Gay Actor Blows Chavez, Ahmadinejad Next?

September 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Closeted gay actor Kevin Spacey met privately Monday with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, just months after Chavez cracked down on free speech by shuttering a hugely popular television station that dared to be critical of him.

Neither Spacey — who has won Academy Awards for roles in “The Usual Suspects” and “American Beauty” — nor Chavez spoke to the press after the nearly three-hour encounter in the presidential palace in Caracas. They shook hands warmly on the red carpet as Spacey left after a dinner with Chavez.

Hours earlier, the actor visited a $13 million film studio founded last year by the government to support Venezuelan filmmaking. Details were not released about the rest of Spacey’s itinerary.

Chavez has said Venezuela hopes to produce its own films as an alternative to the “cultural imperialism” of Hollywood. Yet, Chavez speaks highly of some Hollywood films.

He has also hosted recent visits by stars including Sean Penn and Danny Glover.

No word on whether or not Spacey had plans to travle to Iran and speak against the mullah’s policy of captial punishment for homosexuality.

The AP contributed to this report.

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25 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    “Neither Spacey …. nor Chavez spoke to the press after the nearly three-hour encounter”

    because their mouths were full :twisted:

  2. Laura (no longer liberal)

    My list of Hollywood types to boycott is getting so long….

  3. danielle

    Omg and I totally liked him. Not anymore though. Gosh, are all of my favorite celebs, including Alicia Silverstone, flaming liberals?

  4. Ted B

    I don’t for the life of me understand why latinos embrace socialism the way they do. I lived there and still don’t understand why, its like some sort of guilt thing almost.

    WTF has Spacey done lately anyway? Who cares anyway?

  5. Mike in Dallas

    I swear sometimes I feel ike we are fighting a losing battle. The schools are turning out more and more of these leftist idiots everyday.

    Go to Reddit or Digg and put a mildly conservative comment on a story and see what happens. When I read the comments there, I just read the ones that were voted down because they are the ones that usually make the most sense.

    Hollywood, Mainstream Media, college campuses, popular websites, all liberal controlled. What is next? It is depressing

  6. Ted B

    Mike, Texas could always become another country again. :wink: :beer:

  7. Goodbye natalie

    Do you ever suppose there will come a day when all of these really strange Hollywood types will look back and regret holding hands with a tin horn despot after he ruins Venezuela?

    History will record these useful idiots along side Benedict Arnold. However, I personally hold Benedict is higher esteem than these tools. At least he had the balls to actually engage in something with a personal risk.

  8. Ted B

    Not as long as the libs have their death grip on all media forms.

  9. Egfrow

    American Beauty was an anti Materialism anti Capitalism film. The back story was about regression into adolescence and blowing of the shouldering of responsibility. A total glorification of mediocrity. They confused the line of freedom with irresponsibility. When Kevin Spacy’s character stood up to his wife’s domination of the relationship he set about to play the victim and rebel. He quit his job by lying about his boss beating him, he played off corporations as corrupt, and people who want to achieve as cold hearted zombies. He started smoking weed, worked as frylock in a fast food restaurant, and started working out to impress his daughter’s high school girl friends. This was a total regression of American standards. The deceptive part of the film was that he showed courage and balls to stand up to his victim hood as the oppressed. In actuality his character was week in the first place and grew weaker by caving into social acceptance pressures like a high school teen. Movies like this are aimed at separating your mind from your heart, logic from raw emotion, by blurring the line.

    This is the way Hollywood has been twisting liberalism and is why Chavez likes Kevin Spacy and his movies. Kevin is a Socialist, and every one of his movies has been a distortion or variation on those principles. Chavez is offering Kevin and his ilk the opportunity to make movies that no longer have to mask or subtly hide his ideologies. The commies wings can fly there. It was a business deal to make films. Films funded by stolen cash and oppressed people for the common good of all. The mask is coming off. I hope it draws them all out and becomes very successful. The sooner the Hollywood Communists come out of the closet the better off the world will be.

