Video: Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen On Dems’ Connection To MoveOn.Org Ad

September 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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25 Responses

  1. MShatto

    Fantastic. It takes a Ccngresswoman to show her fellow Republicans on the Hill what “balls” means. I just wish some of her male colleagues would grow a pair, too.

  2. Kurt (the infidel)

    Hoorah! its about damn time someone with power stands up for our troops and foremost the main General leading those troops. I swear if they can prove a link between efforts of and other groups and anyone in the Democratic party they better and i repeat BETTER charge them with treason. We dont need proof, we all know its true, but I mean if they find real proof then it must be done. Some things cannot be tolerated, one thing at the top of that list is undermining our efforts in a time of war and giving support to our enemies

  3. Judith

    Yahoo for us weaker sex.

  4. Dan2


    I registered:

    Tried to get ‘generalbetrayus .com’ (already taken)

    Just to try and keep them out of the “enemys hands”.

    You know some: liberal socialist commie(s)


  5. Deathstar


    How do I contribute to her next campaign?

  6. Dan2


    I forgot To mention I post a lot of story’s on Digg… None of the Liberal, Socialist, Commies will ever “Digg” my post past a 1 or 2 Diggs.

    Maybe someone can tell me why they don’t like my post?:


  7. Jason

    Watching Petraeus during the comments you’d think he was so relaxed he was about to fall asleep. Bored with the inane drivel. thumb’s up general!!!! Can’t touch ‘im!

  8. Sandy K.

    Thank You Ileana Ros-Lehtinen :!:

    I am so glad she spoke as she did. We all know what the Dems and all their leftist supporters have been saying on and off the record. They can claim they are not connected but many of them are. She called it like it is.

    All those people make me sick.

  9. Deathstar

    Dugg it Dan

  10. TJ (the Kafir)

    funny thing is she backs up her accusations with proof by quoting the anonymous senator from the article. proof: what a great anecdote when accusing someone, those republicans might have something here! :lol:

  11. Mark Tanberg

    All this news is breaking my brain, too much to read and watch, I need to lie down, after :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  12. Ranger

    As Tony the Tiger would say, “Sheeeee’s Greeeeaaaat!”

  13. danielle

    I loveeee her

  14. dad 3/7

    the unamerican scumbag that ran the add was on chei mudhews last nite and is proud of his ad and it cost him $70,000.

  15. Joe_Southern_ NH

    Has anyone seen Glenn Becks show last night on CNN?
    He had a Lt.Col Terrorism expert, former FBI secret agent Don Clark and Brad Thor a former member of the Department of Homeland Security`s Analytic Red Cell program.
    It was about the “Perfect Day” and how the terrorists plan to use school buses to attack our children, missing buses in Houston,etc..


    Here is the transcript

  16. valerie

    Perhaps somebody can also post videos of the statements by Congressman Robert Wexler (D. Fla) and the Chairman of the House Committe on Foreign Affairs, Tom Lantos. I don’t know how to do it. The reason I ask about this is those statements, in addition to the moveon ad, are the context for Ms. Ros-Lehtinen’s statement. Both of those individuals spoke before her, and the Washington Post is trying to pretend that they did not, and that she somehow unfairly connected moveon with the Democratic party.

  17. Dr D Semper FI

    Shw has cojones, where are the rest of the republicans?

  18. GF

    Digg is Peter Pan meets Nirvana ideology over there in San Fransicko, Kalifornia. It is the online ‘Lord of the Flies’.

  19. Dan (The Infidel)

    She “gets it”. She understands the threat posed to this country from within (The slumber party) and from without (the Islamofacists). She also made copious references to the jihadis and is the ONLY person in Congress that I’ve heard so far that has a knowledge of the subject.

    Outstanding lady…When she runs again, I’m sending her a contribution. We need more like her in Congress. Most of the rest of that usless body of people needs to be “purged” by the voters.

  20. Armand

    While I thought Gen. Patraeus did just fine yesterday, I wish our commanders had a little more Patton or MacArthur in them, both would have had very interesting comments about those behind the ad. The NY Times by the way gave Moveon a 61% discount so they could run the ad. Either the Times is desperate for money or there commie scum. No wait actually it’s both.

  21. drillanwr

    You’re a good man, Dan2! :beer:

  22. drillanwr

    MoveOn’s Money … A partial Trail (List) … You’ll never guess which (party) … duh!

  23. SnarfyBobo

    grow a pair republicans
    where is the republican party right now? they should be ripping the dems and the media a new one

  24. Dan2

    Deathstar ~ Drillanwr _ Everyone:

    Thanks… :beer: Cheers! :beer:

    I made up a very quick NEW page for:

    Sorry, I have no tech website skills…LOL

    I will work on getting it a little better…But I hope people get the point!


  25. Mess

    It’s about damn time someone called out Move on for who they are.

    Keep this in mind gang, Move On doesn’t do the bidding for the dem party. The dem party does the bidding for Move On. Their is a very large flow of money from Move On to the democratic party and when one of the dems steps out of sink with Move On’s goals Move On sticks their knife in the representatives back. Look what happened to Joe Liberman.

    The Republican Party generally doesn’t go against Move On because their afraid of them as well. Spineless pinheads anyway.

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