Dems End Week With Third Resounding Failure

September 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Another Democrat Iraq amendment goes down in flames this morning


The Senate will adjourn for the weekend after a long week of tense debate over Iraq in which Democrats failed to move the ball and Republicans decided to stick with the White House in backing an unpopular war.

Yet another Democratic amendment on Iraq failed Friday morning, and this one didn’t even earn a majority of Senate votes. The vote was 47-47 on an amendment sponsored by Sens. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.) that would have required a change of mission in Iraq while mandating firm timetables for withdrawal. The amendment needed 60 votes to pass, and three Democrats voted against the measure, making it clear that no matter how Democrats craft their legislation, a majority of senators are uncomfortable mandating time tables for troop withdrawal. Only one Republican, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), backed the measure.

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17 Responses

  1. NV Sailor

    My taxes are paying for this shit. I want a refund.

  2. EZRider

    3 strikes and you’re out?

  3. Dan2

    I guess the Democratic ‘insurgency’ is also failing…LOL

    Always next week…LOL


  4. sully

    So they get their (according to them) ‘06 ‘mandate’ and can’t get anything done…. who the fuck didn’t know that… fuckers got no game atall

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Let’s check the scoreboard sports fans.

    Shamnisty Bill - R 1 D 0
    Unfainess Doctrine - R 1 D 0
    Webb Anti-war Bill - R 1 D 0
    Anti-war Funding Bill - R 1 D 0
    Fuck You Bill - R 1 D 0
    Total Wins: R=5 D=0

    No playoffs for the Dhimis this year.

  6. dad 3/7

    iraq parliment is getting more done than these schmucks,,, they need to be replaced soon if not much money was wasted on them in the last week???? we could buy lots of bullets with the waste,, maybe even some health insurance for the poor..

  7. Lamplighter

    I can’t believe Reed of RI served in the military. Must have been disgruntled.

  8. Eric

    Newsflash! “These schmucks in congress” = “our schmucks in congress”. There’s lots of blame to go around. Repubs have 49/100 seats in the Senate (49%) and 202/435 seats in the House (46.5%) There’s plenty of blame to go around to each party for the failure of congress to get anything done.

  9. sully

    No there isn’t plenty of blame to go around”. ALL the Dem asswipes have done for a YEAR is try and fuck Bush and lose the war. That’s it.

  10. JS

    Congress is at its best when it doesn’t get anything done.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)


    Selling used cars again? You’re party is 0-5. At the rate you Dhimis are going you won’t have to worry about losing your amateur standing anytime soon. Keep trying though.

  12. aaron

    I love that picture! Ha ha

  13. deathstar

    …in backing an unpopular war.

    Unpopular where? The cesspools of LA, New York and San Fag Frisco?

  14. Lt JFishman

    Thank g-d the fact that Bruening raised over a million dollars drove that fraud and maggot Chucky Hagel out of the Senate!!

    Now Johanns can go and win that seat back with a real Republican. Screw you Hagel..

  15. DMac

    Well comon dems, you have like what, a 2 vote majority and we control the presidency. That IS NOT A DEMOCTRATIC CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT!!!

    In fact we still have the upper hand because they have to get enough of us to go to their side to get a 2/3 majority to overcome a veto. We only need 1/2 to pass bills.

    The dems came in so flipping arrogant with no intention of compromise, and this is what they get. Until you have a majority and the presidency, don’t act like you control the government, because you don’t.

  16. cnchess

    These guys are a waste of skin…

  17. Dan(The Infidel)


    “our schmucks in congress” No your schmucks in Congress. I don’t vote Dhimicratz. I doubt anyone else voted that way either…except maybe for Joe Lieberman. He’s the only true Democrat left (Scoop-Jackson-type).

    Those “schmucks” are your fucking people. Not mine.

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