Disc Burning: ABC Won’t Release 9-11 Film In Order To Help Hillary’s Candidacy

September 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


ABC: “If Hillary wasn’t running for President, this wouldn’t be a problem” and “Delay has been prompted by unflattering portrayal of previous administration”

Video: The project’s producer attacks ABC

The LA Times gets into it:

Among the nearly two dozen television DVDs slated for nationwide release on Sept. 11 is the second season of “Bones,” the third season of “Grey’s Anatomy” and the miniseries “The Starter Wife” that aired earlier this year. Not on the list on that day or any other in the near future is last year’s highly controversial “The Path to 9/11.”

The $40-million, five-hour ABC miniseries, which recently received seven Emmy nominations and drew a combined two-night audience of more than 25 million viewers, is for now on the path to nowhere. Its Amazon page reads: “Currently unavailable. We don’t know when or if this item will be back in stock.”

An ABC spokeswoman reached Tuesday would say only that the company “has no release date at this time,” and she declined to comment further.

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17 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    the greatest threat to our freedom is not the al queeeeda types, it is disinformation accepted as fact by a fat and lazy population

  2. A. Sarko

    Too bad. It was a great piece of work (with or without the
    edits). I’d like to see it again and want my mother to watch it. She is a victim of the Clinton(crime machine)Legacy.
    Your film should be more widely seen too Mr. Dollard.

  3. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Disc Burning: ABC Won’t Release 9-11 Film In Order To Help Hillary’s Candidacy […]

  4. Steven D

    Yeah, but it also makes that idiot Richard Clarke out to be Superman.

    Fortunately, though, it also shows Madam Not-So-Bright and Sandy Bungler as the doofuses (doofi?) that they are. And shows that Democrats are neither capable nor willing to do what is necessary to provide for this country’s security.

    Was a great show, though.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    I posted the vid to that story earlier in another comment box. The puppetmasters of the slumber party are up to their dirty tricks again. Only they got caught…

  6. sullly

    doofi… LMAO

  7. Ranger

    That picture is beyond perfect.

  8. FTL

    that pic IS GREAT.

    our military was soooo raped by the clinton administration… this movie needs to see the light of day soon… just like Pat’s Film needs to make a soud soon too!

    C’mon Pat!

  9. dad 3/7

    the party of sleeze continues to amaze me,,, here is another fiasco caused by the dummycrats..a true hero fired by the dummycrats for no reason..http://www.marines.mil/marinelink/mcn2000.nsf/lookupstoryref/200795111019

  10. Karl B

    Good thing I DVR’d and Burnt it - anyone need a copy??

  11. Karl B

    Oh it’s easily found through torrents in case anyone is interested.

  12. drillanwr

    Man, Pat! Don’t give up the rights to your movie … in any shape, manner, or form. I don’t know how the business works, but I’d wager you’ve protected yourself and your work …

  13. Tim Roesch


    KarlB…that might be the way to end run the lack of release.

    Yes, I would buy one.

    Tim Roesch
    Command Private Major
    tent pegs for sale

  14. drillanwr

    Apparently the ABC movie isn’t the only thing suffering from Clinton Censorship:

    Kathleen Willey: Clintons stole my manuscript
    House burglary over weekend targeted copy of book days after details leaked to press


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