How Much Do The Dems Support The Troops?

September 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Zero. One of the most notable things about Petraeus’ testimony today was how often, and uncompromisingly, he indicted Iran for “killing” our troops. Now given this ongoing threat to our troops’ lives, and given the fact that every Dem knows, even in their own delusional fast-pullout scenarios, that many troops will remain in Iraq, it would seem to be one of the most important matters of the day. They should have clearly recognized that this threat needed to be addressed, that it was homicidally negligent for them not to step up to the plate and demand that some form of action be taken to address Iran’s undeclared war and protect our troops. But they didn’t. Because they weren’t there today to address how best our country can conduct a war, let alone to protect, let alone to support, our troops. They were there for politics. They were there to support themselves, and no one else.

Iran gets a pass. Petreaus gets libeled.

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15 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Is -100% giving them too much credit?

  2. Max

    Poor Petreaus,

    The man looks like he would like to be anywhere but there, surrounded by a bunch of photog-vultures.

  3. Jarhead68

    The pukes who run the demcRat party are craven whores who only care about one thing…power over the rest of us. When are the sheeple of the democRat party going to wake up and smell the tyranny?

  4. Steve in NC

    The treasonous bastards shall never be forgiven.

    They have crossed the line and I wish nothing but pain and suffering to them and their children. I am at a point now where I would love to see them watch their children die before them, slow rotting disease, raped and murdered by an early parolee, or maybe suicide. This would not be justice enough for the fallen troops who have lost their lives defending us in war that has been drawn out by an enemy who has been encouraged to continue the fight by the words and actions of the ‘leaders’ of the democratic party.

  5. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] How Much Do The Dems Support The Troops? […]

  6. Future0311

    Can we start the civil war now?

  7. A.S. Wise- Commonwealth of VA

    We must defeat every defeatist at the polls, on the streets, and in the media. Our military is doing the fighting overseas, and a damned good job at that. There are somethings that can’t be forgiven, which is why I will never forgive what the so-called “anti-war” (in reality anti-military) crowd has done.

  8. Lamplighter

    Really, they are beyond the pale and the average American can see they don’t pass the smell test. They will pay at the voting booth, if history is any guide.

  9. Kurt (the infidel)

    Hey Future, lock and load buddy :evil: its pretty close to time these Aholes get justice whether its by the hands of the government or the people. They dont believe in the right to bear arms so it should be a quick operation for us

  10. Ranger

    Max, you said it brother. That sort of situation is like the 9th circle of hell for us military types.

  11. Bob USMC

    Screw these liberal pieces of shit!

    LET’S ROLL!!

  12. LftBhndAgn

    I will NEVER vote for a democrat as long as I am alive.

  13. trapper

    when is someone going to take out soros, the main man behind all this. cut the head off the snake!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

  14. Chris WI

    It is time for The People take back the Government from the demoRats!

  15. steve m

    I grew up watching scum on TV libeling, slandering, and mistreating our Vietnam vets. My Dad was there…three times- once during TET. I hated them then, even more so now. Now the same dregs of humanity run the show at the DNC. These assholes are self-absorbed, self-promoting, depraved souls who would sooner sell out all of us for their own gain rather than take a stand for what truly is moral, right, and in the case of Iran, justified. “Tolerance is the virtue of a man without conviction”

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