Jackson: “I’ll Still Vote For Whitey”

September 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Earlier today, it was reported that Jesse Jackson accused Obama Bin Senator of “acting like he’s white”.

Just hours later he let it be known that he’s not a racist by declaring that he still intends to vote for him. From Politico:

Jackson: From ‘acting white’ to ‘transcending race’

Here’s the statement from Jesse Jackson, walking back his suggestion that Obama is “acting like he’s white.”

I reaffirm my commitment to vote for Sen. Barack Obama. He has remarkably transcended race, however the impact of Katrina and Jena makes America’s unresolved moral dilemma of race unavoidable. I think Jena is another defining moment of the issue of race and the criminal justice system. This issue requires direct and bold leadership. I commend Sen. Obama for speaking out and demanding fairness on this defining issue. Any attempt to dilute my support for Sen. Obama will not succeed.

Dollard: And as it turns out, it was actually Jackson’s own son who was the White Devil.

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19 Responses

  1. Jim

    Isn’t he past due for the after life

  2. libNOTSr

    Jesse hasn’t been in the news lately, so obviously he misses the friendly lime-light. And how does one get some MSM time? Say something controversial and really stupid.

    Jesse is a has been - no longer an important voice on the Civil Rights Stage - you know he’s a has been for sure when the Rev. Al Sharpton gets more face time on TV than Jesse.

  3. dad 3/7

    i was going to type somthing but don’t want to sound like a racist,,,,

  4. sully

    Oh that’s easy…. just say fuck you AND any “whitey” that thinks like you….


  5. PooleeScore

    But lets not forget that the stupid cock sucker would gladly fuck whitey too. Him and Sharpton make the world a worse place

  6. PooleeScore

    Oh and…. Sloth from The Goonies anybody?

  7. Dan(The Infidel)

    Jesse lives off of hype. This is the same shyster that still claims he was with Dr King on the night of his assasination. Like hell he was.

    And this is the same used car salesman that use to claim that a company was racist and then swindle that company out of funds and if they didn’t pay, he’d go public with his sophistry.

    Run Jesse run…right the fuck out of town…racist prig…

  8. chay

    Guys like Rev. Jesse and Rev. Al are the most racist people I have ever seen. They use race to advance their careers and line their pockets. Everybody knows the “Reverend” tag is just for tax purposes. When was the last lime these “holy men” were in church giving a sermon? Jesse, if MLK were alive today, he would kick your ass. Non-violence only goes so far when there are cons like you around, hurting your own people just so you can enjoy the spoils. You are slime.

    -Glad to be a cracker

  9. Future0311 (the infidel)

    He makes us black people look bad. Him and Sharpton. -_-

  10. Future0311 (the infidel)

    They don’t seem to get the point that we are all Americans and the past is the past. I hate that. They constantly harp on it. It gets annoying. They’re no better than the KKK. A racist is still a racist, no matter what color. They’re becoming (or already were) what they were once fighting against.

  11. sully

    “Guys like Rev. Jesse and Rev. Al are the most racist people I have ever seen. They use race to advance their careers and line their pockets.”

    Yeah, they’re racists alright and that’s not so good but I really don’t mind the “line their pockets” stuff.
    I mean I think I’ve beat The Holy Algore to the punch by selling carbon credits on EBAY.

  12. Dan(The Infidel)

    Yeah, I would have liked to hear MLK’s views vis vis Al and Jesse. Just in case those two fucktards are listening here’s an excerpt from MLK’s 1963 speech. Tell me does this sound like JJ or Al?

    “…I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character….”

    Get with the fucking program Al and Jesse and lose the racist jive.

  13. deathstar

    Well there goes the Jackson-Billy Clinton love fest. No more Clinton cigars for you Jacko.

  14. Mark Tanberg

    F0311 Yeah but compared to him pug dogs look good.

  15. Mark Tanberg

    PS you mean this?

    I was thinking this.

    Take a look folks and you decide which jessie wins.

  16. Future0311 (the infidel)

    Hahaha! The first one definitely.

  17. chris dean

    wow….he is really really really really really ugly…damn!

  18. kurt(the infidel)

    I swear its assholes like him who continue to make race an issue. Im not saying that racism doesnt exist, unfortunately i think it always will. But people like Jackson go around saying things about racism referring to white people when he himself is obviously a hell of alot more racist than I am..does that make sense to anyone? He is nothing but an instigator and a false character when it comes to civil rights of any race.
    And Future, good job buddy..we’re just Americans, not blacks and whites..thats just a skin color as far as im concerned.. and I can definitely see that you feel the same way

  19. Randy in Fl

    I’m a realist not racist.

    Jesse and Al, why are your people always the majority of commiting crimes and filling up the Prison systems?

    Why is it when I walk in a grocery store and have to carry a weapon to protect myself against these black thugs that want to rob me?

    Why don’t black Fathers(a large number) take responsibility for raising their children instead of putting the burden on the women and her family and the government?

    Why Jessie Why?

    Jessie it is your mothra to keep the pot stirred up. You are a slime bag and are worse than a blood sucking leech. At least a leech has a medical purpose, but you have no purpose in life and are worse than any Terrorist against AMerican people trying to make their own dreams come true.

    Move to Iran or Syria where you will be treated a lot better in their prisons.

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