Hillary Refuses To Condemn Columbia’s Platform For Ahmadinejad

September 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


When asked whether or not Columbia should be providing a platform for American troop killer Ahmadinejad today, Hillary said the following to Fox:

“Well, I’m going to leave that up to Columbia”

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13 Responses

  1. Steve in NC


  2. Rob

    Did we expect anything else from the queen Bitch

  3. WarBicycle

    Does she ever look miserable.

  4. Mess

    When asked whether or not Columbia should be providing a platform for American troop killer Ahmadinejad today, Hillary said the following to Fox:

    “Well, I’m going to leave that up to Columbia”

    She has no balls to do what needs to be done. Ahmadinejad is the equivalent of Adolf Hitler in the 1930’s. Action needs to be taken now. Not after Iran produces a mushroom cloud over Israel.

  5. One Shot

    She is a POS. God help us all if that hag gets elected because we’ll all be biffed in the schtoinker.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    WTF else is new. This fool is a piece of shit an a par equal with Jane Fonda.

  7. JJ26

    No surprise…such BS, but expected.

  8. NV Sailor

    Well now, although I hate this woman, I’m glad to hear her speak like this. First the moveon.org ad, and now columbia. If she keeps it up, there go her chances at getting elected.

  9. Goodbye Natalie

    Why should this be a surprise? She couldn’t bring herself to condemn her serial rapist husband for receiving a blow in the oval office with a gal his daughter’s age.

    Just another vast right-wing conspiracy, hey girl?

  10. FutureC-RAM3vet

    I not so sure Ahmadinejad is the only person who deserves to be shot to pieces w/ an M-240 in our country today

  11. Lamplighter

    She just doesn’t answer questions she doesn’t want to answer. And the MSM cooperates by not asking them. For instance, they mention Guliani’s abortion position every mention of his name, but they never ask Hillary about her abortion stance–she’s pro partial birth abortion, as well as any other kind, too. They want to stick it to Guliani but they want to cover up Hillary’s position because it can only lose her votes. So obvious.

  12. Future0311 (the infidel)

    She looks dead.

  13. Paula Stern

    Evil, given a platform, as it was at Columbia, is wrong. This had nothing to do with freedom of speech and everything to do with giving evil a moment in the sun. Hillary was wrong to refuse to take a stand - it shows a lack of courage and determination. Ahmadinejad had his freedom of speech at the UN and at numerous other occasions - Columbia was, once again, wrongly just trying to get in the spotlight and show its ongoing lack of morality - as it continues to do with the recent tenure decisions on Nadia Abu El Haj (see http://www.nadiaabuelhaj.com) and Joseph Massad. Shame on Columbia for inviting today’s modern day Hitler to speak…and shame on Hillary for refusing to condemn it. Evil did land at Columbia…and Hillary stood by while they rolled out the red carpet!

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