewish long before Jesus Christ was born. According to “history” Muhammad was born around 570 A.D.

  7. Iacobus

    I’m of the opinion that Ahmadinejad is a big shithead.

    I’d bet anything that CAIR was there.

    Ahm-Madder-Than-A-Hatter said: “Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the savior.”

    There, my friends, is the funniest quote I’ve seen in quite some time.

  8. drillanwr

    (sorry for the misfire - continued)

    and about 40 years later he, Muhammad, had the idea to start his own religion …

    So, I’d say Islam/Muslims really don’t have first dibs on land in Israel …

  9. Egfrow

    Yeah, the media refuse to say who these fucking “Muslim Leaders” are! It’s not important to their message.

  10. sully

    “and about 40 years later he, Muhammad, had the idea to start his own religion …”

    And why do you suppose he did that?

  11. Jim Jam

    What a loser. When are we taking him out?

    And who did he meet with…Zogbys, cabdrivers, thieves, carpet sellers, goat lovers…..i mean i can’t even think of any prominent arabs who have contributed anything to our society!!

  12. Dan(The Infidel)

    Jim Jim:

    A few have: Walid Shoebat, Ibn Warriq, Walid Phares, to name a few. All good people with ME backgrounds.

  13. xGhost

    “Ahmadinejad called on all Muslims to strive for justice in the world adding, “We believe all religions have the same origin. Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the savior. ”

    It is true that they share their origins (in one way or another) but comparing Islam’s “savior” with Jesus? What kind of crack is that guy using?

  14. I’m A Pundit Too » Blog Archive » Updated: Because you Can Never Get Enough Mahmoud Imanutjob 9-25-07

    […] Ahmadinejad: “U.S. Is A Big Prison” — Pat Dollard […]

  15. Clyde Conneer

    The Chimp said “They displaced
    the Palestinian nation under the pretext of the massacre of the Jews; if it is revealed that the Holocaust has nothing to do with the issue of Palestine and the figures in this regard are exaggerated, they will have nothing to say.”


    No matter what the figures are the Israelis stay, you lose Muhamadini piggy.

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