  10. REN

    I love that it’s always the same group of clowns. At least we know who they are and what they stand for!

  11. Canadian Dave

    RIP K-Pak

  12. Professor Bill

    I have found much better ways to spend my time and money these days than sitting through most of the PsOS disguised as a movie these days. Especially from the likes of Penn, Glover and Spacecadet. I can think of a thousand things to do instead.

  13. Wendy

    Hollywood kills me with their hypocrisy. They want socialism yet they make all their money off of capitalism. They all are oxygen thieves!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck em. That is why I don’t go to their movies.

  14. MikeP

    These jackoff idiots don’t speak for anyone but themselves.
    When you realize that in a Rasmussen poll, 23% approved of the ad regarding General Petraeus, while 61% dissaproved of it tells us all that the real people in this country are still out there. Americans don’t like to lose, they will not lose, and the libs won’t be elected to power because Americans know the libs are willing to lose. DVD freaks will get theirs and we can only hope they will leave after this next election. Vote with you dollars–don’t support the DVD freaks who want the USA to lose.

  15. Egfrow

    Here my favorite list of modern movies that go against the Liberal views of typical Hollywood.

    Pursuit of Happiness, The Aviator, Batman Begins, Secret of My Success,Blackhawk Down, We Were Soldiers, Dragon, Shawshank Redemption. There are more but these stick out in my mind as very positive films that portray the human spirit and freedom in an inspirational way.

  16. Egfrow

    Every great person groups who achieves something great holds onto their principles and standards like a vice. They go through extreme adversity and collective mediocrity all trying to stop and demonize them.

    These are the type people that move humanity forward kicking and screaming and then thank them later for it. Of, sometimes only after they have crucified him.

  17. Steve

    I’ve known that Spacey was liberal, but he, to my knowledge, never did much stuff publicly. The last thing I remember is him giving some tickets, maybe premier, for The Life of David Gale to Dick Gephardt for fundraising.

    He was one who shut up and acted, until now.

    Even if we could convince Americans to stop paying to see their moving, they would still make a bundle overseas.

  18. mindy abraham

    What is with hollywood lately-if I wanted to boycott moview with annoying actors, I would have to stick with old movies, and bruce willis action flicks-OT did you hear that Lone Survivor is going to be a movie? Who do you think should be in it?

  19. Wendy


    They might be great movies, but I can’t stand the actors in them and I can no longer enjoy those movies like I once did.

  20. Egfrow


    That’s why actors are actors, they should just do their work and shut the fuck up. They are not famous for the tuths that they bring to public but the illuison or symbol or a story.

    Regardless, I don’t look at actors as the creators, they are just puppet performers. The writers and directors, tell the story with the help of an army of people who have varied political interests. The end product is larger than the sum.

    In many cases in Hollywood now the Sum is less than the whole. I don’t see the actors, I see the characters. Thinking for yourself allows you to make your own judgement so there is no need to fear a movie if you have reason on your side to pick it apart. Like that communist flick “Catch a Fire” or “Shooter”. Both of those movies were purely anti capitalist. I pick my movies very carefully now. I don’t want life wasted on garbage. That choice is becoming easier every year.

  21. Jim

    Steve in NC that was funny as hell :mrgreen:

  22. John Goodrow

    So just when the fuck is that state gonna fall into the ocean anyway?

    Hollywood = America’s asshole

  23. Hollywood » Gay Actor Blows Chavez, Ahmadinejad Next?

    […] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptDetails were not released about the rest of Spacey’s itinerary. Chavez has said Venezuela hopes to produce its own films as an alternative to the “cultural imperialism” of Hollywood. Yet, Chavez speaks highly of some Hollywood films. … […]

  24. TJ

    steve in nc,

    i heard spacey also licked his ass, so i believe his mouth was full of shit! :lol:

  25. Matt

    This is about as important as Genifer Flowers endorsing Mr. Hilary Clinton. Who gives a shit.

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