Al Qaeda Launches 15 Ship Navy

September 29th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida network has purchased at least 15 ships in the last two years – creating, perhaps, the first terrorist naval force, reports Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

Lloyds of London has reportedly helped Britain’s MI6 and the U.S. CIA trace the sales made through a Greek shipping agent suspected of having direct contacts with bin Laden, the online intelligence newsletter reported.

The ships fly the flags of Yemen and Somalia – where they are registered – and are capable of carrying cargoes of lethal chemicals, a “dirty bomb” or even a nuclear weapon, according to G2 Bulletin’s sources. British and U.S. officials worry that one or more of these ships could hit civilian ports on a suicide mission.

The freighters are believed to be somewhere in the Indian or Pacific oceans. When the ships left their home ports in the Horn of Africa weeks ago, some were destined for ports in Asia.

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15 Responses

  1. D.C.

    Q) How do you sink an al Q battleship?

    A) Put it in the water! :mrgreen:

  2. Dan(The Infidel)

    No doubt they are going to try another USS Cole attack, or something akin to that. There are a number of US Navy ships near Somalia intercepting pirate ships that are hijacking merchant vessels. Bet they’re looking for soft targets?

    I’m sure the US Navy is just waiting for a chance to send these irhabis to Davy Jones’ Locker.

  3. One Shot

    It has been my long held opinion that if they were ever going to try to detonate a fision device on US soil, it would be on a container ship before it ever arrived at customs or anything that could detect radioactive matl.

  4. D.C.

    Dan(The Infidel)…

    “I’m sure the US Navy is just waiting for a chance to send these irhabis to Davy Jones’ Locker.”


  5. Dr D Semper FI

    The Skipper and Gilligancould run a better fleight.

  6. Dr D Semper FI


  7. One Shot

    The article is dated 2003??

  8. Pat Dollard


    I didn’t notice the date.

  9. Dan(The Infidel)

    That’s OK. I like reading Farrah’s stuff. He’s got a pretty good web site.

  10. Kufir Ken

    Of course taking a nuclear VBIED (vessel borne) up the Potomac (if the ship has a shallow enough draft), or into New York Harbor, or LA Harbor, or San Diego Harbor, or Boston Harbor, or Seattle, or off of the coast of Miami, or New Orleans, or San Francisco (well, that might not be so bad…), or Norfolk, or Baltimore Harbor (wasn’t there a movie about that?) or Pearl Harbor, or Haifa, or London, or Tokyo Harbor or Sydney, or Singapore, or … is that 15 yet?

    Why limit yourself to a Cole style attack? If my dumb ass could think of it I’m sure their dumb asses can. Are you comfortable with the number of Coastguardsmen and women out there inspecting inbound ships? Anyone raise hell about that to their Congressional rep lately? Do you really thing that DHS is on top of this problem? If they are concerned about shipping containers, what about little tramp steamers that don’t need to carry containers?

    Four years is plenty of time for our short western attention spans to forget that AQ could be pursuing that goal, and the superiority complex that some of our fellow citizens tend to view the world through discounting the idea that Arabs on the sea seems laughable doesn’t take into account that there are many sea-going muslims. Iran? Pakistan? UAE? Saudi? Oman? Egypt? Indonesia? Malaysia? the Philippines? Somalis? hell, any muslim nation with a coastline could support a crew for one or all of those vessels.

    I don’t know about you guys, but this is still of concern to me even if it is older information.

  11. Clyde Conneer

    “this is still of concern to me even if it is older information.”

    And of the USCG. Wish I could tell some of the brilliant things being done by our 24/7 wonderful Coast Guard all over the world.

    Unnoticed, Always Prepared Semper Paradis!

  12. Bashman


    Yeah, a lot of people have no idea what us Coasties actually do/have done/are capable of…well, in my case “did”…been out over 20 years now.

    Spelling correction: Semper Paratus…means “always ready”.


  13. Ted B

    Bring back the Q-ship. Just use some junky looking small coastal container carrier vessel, with a souped up power plant, ASW gear, CIWS, deck guns, all concealed. Have some missile tubes camoflaged with the shells of containers on the outside, some rust here and there, and run the flag of some nation with no health requirements for the sailors on board, and voila’. As soon as the jihadis think they have a patsy on their hands and try to intercept, run up the stars and stripes, then suddenly a missile streaks upward and goes down their stovepipe, sending all aboard to the murky depths to feed the crabs and an eternity in hell. Then simply chain gun the small boarding craft they sent out. Those guys would shit seeing their home go to the bottom, finding themselves questioning their own judgement about being a pirate. Arrr, we done fucked up, matey.

  14. Joe

    HAHAHAHAHAHA, the picture was taken from Speed 2 Cruise Control. What a horrible movie.

  15. Marc

    Great way to transport a nuke without having to clear those pesky customs people.

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