Shock Video: James Brolin Laughs At September 11

September 14th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Notice how once he’s done mocking the day, he tries to use the dead and their families as pawns for his personal political agenda. This is a look into how these people’s minds really work. They pretend to support the troops, while in fact they’ve spent the last four years praying for more and more of them to die in order to provide the news headlines they want. They’ll pretend to be patriots and not to hate America, but they do, because they see it as an evil imperialist empire founded in imperial murder, and they’ll pretend not to believe that an evil conspiracy of capitalists and Jews murdered 3000 little Eichmans on 9-11, but they all believe that. Whenever you see almost star on any screen, remember that they are one of the people I’ve just described.

Some background on this idiot married to that evil old hag, what’s her face. Notice the look on Barbara Walters’ face at the end:

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24 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    You said you started thinking for yourself and that’s what comes out of yourself?

  2. jam

    This could be the dumbest motherfucker I have ever seen. And he gets applause on TV? I might be starting to get why people hate America.

  3. Lamplighter

    He sounds like he’s drunk or on Zoloft or something. And look who he’s married to–need we say more?

  4. CPLViper

    A good paparazzi car chase through a tunnel should be conducted on that couple. :twisted:

  5. Howie

    JC, Jam, and LL;
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves!! Didn’t your mothers teach you it was not nice to pick on the retarded?!
    Well thinking the way he is he must be, you should be ashamed!!

  6. One-Shot

    Is it inbreeding that creates this kind of stupidity or did his mother deliver him while standing upright over a concrete block?

  7. sully

    You ain’t speaking for yourself you dipshit. Everybody knows that Babs does that for you.
    Except that doofus laugh… that’s yours.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    James Brolin used to be a man. WTF happened to him? Oh I forgot he married that other useless idiot Ms Droopy-tits Babwa Striesand.

  9. Joanie

    The surprise in his voice when he was reminded what day it was is stupefying. Did he really wake up, look at the date and shrug? Feigned surprise? He’s either a brainless dipshit or a complete prick. Looks like both shoes fit to me.

  10. drillanwr

    You’ve heard of “The Other White Meat” …

    Meet “The Other Bill and Hill”.

    My parents were democrats … and their parents and siblings were democrats … I started out a democrat …

    And then I became smart and wise.

  11. 0311inohio

    I would just love to be locked in a 8X8 room with this fuck face. No guns, knives, just fists. :evil:

  12. chris dean

    I’d like to meet up with him in a dark alley sometime…maybe even in NYC….or even better, follow him around NYC with a loudspeaker playing his clip of saying “Happy 9/11″ and see how long it takes for someone to take him out…I’ll bet i won’t need to play it twice….

  13. Ranger

    Too easy Drill Sgt.

  14. Tom

    Can we start questioning their patriotism…YET?

    Imagine being so wealthy, so secure, so self satisfied and so full of one’s self that you can AFFORD to despise the country that gave all that to you.

    THAT is truly having it all. Or too much.

    I cannot put into words my hopes for his future.

  15. Armand

    What a completly useless rat fuck - drag him out and throw a rope over something tall

  16. OKA

    Charles Brolin will get his just rewards, friggin’ creepy non-star married to another non-star.
    One day, one rope and one saggy necked Charlie!

  17. Jarhead68

    Too bad Hasselbeck wasn’t quick enough to retort: “Well, the thinking for yourself bit hasn’t worked out too well, has it, Jimbo? If your folks are still alive you should give them a call.”

  18. Laura (no longer liberal)

    Droopy dick Brolin is a 911 denier and he claims to think for himself? Yeah, he and Martin Sheen, the real IQ of Hollywood. What have y’all got in your drinking water down there that this insanity is busting out all over??

  19. mindy abraham

    HAPPY 9/11?!?!?! AND he’s a TRUTHER?!?! :mad: :mad: Can we just give him to the FDNY and NYPD and have him say those things-let’s see what happens :twisted:

  20. Mark Tanberg

    “Maybe you should just stay with talking about your movie”
    He even pissed off the liberal interviewing host, see when you get that rich you can pay people to think for you and have them just write it in a script, but you have to remember to bring the script along to read from, or people will think your a cold hearted bastard so far removed from the real world that your life is meaningless,,,,, bingo.

  21. Trevor

    WTF? Thank you, God, for putting this dipshit on national TV so we can all see what an idiot he is.

  22. Jenfidel

    I cannot believe this fucking idiot!!
    “Happy 9/11!”–like it’s Christmas. (only if you support Al Queda)

    I threw out my Barbra Streisand CD’s and movies a few years’ back when she started with her Bush-hating crap, but it looks like I’ll be adding Marcus Welby reruns into the stack to burn after this.
    James Brolin–what an actor!
    Guess I shouldn’t forget to trash my copy of Capricorn One with he and O.J., who’s still looking for the “real” killer!

  23. Pam

    Honest to God - that guy is the stupidest mother fucker around - Then again, he and Babs live in their bubble and crawl out from under the rock once a year!

  24. Korndawg

    WOW… I guess hooking up with Babs has really caused severe retardation.

    Hey all you Hollywood Fucks…If we lose this war(which is what you want) You worthless heads will be the very first on the choping block…Do you hear that you ignorant fucks, or are you too busy slandering our troops and ripping britney.

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