Bush Address To Nation Tomorrow: Troops Will Stay If Progress Doesn’t Continue

September 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


What the Dems don’t understand is that the best way to end the war is to look the enemy in the eye and tell them that we are not leaving until we achieve victory, no matter what the cost. At that point, they’ll lose morale, see the futility of resistance, and sue for peace. By constantly promising the enemy victory, the Dems and the MSM have given the enemy absolutely no reason to surrender, and have thus caused the deaths of thousands of US servicemen. Bush gets it.

Fox News:

WASHINGTON — President Bush plans to tell the nation Thursday night that he intends to reduce the American troop presence in Iraq by as many as 30,000 by next summer, but those and further cuts will be conditioned on continued progress.

The president, who will deliver a 15-minute address from the White House at 9 p.m. EDT, will endorse the recommendations of his top general and top diplomat in Iraq, following their appearance at two days of hearings in Congress, administration officials said. The White House plans to issue a written status report on the troop buildup on Friday, they said.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because Bush’s speech is not yet final. Bush was rehearsing and polishing his remarks even as the U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, and U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker were presenting their arguments for a second day on Capitol Hill.

In the speech, the president will say he understands Americans’ deep concerns about U.S. involvement in Iraq and their desire to bring the troops home, administration officials said. Bush will say that, after hearing from Petraeus and Crocker, he has decided on a way forward that will reduce the U.S. military presence but not abandon Iraq to chaos.

Bush’s address is expected to stake out a conciliatory tone toward Congress. But while mirroring Petraeus’ strategy, Bush will place more conditions on reductions than his general did, insisting that conditions on the ground must warrant cuts and that now-unforeseen events could change the plan.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said Bush appears poised merely to bring the country back to where it was before the election that put Democrats in control of Congress — with 130,000 troops in Iraq.

“Please. It’s an insult to the intelligence of the American people that that is a new direction in Iraq,” she said.

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6 Responses

  1. Dan2


    Thats the way it should be. Bush understands we are not just fighting a war.

    We are fighting much much more.

    Gotta love it!

    We are staying no matter what!


    And thats the way it should be!


  2. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Bush Address To Nation Tomorrow: Troops Will Stay If Progress Doesn’t Continue […]

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    SanFranNan: “Please. It’s an insult to the intelligence of the American people that that is a new direction in Iraq,” she said.”

    Me: No it’s a fucking insult to have to listen to your mouth and put up with your pot-head self. Why don’t you go get your face stretched a little more….You are beginning to look like the Wicked Witch Of The West…with bigger tits.

  4. deathstar

    I dont agree with GW on everything, but on fighting the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan he is a grown up in a government of children. We are luck that he not Bore was president on 9/11 and we even more lucky that he beat Kerry in 04.

  5. marvin

    Scott Ott at Scrappleface had a draft speech the President should give…

    W understands.
    A couple of the Republican hopefuls understand.
    None of the Democrat hopefuls understand.

  6. Mess

    Ya ever notice every time you see a picture of Harry Reid he looks like he has been dead for 2 years? Maybe he is.

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